PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER -7,,198 1, WHITBY FlFE PRESS COMING EVENTS CALENDAR FASHION SHOW The Brooklin United Church Women will be holding a presentation of Eaton's Fail Fashion Show on October 7 at 1:15 p.m. in the Christian Education Building, Princess and Cassels Streets, Brooklin. Admission is $2 and babysitting is available. For tickets or more information caîl 655- 4878. TULIP TRAMPERS The Whitby Tulip Trampers will be holding a dance in th1e Regal Room of the Cen- tennial Building, Centre Street South on Satur- day, October 3at 8p.m. The highlight of the event will be to honor th1e club's "Carnaval Mother of th1e Yea r. " For more information about this event contact Caspar Qerlemans at 668-14(Y7. NEWCOMERÈ' MEETING The general meeting of th1e Oshawa-Whitby Newcomers' Club wil be held on Tuesday, Oc- tober 13 at 8 p.m. at Christ Memorial Chur- ch, Mary and H1illcroft Streets, Oshawa. The guest speaker will1 be Suzanne Stickly - commumity relations field officer who will bc giving a talk and slide presentation on nuclear energy. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 17 SCHEDULE A-4 TO BY-LAW NO. 1218-81 This Is Sohedule A-4 to By-Iaw 1218-81 passed by of the Corporation of the Town of WhItby on the June A.D., 1981. R. AttersIey Mayor the Council 22nd da'y of Don McKay Town Clerk ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN CON. 4 8 5 SCH ED U LE 2 TO BY- LAW 1217-81 1. The purpose and et fect of By-law 1217-81 is to prohibit the establishment or operation of pits. and quarries within a defined area --f the Town of Whitby as shown on the Key Map. IM 2. Key Map: A Key Map is attached to show the defined area where the establishment or operation of pits and quarries is prohibited in the Town of Whitby. Shown as 'Area af fected by By-law 1217-81"- on Key Map. SCH ED U LE 2 TO BY- LAW 1218-81 1.The purpose and et fect of By-law 1218-81 is to prohibit the establishment or operation of pits. and quarries within a defined area of the Town of Whltby as shown on the Key Map, except for three (3) existing pits in the Town which are currently licensed under the Pits and Quarries Act, 1971. The three existing Ipits are shown on Schedules A-i to A-3 to By-law 1218- 81.1 The By-law will also permit the continuation of the present exception of an asphaît plant as shown in Schedule A-4 to By-law 1218-81. Contact Lori Everal at 571-3818 for further information. BRIGHT CHILDREN The next meeting of th1e Durham Region Chapter of the Associa- tion for Bright Children wil be held in the cafe- teria of the Central Collegiate, Simcoe and Gibb Streets, Oshawa at 7 pan. on October 28. The guest speaker wll be Dave Midwood, an enrichment teacher at Oshawa's Duke of Edlin- borough Public Sehool. For more information oeil Alva Atklnson at 723-822. CONCERT The Building Blocks Pre-School wii be spon- soring a concert featwring Sharon Lois and Bram on Sunday, November 8 at the East- dale Auditorium, Har- mpony Road North, Oshawa. There wii be two per- formances at 1 and 3:30 p.m. Ail tickets are $3.50 and there ia no reserved seating. Tickets are available at the Readers' Choice, 131 Brock Street South, Whitby. FASHION SHOW The Auxiliary of the Dr. J.O. Ruddy Hospital is sponsoring a fal fashion show aI the Whitby Public Library on Thursday, October 8 at8 p.m. 2. Key Map: A Key Map Is attached to show the deflned area where the establishment or operation of pits and quarries is prohlblted ln the Town of Whltby, except for the three exlstlng pits and quarrles operations. Shown as "Area affected by By-law 1218-81 " on Key Map. KEY MAP- Scheduie 3 to By-Iaws 1217-81, 1218-81 STATEMENT 0F CONFORM1TY TO THE OFFICIAI PLAN FOR THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM 1, Mofeed Michael, the Chief Planning Off icer of The Regional Municipality of Durham, have reviewed By-laws 1217-81 and 1218-81, o! the Town of Whitby. 1 arn of the opinion that these by-laws are in conformity with the Of f icial Plan in effect for the Durham Planning Area. Dated this lOth day of September, 1981. Dr. M. Michael, M.C.î.P. Commissioner of Planning Fashions by The Brooklin Village Shop- pe. Tickets are $2.50 and may be purchase from auxlliary members, at the door or by calling Claire Freek at 668-4914. prizes and refresh- ments. WHET OWLS Thé Durham Region Field Naturalists wlll be sponsoring an outing to vlew Saw-Whet Owls on Sunday, October 18 at 9 ar.. The tour will be lead by George Scott and wii meet at the R.S. McLaughlin Public Llbrary, Bagot Street, Oshawa. For more information cail 723-3070. NATURALISTS MEET The next meeting of the Durham Reglon Field Naturalists will be held at the R.S. Mcbaughlin 'Public Library, Bagot Street, Oshawa, at 8 p.m. on October 26. The guest speaker wil be Jim Richards of Orono, a noted author, naturalist, photograph- er and recipient of a Conservation Award for his work with Oshawa's Second March. Members and non- members are welcome. Refreshments will be served. For more infor- mation call 668-2690. FOSSIL FORAY The Durham Region Field Naturalists will be holding a "Fossil Foray" on Saturday, October 31 at 1:15 p.m. at the Darlington Nuclear Generating Sta- tion. Those attending are advised to wear sturdy, vinyl shoes and to bring their own hammer and chisel. Hardhats will be available. Those at- tending are aiso asked to cail Margaret Bain at 668-M42 by October 24. If raîning, the event wii be cancelled. For more information cali tour leader Steve Forest at 579-0411. MS MEETING The regular monthly meeting of the Durham Region Chapter of the Multiple Scierosis Society of Canada will be held on October 13 at 7 p.m. in the upper cafe- teria of Durham College, Simcoe Street North, Oshawa event will be used to purchase something for each children's ward in each hospital in th1e region. LOT CON. 'MW ý