WHITBY F$I.EE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTÃ"à ÉR7, 1981, C AGE 'I1 High school news week...., October fuli of action at Henry High By SHARON CAMERON Henry Street H.S. The first mont.h of school is finally over, and only nine more to go! On September 22, the teachers of Henry Street High School held a "Get Acquainted Night."1 As far a the parents of the grade nines were con- cerned, it turned out great!1 As for the paren- ts of the students in grades 10 through 13, it was disasterous. Hopefully more parents will show up for Parents Night on Oc- tober 21 to discuss their son's/daughter's pro- gress. It is scheduled earlier in the semester so that the problems that do exist have enough turne to be changed. Speaking of student's progress, the School spirit high.... Thanks for DOC-a-thon support By MIKE MURPHY Denis O'Connor H.S. Denis O'Connor rnay be small, but there is cer- tairily no evidence of this when it cornes to school spirit. It is at an all-tirne high. Our first school dance on September 25 was a blockbuster event. Rayrnond Young, our dise jockey (and also a DO'C student), commented, "This is the most spirit I've ever seen at a DO'C dlce". It looks like the natives are out to have a fun-filled year! Intramural rivalry among the four bouses is esca- lating. These lunch-turne activiies are boasting great players as well as tremendous turnouts. The goal is points but it's the play that catches on. Our cross-country teain bas had its first meet and is being spurred on to future events. Both the junior and senior girls' basketball teains played a tough gaine against Uxbridge on Tuesday, September 29. The DO'C players were successful in both gaines winning 41-23 in the senior division and 22-21 in the junior division. Thanks to ail for a fine, display of good sportswoinanship! % Our comnputers are relieving rnany headaches these days, and perhaps creating new ones. Tiine- tabling, attendance and report cards are now done on the home front. Truly a technological advance- ment for our growing school. And, as a final but very important note, thank you, the Durham conxiunity, for your tremendous support in ourrecent DO'C-A-Thon. It was a big success and once more we rest, assured of your con- tinung generosity. progress reports will be coming out on October 16. A handwritten report froin each teacher will be brought home by the H.-S.H.S. students. Lotsa luck! On October 5, Peter Brennan, a reading con- sultant for the North York Board of Education, conducted a workshop for the staff on language develop- ment. But the teachers are not the only ones to gain froin this. To give turne for the workshop, school will be disrnissed at 2:30 instead of 3:20 p.. The rnonth of October is full of action. For the girls, the basketball teains are going to be busy. Last Friday and Saturday the H.S.H.S. basketball tournarnent was held. Yesterday the girls travelled to Ajax, and next Tuesday, Denis O'Connor High School cornes to Henry. The following Saturday the teains go to York and on Tuesday, 0Oc- tober 20 they go. to An- derson. Finally, Oc- tober 27 the Hawks travel to O'Neill ini Oshawa and two days later, Dunbarton High Sehool (Pickering) cornes to Whitby. The girls' field hockey teain is also going to have to work hard this rnonth. October 21 the girls go to Port Perry for the LOSSA (Lake Ontario Secondary School Association) championships. Should they be successful they can move to the COSSA championships. Let's see how they do! The boys will also be busy - primarily the football teans'. On Oc- tober 1, both the junior and senior Hawks played at Uxbridge. On Friday, the juniors got a taste of what they will be Up against next week, playing the Anderson Junior Raiders. Today, both of the teains face Dunbarton at the Civic Fields in Oshwa. On October 15 the big gaine against Anderson wll be played to deter- mine who gets the Mayor's Cup. On the following Thursday the juniors and seniors travel to Pickering to meet the Trojans. And finally on October 29, Bowman- vile cornes to Whitby to meet our senior Hawks on our field. Looking over last year's standings our senior Hawks have a lot to live Up to. The Hawks had a 6 and 0 record for the year defeating, first, Bowmanville 23 to 18. Then, for the fifth time in fine years, the Hawks -won the Mayor's Cup by a score of 18 to 14. Next, Pickering fell to the Hawks by 24 to 7. Then came the closest gaine of the season. Pulling up froin behind, the-.Hawks won 27 to 26 against Dunbarton. Uxbridge and finally Bowman- ville were- defeated by Henry 27 to 0 and 29 to 8 respectively. Finally, up against McLaughlin, Henry Street won 35 to 6 in the LOSSA finals. ERCANTILE DEPT. STORE 321 BROOK ST. S. 668-3468 BRAND NAME FAMILY CLOTHING AT REASONABLE PRICES. DISTINCTIVE MENS WEAR. SIZES UP TO XXXL. SYD SILVER FORMAL RENTALS. FASH IONABLE LADIES WEAR. SIZES 5.-20. BOYS FROM SIZE 8 UP. FREE SHIRT & TIE WITH CASH PURCHASE 0F MANS SUIT AT REG. PRICE. Oven fresh MELBOY ail the way! For an oîd fashioned Pretzeî 10ROKST. N. WH ITBY, ONT. 666-3377 L~~Copon 30* each Pretzel Your klnd Comments on thîs weekîy feature are appreclated. I mean what I say ln this space. and 1 can prove it. DON 'B OWER RCA is making eevso better ad eter. btpu Super value on cleluxe XL-100 tabl, model R~w w -Automatic color control, fleshtone n i:, à eýcorrection and cOntrast/color tracking plus the convenience of ChannelLock keyboard control. EXCLUSIVE 25 YEAR *WARRANTY ON PICTURE TUBE 3 YEAR PARTS & LABOUR WITH OUR OWN IN HOME SERVICE DON'T SEUTLE FOR LESS! U\~L NOBODYBEATS The Mooovie Store ma.e pazLIPdu TV 650 KING STREET EAST KING-BOND PLAZA Ã"SHAWA 433-2111 BOB PHILLIPS FOR PRICE-SER VICE -WARRANTIES s> THE CORPORATION OFTHE TOWN 0F WHITBY TOWN OF WH ITBY FALL CLEAN-UP CAMPAIGN OCTOBER 13TH TO I6TH, 1981 1. Brush, hedglng, tree branches and other similar type materlal wilI be plcked Up durlng the Fail Clean-Up Week. The material must flot be cut any longer than 21/ feet in Iength and securely bundled. Loose material and longer materlal WILL NOT BE PICKED UP. 2. Household furniture, appîlances, clothing, rubbish, resulting from the cleaning up of the grounds, or f rom MINOR household repairs, domestic waste materlals such as paper, rags, cartons, packlng cases and bottles wiIl be plcked up. 3. Collection will be irited to a combined total of NOT MORE THAN 12 RECEPTACLES OR BUNDLES per dwelling unit. 4. Each bundle or receptacle to have a gross weight of NOT MORE THAN 50 POUNDS. 5. The special collections apply only to dwelling units and DO NOT INCLUDE COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL PREMISES. *Your co-operation îs requested in having ail garbage out EARLY on your regular collection day. 8ECAUSE 0F THE THANKSGIVING DAY HOLIDAY FALLING WITHIN THE FALL CLEAN-UP WEEK, THOSE RESIDENTS WHOSE GARBAGE WOULD NORMALLY BE COLLECTED ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 12TH, 1981, ARE REQUESTED TO PUT OUT THEIR REFUSE AND FALL CLEAN-UP WASTES ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13TH, 1981. TYPEWRIT.ERS REPAIRS&SERVICE ALL MAKES DANFORTH TYPEWRITER Rentals, Sales & Service 408 Dundas Street West 2940 Danforth Ave. Whitby Toronto 666-1131 est. 1930 698-2589 qleý