Whitby Free Press, 26 Aug 1981, p. 14

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PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST -16, 1981,WHITBY FREEPRESS tEFNISHING St., Whltby SGIVE YOUR FURNITURE A FACELIFT 666-2992 $CASH * CASH * CASH$ s $ sTURN YOUR UNWANTED MERCHAN DISE$ INTO CASH. We handie estates, bankruptcies and liquidations. $ $ Antqe our specialtyl 21 years eprec $dealing in fine antiques, furniture, glass and5 $ch ina. Free appraisals. Let us seli your merchan*5 $ dise to the highest bidder. $ 1614 Charles St., Whltby $ 666-3731 Days 579-6250 Evgs.5 SAUCTIONEER: BILLWANNAMAKER $ REACH MORE POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS ADVERTISE TOUR SERVICE UNDER "CALI. A PROFESSIONAL". Need Facts?... *The Whitby Free Press is the most widely read publication in the Town of Whitby. *The Whitby Free Press is also circulated in Ajax, Pickering, Brooklin, Myrtie, Ashburn and Port Perry. * our advertisement will be read by over 68,000 potent licustomers. *Our advertising rates are highly competitive in both price and audience. For more Information on placlng your ad under "Cali a Professional" cail the Classified Adver-' tising Manager now at: 668-6111 It5Y ... SELL IT.TEAD IT..CALL 668 -6111 ATTENTION OISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Pisase check your ad lfo errai-s on the lîrsi day oi publication. The Whitby Frse Press wiliinatb iblbe for tellure 10 publish an ad. or for typogrephlc or other errors ln publication beyond the cost of the space occupled by the sirai- up to e maximum cost of the fii insertion. The Whllby Fi-eu Press reserves the rlght la ciassify or rejict &il adverllsemrenis. Box numbers ae evaiable ai an addîional cherge oi 52.00. PRE-PAID ADVERTISEMENT DISCOUNT: '<ou may charg your Ciassilied Adverlsemsnl la your Chargex or Vise Account and recel"e e discount on the price af the ad. Please have your Vise card nedy when caliîng. DEADLINES: Diadiine for Emporium Ads is Frday noon pri o laPublication. Oeadline for Ciassifîed Ads is Monday noon priai- la publication, CAL 6 le8 -6111 SCREEN & GLASS REPAIRS Whitby Aluminum Home Improvement Centre REPLACEMENT WINDOWS - DOORS - SIDING DISTRIBUTOR FOR 2 PLUS 2 PATIO DOORS 900 HOPKINS ST. UNIT 3 (AT BURNS ST.) WHiTBY, ONT. 668-2252 686-1853 IM PROVEMENTS M ETRO LIC. B-2554 Kitchens, Ceramic Tiling, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES Caîl 668-4686 SCHOO2LS LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS or Straight Trucks Cal The. Canadien Instituts of Traclor Triller Training Ltd. 416-247-7496 126M Woolon Road Toronto, Ontario MSM 4R1 EtUsh.d 1971 ERCES UANKRIJPTCIES are kllllng smal businesses. if your printer has gone out of business we have a bonus for you. Cali Lou Dickson ai 683-1968 for delails. jWHITBY FABRICS jCustom Sh.rs & Diapes I WF. ALS<) DO ALTERATI(>NS I215 Dundes St. E., Whitby OPP poo ic e LOST - Siazenger tennis racquet, mi-Juiy. Brookiln Arena. Reward. Pleas al ii 65&-304. FOUND - Maie ginger cal wilh j white coller in Pringle Creel' afea. Cal66&-25M0 McCARTHY GENERAL CONTRACTING " SIGN PAINTING " CERAMICTILE " DRY WALL * STUCCO " INTERIOR & EX- TERIOR PAINTING " ETC. FREE ESTIMATES 683-7179 HIGHEST PRICES Paid for Gold and e"ilver coins, old guns, dlocks, jewelery, dishes, fur- niture, crocks, oll pain- tings and sealers. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W.9, OSHAWA TRACTOR TRAILER TRAINING For Class A & D License Cal PARTICIPATION 416-363-8031 OWO ftNouts Coi Ton Fr@ 1.800-268-9689 Day, Eve. & Sal. courses CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS >7 aORICELES TREES - SHRUBS - VEQETABLES For sale. Everylhing very reason- ably prlced. Potetoes, tomaloes, carrais, beets, dlii cucumbers, dli, corn, zucchlni and some other vegs. Also trees $2M5 up. Spruce, maple, ceder, oek, esh, pine. Peanles,' Iris, Ilec, rhuberb, for- sythia, respberry plants. All limlted supply. For more Informa- tion cali 655-4525. SECTIONAL.-COUCH, Ilke new, $300. Hendmede pine tresile table $275. Furnîture muet go. Phone 66-3293. SWIMMING POOL CLOSE-OUT AIl 1981 stock wiIl be sold at a fraction of the regular selling price. Most sizes in stock. Easy terms avaliable. Free delivery. Caîl toîl f ree: 1-800-268-5970 Toronto: 1-416-746-3340 ARTICLES FIOR SALE ALL-STEEL BUILDINGS We have thre'è alI-steel buildings for sale. Each a different size. Neyer been erected. Will sell for balance owed. CALL: 416-665-0222 Ask for Steve. 1975 HONDA 360 OIT, needs bat- lery and harn, low mileege. $600 as ls, $700 wlth battery & harn. Five 166 SR15 MICHELIN ZX RADIAIS, 15, $200 for f ive or $50 each. Phone 668-3660. Ask for Ron or Lynn. SELL ARTICLES you no longer want quickly - place your ad ln the Whltby Free Press Classifled Sec- tion. CaII668-6111. IWI~ALL NMUSIC MODEL CHANGEOVER SALE SA VE ON NEW PIANOS - Froni $1995. NEW ORGANS - Froni $995. - FEATURING - "The New SIEL ORGANS" (Manufactured in Oshawa) *Pre-owned Pianos, Organs & Grand Pianos Private lessons, Organ ref resher courses, music Durban's Finest Selection of «Pianos & Organs at I4ALL NMUSIC MIDTOWN MAL 2W0 JOHN STREET WEST OSHAWA, ONTARIO L 1J 2B4 TEL (416)576-2414 DENTAL RECEPTIONIST Experienced, mature person for dental office ln Whltby. Must also be able to do chair-side asslsting. Phone: 666-1121 for interview. OSHAWA & DISTRICT CEREBRAL PALSY SCHOOLBOARD 0F EDUCATION Requires a part-time principai's relief teacher for two half-days per week. Bliss Symbolics, special education and primary experience preferred. Please forward resumne by mail prior to Tuesday, September 1, 1981, to: Slmcoe Hall Crlppled Chlldren's Sohool P.O. Box 797 Oshawa L H 7NI PIANO LESSONS PIANO LESSONS Teach in my own Royal Conservatory home in Whitby. Requirements. Phone Caîl 839-7733 655-4140 Publicize your service under this section in the Whitby Free Press. Both word and display ads accepted. Special rates available for long-term ads. CALI NOW TO RESERVE YOUR SPACE: 668-6111 GARAGE SALE -' Augusi 29 and Sunday4 lrom 10Oa.m. 104 p.m1 wood Drive. Whiby bai-gains' Sel urday, Augusi 30 139 Hezel- Lois of INSIDE SALES, porson wlth knaw- iedgs of prlntlng and for-ms, large area firn, salary. P.O. Box 561, Whllby, Ontarlo. WSECE CHILD CARE - Hyiand St. College Downs area. WiIi babysIt chiidren before & aller ichool In- ciudlng parental accompaniment 10 and from Florence M. Heard Schooi. If Inleresled plias cauit 666-3959. BABYSITTING ln my home Mon- day 10 Frlciay. For Information phone 66".249. BABYSITTINO done ln my home. $30 pur week. Brocit and Mannîng ares. Cail 668-5870. BABYSITTING ln my home. Four deys per weeir. Have 2 chiidren - ages 3 years and 18 monîhs. Cali 655-8081 PETS& ~SiPSPPLIES DOG FOR SALE - Hall Doberman and hall Beagle. 5 moniha aId, had needie. Good dog. Aeklng $100. Cali 682806 anylime. TWO DOOS - Fi-e 10 good home. One good with chiidrsn, other leaa good welch dag. Bath have legs. CaII655-4216. OSHAWA OBEDIENCE CLASýS. Sterling September 15. For further information cali 655-4066 or 571- 3405. Long distance 1-623-3712. ni M0DMAM0N YOUNG BACHELOR seeks rovrn. mate for 2 bedroom aperiment. $16300 per month. Cail66-2485. FORSIERENTLE/RENT WHITBY SACI(SPLIT - Desirable West Lynde ai-ea, on court. Assume 101/4 % morlgage. Appro- xlmelely 50 x 120* lot. Asking $93,900. Cal i 666-3839. No agents. WHITBY - Modern 1,275 sq. fi. store - air conditlonsd, carpelid, good parking. $750 monlhly. Cai W. Schatzmann. Bowmen & Glb- son Lid. Reeltors - 668-3338. GET TOUR MESSAGE ACROSS eEconomically *conveniently *Accurateîy CALL Classif ieds 668-6l11i CALL A PROFESSIONAL I ____________ __ Lff E1 EARN EXTRA MONEY. Show our exciiing lins of Christmacarda and gila 10 frMende, nsighbours. No experlence nd(eded. Oui- beauliful catalogue makes Il easy and profitable. Wrie oday for f ree Chrstmas catalogue and In- formation. Monerch Greetlng Carda, 217 Cannon, Hamiiton L8N 3K3 or phone (416) 527-3891. EMfOMENT EXPERIENCED CLEANING women want full or hall-day work n Whiby or surroundlng area. Cali 668-7586. UTOMOBIES 1972 VOLKSWAGON BEETLE, rebuili moior, gas heater, snow lires. Excellent condition. Will $elfy 1,250. Phone668-1685. 1973 BUICK CENTURON, good body, good molor, air condiioned, reer def rosi, new brakes, new rad. Asking $450. Cail 683-3716. 1978 CADILLAC SEDAN DE VILLE, execuilve drîven, 57,000 miles, ioeded. $7,600. Prlvaie. Celi 668- 2923. 1975 750 FOUR HONDA. Asking $1.500 certif led or wilii rede for Chev pick-up. Cali 666-2794. SUPPLYN IHighest 1pricespadl S f or scrap trucks, Imotors, transmissions [and ns.J 831-1531 YARD SALE - Seiurdey, Auguat 29 f rom 9 10 3. Brase bed, a fîw an- tique chine & loole, amali fumlure and knick knacks. 935 Contre Sirest South, Whilby. RICHI FURNITURE I 800 EucIld 14 FREE ESTIMATES RICK FORESTALL, i W*-ýW.- ýU-0tloAq«_ =.. - =-. =-- t =-ý- = 1 1

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