-777- q BACK TO SCHOOL SECTION WI-ITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,198 1, PAGE 11 DAETOSCOO Ten Tips for Safe Drîvîng, As Kids Go Back to School As summer draws to a close and children start back to the ciassroom, it's il good time to remind ourselves of the need for safe driving. Safe driving is important al year 'round, but is espe- cially critical now when the children are on their way to and from school. Shorter daylight hours and an increased number of children on roadways in the early morning and late afternoon should prompt every motorist to be espe- cially cautious behind the wheel. The following safe-driv- ing tips are meant to pro- tect the driver as weii as children who are passen- gers, pedestrians or bicyci- ists. 1. Stop for the school bus when it lets off its passen- gers. Children may be cross- ing the street in front of it. Remember, too, that schooi buses stop at ail railroad crossings, so be aiert when nearing such intersections. 2. Walch for the schooi patrol and obey the direc- tions they give. It's not just courtesy, it's the law. Be es- peciaiiy careful at intersec- tions where the school pa- trol is stationed, even if you have the right of way. You neyer know when an active youngster wiil dart into the road, hoping to get the jump on the patroiperson's flag. 3. Have the kids sit in the' back seat of your car. In case of an accident, thfr-è is less chance they wiil be thrown through the front windshield. And, remnember to have them buckie up for safety whenever they ride in the car. 4. Keep your car in good running order. Make sure your brakes are in good shape, and periodicalily check your turn signais. Whenever you stop at a filI- ing station, dlean your wind- shields, headiights and tail- lights to assure that you can see and be seen. 5. Keep your lîcense plates dlean, front and rear. This is especially important at night, says the 3M Com- pany, a manufacturer of re- flective sheeting for safety plates. FuIly reflectorized plates reflect back 100 imes more light than white paint and can alert approaching motorists toyour presence, even when your lights are off. 6. Observe the speed lirnit. That is good advice, any time of the year, wher- ever you're driving. But it should be kept in mmnd es- pecially near schools and piaygrounds, and particu- larly at dusk and dawn. 7. Make a full stop ai ail stop signs. Drive defensive- y~ and presumne that some- one else may be approach- ing that intersection with- out planning to stop. You might hear an automobile approaching, but flot a bi- cycle. 8. Parents, ask jôr reflec- lorized clothing when shop- ping fogr back-t o-schooi c/o thes. especially jackets worn at night. This mate- rial will reflect light back to its source, such as a head- iight, giving the motorist ad- vance warning of a child's presence. 9. In states that allow turns on a red light, turn the corners ver>' carefully. It should be remembered that young- chiidren don't al- ways exercise good judge- ment when crossing a street. As a co ncerned motorist, you have to be their eyes and ears. 10. Pay close attention to îraffic signs that indicate school areas, railroad cross- ings, stop signs, yield signs and speed limits. Day or night, these signs protect the motorist as much as the pedestrian. Even under ideal road- way conditions, active chil- dren often forget to look for approaching cars. Conse- quently, the motorist should take appropriate precau- tions. There is probably no greater tragedy than the death of a chiid caused by accident or negleet. t Back~TcySchooà ïk~>Ž4u~ r~ CLASSIC BLAZER by Koret of Calitornia in butterfly-soft suede cloth creates a casual sophistication with classic print shirt. Both 100% polyester, in dramnatic fali colonings that'Il look great on campus. t Don't I)rop Out- Go Back to School! School's In... Drive Carefully!, LeýilS A TYPEWRITER'S SUMMER SALE CLEARANCE - DANFORTH TYPEW-RIT ER Rentals, Sales & Service - 408 Dundas Street %'Vest 2940 Dantorth Ave VVhitby Tý-ý-ý, n ý o 666-1131 est 1930' 698-2589