PAGE 14. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7,1981 ,WHITBY FRE PRE Here' s ail you do to collect your copper cookware IPick up your Tape Saver envelope at any check-out. 2. Collect the required amount in yellow cash register tapes. 3. Tum in your completed Tape Saver Enveopes for Lifestyle Copper Cookware. -See display for tape amounts requîred. Introductory fe f0 hefp you %tan1 your tif eScyk copper c oolkw«ire coUectio<i ThisI I vorth I R edeentton ei - pp S t t ' r-, C of pe CW,ý.f-V I iI, f . iStwc tl 3 "IlI I ý * f l O-1 toi t - - - - ~ - You'l love us for more than our meat il i