&P.AGE 2, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER,30,.08 Wl liTBY FREE PRE$SS WilI have 10,000 population.... Markborough reveals plans for new community A developer bas lo,ooo peopleein a 4»0-Street, Taunton Rad ties Uimlted of Toronto meeting of Whitby Town. The projeet w iIn- tine this year. proposed to build a acre area bounded by and Rossland Road. revealed their plans for Council's administra- clude a 62-acre commner- «"The area fo: communlty of about Brock Street, Garden Markborough Proper- the area at iast week's tive commnittee. cial centre, called nx oia t riiirhnm Uniuhit <on. semenA1ce of Now you can cut the cost of phone oeils to Toronto with Bell Canada's Optional Calting Plan. Here's how it works. If you pay $5.60 per month, you can get up to $9.35 worth of Whitby to Toronto catis for your $5.60. Business customers pay $13.75, and get up to $22.95 worth of cailing. If you cati Toronto frequently, this plan can save you money. Savings appiy to catis toToronto you dial yourself ~on without operator assistance.The minimum charge for this service is $5.60 per month for resi- dence customers and $13.75 for business customers even if the totat charges for these catis are less than that. These charges wilt be inciuded with your regutar monthly rate, which is bilted in advance. Bell Canada Office, 433-3391, details. I. \ilale ~onlv te celi. :vî li rph 'ni nmnbersbct.mîningt h 00li() ort )0S >rms the ep in the develop- tre, with provisions for a major shopping centre as weil as office build- ings, apartment buildings and com- munity and recreational facilities, accordlng to company spokesman Ron Wojcickl. "A wlde range of housing is proposed, fromý low density single units to apartments," Wojcicki said. Plans also include an elementary school site and 44 acres of park- land. "The best areas of existing trees wUl be preserved ln the park- land," be said. The spokesman added that Whitby Auto Wreckers and the Woodycrest Motel, both on Brock Street North, would be allowed to con- tinue their operations. "L.andscaping will be provided between those businesses and future housing to the east," Wojcicki told the committee. Proposais were also put forward for two local convenience cen- tres - one whlch will be located on the edge of Durham Heights Centre and the other next to the Woodycrest Motel. It is Wojcicki's opinion that the develop- ment can easily be ser- viced wlthin the next two or tbree years by extending the trunk water and sanitary sewer pipes that now go only as far as Rossland Road. The services are ex- pected to be expanded as far north as Brooklin when final approval is given to FIrst City's ex- pansion p lans for the hamiet by Durham Regional Council some- 0ffl maj or candie award The International Guild of Candie Artisans bas awarded a Brooklin woman blue and red ribbons for outstanding decorative candies. The award was made' to Marie Ferguson of R.R. 1 Brooklin, the operator of Anne Maries Candies at the guild's recent convention held in Salem, Mass. The gulld, which holda conventions and work- shops throughout Canada and the United States, is an Inter- national group of can- diemakers and artisans. Its next convention wil be held in King of Prussia, Pa., in July, 1982. Oshawa 79-311 Thoea"sy way ta find a buyer for items you want ta sal is a.., CANAIAN INE CLASSIFIED AD FURN TUREAND CALLSO841I - -WHITBY FREE PRESS REAî S &SRVC Renti*,Sals & Sic 66-131 es.1'3.69-28 Residents( W4itbySawE phone aiis Tomnt. Bell ment," Wojcickl told the commlttee. "Approval of these plans could pro- vide a stimulus to at- tract high quallty office and commercial uses in the Durham Heights Centre. Markborougi' cur- rently owns 220 of the 400 acres in the develop- ment ares and Wojclcki sald that the company has been planning the proposed community for more than a year. Markborough plans to leave a strip along Rossland Road East un- touched because this ares bas been designated by the town as a sub-central com- mercial area. Wojcicki said that work could begin in the "Inear future" subjeet f0 the approval of both Whitby Town Council and Durbam Reglonal Council. Markborough's pro- posai bas been referred to the town's planning staff for study. Local woman