Twenty new models for OIds OSHAWA - Contem- porary, aerodynamic appearance hlghligbts the styllng of Olda- mobile's 20 new 1982 modela. Six entirely new front- wheel-drlve Cutias Clera modela wWllJoin the divialon's lineup this fall. OMEGA A new sloping front end gives the 1902 Olda- mobile Oniega a new look and improved aero- dynamic styllng. A new optional engine, the 2.8 litre V6 hlgh output, la avallable in the Omega ES. This engine features a free- flow exhaust system, improved cylinder head port design and a higb output camshaft. The 2.5 litre L-4 engine is the standard engine in Omega modela. Optional power- traina are 2.8 litre V6 and 2.8 litre V6 high ouf- put. Each engine la avallable wlth either a four-speed manual or Or autornatlc tran- smisiof. Four models, the Omega and Omnega Brougham coupes and sedans, are available for 19M2. CUTLASS The 19M rear-wheel- drive Cutlass series in- cludes Cutlass Supreme coupe and sedan, Cut- lam Supreme Brougham coupe and sedan, Cutiass Calais coupe and Cutiasa Cruiser wagon. The standard engine in rear-drive Cutiasses, includlng ,Cutlass Cruiser wagon, is the 3.8 litre V6. Optional engines include the 4.4 litre VS and 5.7 litre VS diesel. Coupes and sedans may be ordered with the dlvision's new 4.3 litre V6 diesel and the wagon is offered with an optional 5.0 litre V8. FULL-SIZE CARS There are five 88 modela for 1982 - the BRITISH CA R REPA IRS Austin e MG e Triumph Jaguar BOND SERVICE CENTRE 78 Bond St. W. y(amsfrom Ds Statin) 728-0901 Delta 88 sedan, Delta 88 Royale coupe and sedan, and Delta 88 Royale coupe and sedan. In the Ninety-Eight serles there are three modela, a 98 Regency coupe and sedan and the new e6 Regency Brougham sedan. The 3.8 litre V6 la the standard engine in 198 Elghty-iLights. Optional power teams are the 4.4 litre VS, 5.0 litre VS and 5.7 litre VS diese. Custom C-ruiser wagons have the 5.0 litre VS as standard power and 5.7 litre VS diese as an op- tion. Oldsmobile's 1982 Ninety-Eight models have the 5.0 litre VS engine as standard equiprnent. Optional engines Include 4.1 litre V6 and 5.7 litre VS diese. TORONADO The 1982 Toronado la offered ln one model - the Brougham coupe. A new option, offered only on Toronado ln the 1982 Oldsmobile lfineup, is the memory seat. The slx-way power seat features two memory positions. After a com- fortable seat position is selcted, the position is stored by pressing a button on the arm rest. When the seat la moved, it can return to its stored position by the push of another button. The two mernory posi- tions provide two drivers wlth comfort- able seating - with the press of a button, or if only one person drives the car, the second 1982 -OLDSMOBIILE OMEGA, memory position can be set for f ull rearward for ease of exit or entrance tn the car. Toroikado modela have the 5.0 litre VS engine as standard equipment wlth optional 5.7 litre VS diesel. TH 1982 PREVIEW 0F GM-CARS AND TRUCKS ISHERE ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. INVITES YOU AND YOUR FAMILY TO* VIEW THE 1982 MODELS 0F. CHEVROLET - MALIBU MONTE CARLO CHEV IMPAPLA - CAPRICE CHEVROLET TRUCKS OLDSMOBILE - CUTLASS DELTA ROYALE TORONODO CADULLAC OLDSMOBILE 98 OUR 1981 STOCK HAS TO GO IMMEDIATELY! WATCH THIS NEWSPAPER NEXT WEEÉK FOR OUR SACRIFICE PRICES! Ontarlo Motors Sales Ltd. .140 Bond St. W., m Oshawa 7250e6501 AUTO SHOW IOR> g' p ~ SPECIAL AU T-O PULL-OUT SECTION PAGE 16, WEDNII-SDAY. SEPTEMBER 23.198 1. WHITBY FREE PRESS