Whitby Free Press, 7 Oct 1981, p. 24

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PAGE 24, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 198 1 ,WHITBY FREE PRESS Free Press mrporiulm G'CaII668-6111 a>M Emporium Ads wiii only be accepted subject to the following Conditions. ~ Â 5à3ilHOUSEHOLJuM ARTICLESI FO SLEF OR. 18 - 0' ROUND CEC sherpenad. Assonte 3" - 5" tops. $1.75 a FIREPLACE SCREEI $15. Bieck FIREPLAi good condJdon, 8. 10" AQUARIUM, $1 SPOOL TABLE $70. 579-929. ELECTRIC WATER gallon, ln good coi Boy'% Bicycle, suit $40. Pire Screen, 3E tool set, brasa colo' Car Seat 816.Baby E $10. 8' Eiactric Base wiuh thermostat $60. 4M6. ANTIQUES à COLLECTABLES-1 Butter churner $50; Mahogany radio $50; piano atool $50; Mahogany mantia 8150; glass- closed bookcaàe 8150; mrrorsd wardroba 8150. Cali 985.3907. JuI.8,81(P) BOY'S 2.WHEEL BICYCLE $25. Portable chld's record playar wth microphone $10. Miniatura pool table sat, complate, $15. Ail In good condition. Cal 6685180. Oct.7,81(H) LAIES FUR COAT, Muskrat trlmmed with Blue Fox, siza 10, aaking 850. Cal aftar 6 p.m. 668- 8780. Sop.23,81(B) CHAIN LINK PENC, 5' hîgh, 30' long, complote top rails and end posl. Asklng $40. Cali 666-3995. SOp.16,81<R) SWEDISiI steel arched frapiaca acrean, 41½"V x 31" hlgh, $70. SWEDISH steel rectangular flira- place acreen, 36" wlde x 26" hIgh, 8$0. Cali 571-3471. Sap.30,81 (W) One 0O KART, asklng $W0. Cali 665-.3282. Jul.8.81<M). ICE CREAN FREEZER, portable, 8 fi. wida x 6 fi. hlgh x 16 il. long, on truck chasîs. Ideat for meat atoraga. Two 2 horse motors, working excellant. One motor near naw. Runs 10 dogmees below 0. Asking 83,000. Cali 6493343. Sep.9,81<J) MARY KAY Showcasa & Business. Supplies. Asking 860 or boat of- fer. Calil 668744. Aug.26,81<J> 4 x SBLATE POOL TABLE for sale. Compile wth accassories. Asking 8M0. Cali l -712 days. Jui.29,81(WV) IAMOND ENGAGEMENT RING, almoat naw. Appraisad valua $445. Price nagotiable. Phone 283-8025. Aug.26,81<S) pROSONIC AMIFM STEREO RECEIVER wlih cassette tape playar/racordar. Matchlng speakers and a B.S.R. Automaticl manuel turntabla. Both hava a one year warranty. 801h brand naw and stili ln original boxas. Asking $275. Muet ses to eppreciate. Caeil 683M669 (Ajax). Sep.23,81<H) TECHNICS AMIFM STEREO RECEIVER, 55 watts par channai, 6 montha old, naw 8695, sai $375. Taiefunkan Topload CASSETTE DECK, Dolby, naw 8475, sai 8150 or boat offer. Oalil 666-3995. Oct.7.81<R) AIR-TIGHT WOOD BURNING eTOVE, Fermer, Rancher, double door, hasts 2,000 Bq. ft., 2 yrs. oid. excellent condition, $380. Cali 666-8189. Sep.23,81 IF> FRANKLIN STOVE. top line modai, used one season, com- plate wth pipes, albow, HOD. casi grata, built in damper, ecreen bar- baque. indoor option. wall plate, ready 10 use. Asking $225. Oel 668-3935 beiween 6 and 9 p.m. Sep«30,81(MI 1068 FORD T-IRD, 4 door, ioeded, 80% restored, 82,500 invested, aaklng 82,000 or best offer. 22' SPEED BOAT. 1947 Lymian, an- tique, one of a klnd, needs re'Silng, 84500 f rm. 184« JEEP DAR POSTS, d sizes f rom iach. BRASS N, Lika new CE SCREEN, 36" x 12" x 5. Antique Colt evenlngs Aug.12,31(G) HEATER, 60 ndltion, $75. ae 57 yrs., 6" x26", and ,ur, $30. Baby 3cycla Carrier board Heatar Phone 66&- Sep.2,81 (F) GENDRON BABY CARRIAGE, convarta 10 cor bad & $trotter, brushad burgundy materiai, 8$0. Bar aoils (3), orange swivel, high bock, $18 each. Maiarniiy clouaes, siza 10, $100 for lot. Boy'a Bouer skates, siza 10, $12. Boy's 16" bicycle, needa repaira, $15. Cali 668-7007. sep.30.81(s> 45 RECORDS, Rock & roll from the 1979 BUICI '50s 10 the laie '70e. Ovar 2,000 grey, four d records. $1,500 for loi. SOFA, lion. Low n green 3-seaier, $75. LOVE SEAT, lions. Aski contemporory style, black & whie, 5062 after 5ç $65. OIL PAINTNG, Reynolds, harbor scens, suit coniemporary or modemn living room grouping, 1975 CAMA originel oli & canvaes, $65. PANA- speed, starq SONIC STEREO SYSTEM wlth 2 tified. Asi speakers and record changer $95. 33". Two Tlefunkan SPEAKERS, 3 way, new, roled for 60 watts rms, $150 for pair. Custom PINE BAR 1979 CHRI with serving countar and blua, 49,M6 préparation couniar, worth over dition, 4 cq S80, asking $485. Open CURIO power brakq CABINET, walnui, storaga com- S5,500. Cal1 parimeni et boitom, 850. DRAPES, Royal blue, gold and white design, ined, 96" lengthhe 12' width, $95 for pair. 9 x 12 ORIENTAL RUG, ____ Royal blue, goid and white design to match curiains $125. OUT. DOOR PLANTS and shrubs and plantars, th wlna barrais, f rom $10 Ford Custi to $25. Hastings RINGS A CAP. Askini BEARINGS for 302 Ford angine, naw, 880 for lot. Oelil 668-4725. Sept.9,81(D) CIIEV 350 ___________________- -dition. Aski TWO WOOD STOVES, boh ln COeil 668-048 gond condition, one hes Ashiey Oval forced air tan. Asklng $200- asci. COlil 655-3990 af ter 4:30 p.m. CUSTOM Ri Oct.7,81(S) sîze station _____________________ Cael 576-659 HOOVER HAIR DRIER with mani- cure $25. Lady Shick Facial, naw,- $20. Vivilar Black & White TWO ER7 Eniarger $90. Club Chair, swivel, TIRES mou $100. Macrameed Hanglng wheeis, $1« Bassinet $50. Wooden Heedboerd OR78-14 i 810. Calil68-7546. white lalti Ocl.7,81(B) belted ires __________________- wheels, SI tires wlll se Please cel ~,~TO OBIL~,,J p.m.and 10 1971 TORONADO, neada iran- smission, wiliosali for parts. SE Asking $350 or beel offar.Oelil Berry at 723-092 after 5 p.m. Jul.15,81(C) _________________ 1Ihave 1972 FIREBIRD, 350 4 barrai, 650 vertisE hoiiay, headers, shift kit, new dual exhausi, naw rad, neede body work on right rear quarter. Aeking $800 or besi 0f fer. Calil 668-832. Sep.9,81 (W) 1972 IMPALA, 4 door, gond run- ning condition, flot certified. Asking $395. Oelil 571-3968 (Osaw). sep.16,81(P> - 1073 GRAN TORINO SPORT, 351,- 4 barrai, gauges, euiomatic trans- mission, f loor shift, rally tiras,. buckels, nawly painted. Asklng $2.000. Cali 655-300. r-er Sep.23,81(S) VrC 1974 DODO! CORONET, good 1- Bil running condition, can 8e certi- ad. lied. Asking $400 or beat 0f fer. Cal MI54. Sep.9,81m Card Ni 1974 IMPERIAL LEBARON (4 door>, excellent conditon- fuily Name ( loeded, white leter geais, 54,000 miles of highway driving. Asking- $3,500 f irm. Sefious buyers only. >r Oelil668-5220.icalH Sep.1681 City PLEAE REAU When the advertlsed item la sold. disposed of, or unavalabie for whatevar reason, the Item will be deemed to have been sold and a commission will be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated below, regardless If price sa stated wlth "best of fer". If the Item ls NOT SOLD, or dlsposed of, the ad will be run for 3 MONTilS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of 86.00 wlll apply payable in advanceof publication of the flirai ad. Otherwlse a $750 charge wiil ap- ply If bilaed whlch must be paid upon recelpt. The above minimum charges wili be.applied to the final commission due but In any case the higher amount wlll be charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre-pald, $7.50 bllled. Maximum commission: $100.00. Alil advertisemants muet be piacad on an exclusive basis wlt h the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run aileasi one month If not soid. RATES (If article la solde: 5% of edvertsd price Up to 840.00 2% of balance over 540.00 EXAMPLE: Soid Item advertleed for Si120.00. Commission due M6.00 (minimum charge la 8U.00) Private advertising onlyl Pleasa notlfy the Whitby Free Press lmmediately when item le sold so that wa may daieta Il f rom the following Issues. Alilsads not fitting the Emporium guldalînas will be treated and charged par week as regular ciassitiad ada on a pre-pald basîs such as: services, help wanted, ciothlng, reol asiate, and personalrmessage type ads, or ada not quotlng prIce or quantity. Prîvate ciassifled ada may appear In the Emporium section undar appropriate headInge. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL AOS TO: If in doubt cali: OR DELIVER TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM 6861 131 Brock St. N. P.O. Box 206 6811Whîîby, Ont. Whltby, LI N 581 THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON AUOBILES AUVOOIVE BB ED FO SLE10 REPAIRIPARTS la 1RT K Park Ave door, excal mileaga witt king $8,495 ARO RALLY idard, radia iing 93,40C YSLER C 00 km., exc loor, powe xea, certifie JI66&-1436. AUTOFI REPAIR/ >m Fibargi ng SM5.0Ca 0 HEADS, kind $75 or M2. ROOF RACK )n wagon. 592. 18-14 RAD ented on Iv 110 or bast RADIAL TI ore> Firastci )s mounied( 60 or besi ail for $325q i 686-1886 10p.m. Ah Ii enue, silver iant condi- h many op- 5. Oeil 576- Aug.5,81 <E) Y SPORT, 4 aoi iras, car- M. Oeil 655- Jui.8,81(L) fiRAVELLE, cellent con- ,r stearing, loc. Asking Jul. 15,81(0) osa TRUCK il 723-9989. Jul.15.81 (P) good con- ýr boat of fer. Jui.29,81 (B) ýKS to fit full- Asklng 860. Jul.15,81(0) DIAL SNOW wo AMO reliy t of fer. Two 'IRES (rieed ne 721 steel on AMO raily offer. Ail four ior beet offeor. 6 belween 2 ires lika new. Sep.23,81l (0 REAR WINDOW for C trudTN--Ww. File y Asking $25. REAI BUMPER for Vs ton Asking $50. Oeil 668-7 FOUR 1311 SUPER LI. boit Chav, $175. Tii RWL BR7813 TIRES 866-3096. THE WORLI IS YOURS., YOU KNOk RIGHYT PEI Wherever you move til Wagon hoss ishe fgh help you lînd a place ir communty. Cali effl1523 or 579 odga Ws ion Ver 1975-80. Rl CHROME truck. New. 7960. Aug.19,81(L> JG MAGS, 4 rea Uniroyel $120. Cal Aug.19,81(C) 2PL F... he Weicome lii peson la n your new '-7521 4140. BABY FURNISHINOÎ Crib , mattreas ori orange & white, $12 $35. Two welkers,.$ Two poulie chairs, $71 bock peck $10. Higl Swlng-O-Metlc $15.J on e stand 820. COeil 6 1310 WHEEL' $13. Bae aduit bika $7. 'Safa set $25. Concret@ do tubs 85.COeil 6682301 Aug.26,81(S) S A ITEMS. nd dresa ln 25. Playpan $10 and $15. and $8. Baby Dh chair $15. Joliy Jumper 58-2702. Sep.2,81(L) by Carrier for i-T-Ryder" car loubli laundry il. Sep.16,81(D) 47 square yards of BROADLOOM, bitter sweet. Askîng $200. Cal 723-998. Jul.15,81<P) BROCADE BED CHESTERFIELD, French Provincial, four-seatar, $50. OCl 668-1436. oct.7,81(o> SKLAR CHESTERFIELD and Chair. Contemporary styla, ruai colour. In very good condition. Asking 8240. Caeil668-8316. Sep.23,81 <P) COUCH, 1 year oid, moche brown, modern styling, 8 fi. long, $30. Oelil 668-0277. Sep.30.81(A) ENGLISH PUB-STYLE COUCIi & matching swivei rocker, green & gold plaid, Olefin fobrlc. Bean scoich-gusrded. Aaking $325. An- tique wroughtIiron & brasa DOUBLE BED wiih box spring, $210. Antique LOVE SEAT & mat- chlng chair, blue & gold upholtery, $200. Set of dark pins 5' COFFEE TABLE & two round END TABLES, $130. Cou 668-8189. Sep.23,81<F) LOVE SEAT, Immacuiae con- dition, rreay used. Bargain et $180. "No Barter". Oel enytime 6M83989, Whiiby. SOP.9,81(P) RUG, 9 e 12, burni oronge, good condition. Asking $40. Cal 6M- 3995. Sep.16.81(R) HOUSEI4OLD SALE'- Whie Ad- mirai range $2M0; green Kenmore range $250; kitchen suite $50; alectric fireplace $25; whie GE clouhes dryer- $25; white GE waahlng machine $25; wagon bar- baque $30; two Hoover vacuum cleaners, $100 and $30; Viking f loor polishar $20; set 0f 3 suit- ~HOR ES&I Iross$20; gr$10. eil 668-7014.w ~I.IES"1C.K~OCKJUI.B,81(S) HACKNEY PONY MARE. Ragiarad, 49", 5 year Oid Bey ' wiuii whie merkings. Houter broka. W MTORCYCLESI Wouid moka excellent child' Il U SALES/RENTALSI saddie nonv. Asking $400 Oel One Triumph Lar SADDLE. Perfect Telephone 655-40E STEREO, AMIFM with turniable,e lion, $150. Radlint & White TV $25.1 headboard $75. drapes $40 and U~ Aug.19,81(R) ne Fox cuiback i condition, $450. )67. Aug,19,81<S) 18 lrack builîl n excellant condi- er $10. 26" Black Doubla bed wihh Two pairs of 30. Oelil668-0776. Aug.19,81(M) ELL YOUR UNWANTED ARTICLES N, Use this handy form ta mail in your Emnporium ad. e read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have the following ad- ement pîaced under this section of the Whitby Free Press. - - ~ .~.~ . . (ontforget 10 include your phone numnbar) anclose $6.00 to cover the minimum charge. -~- M L Ill me for $7.50 after first publication of my TO: o.Exp. Date WHITBY < please V -nt FREEPRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. postal Co Whitby LON 5S1 19ry HOND rn 360w mi ege. 8600- osr lad $700 wiuh batte hrn Fsie 1650 5R15 MICHELI& oN.Z RAiAL 5S15$0MffIHELorN85 och. Phone1668-30. ArfkIv for5 Ron or Lvnn. 1975 SUZUKI 125 MOTOCROSS, excellent condition, many new parts. Asking $450. Oelil 579-572. Jul.8,81(0) 1977 YAMAHA YZ, compleiely, rebulIt. AskIng M65. Cal 723- 998. JuI.15,81 (PI 1979 YAMAHA YZ 125, excellent condition. Aeking $500.Caeil 655- 4997 after 6 p.m. Oct.7,81(B) 1981 650 SPECIAL, 2,500 km., chrome highwey bers, KG beckrast, ail werrenty chiecks, car- tlfiad. Asklng 82,700. OellLarry at 668-8666after 4 p.m. Jul.8,81(B) MUSICAL QâINSTRUMENTS 12 STRING FENDER GUITAR. Jusi ilke naw. Completse mlii case. $285. COeil655-3006. Aug.5,811R) ORGAN, 1979 Galanii F-20, duel keyboard, bas pedels, 8 rhythm patterns, auiometic & manuel chords, volume pedai & drum beat. Includes bencii. Asking $1,300. Calil 668-0630. Aug.26,81(T II~u4sÎNTRUMENTS CLAS31CAL CUIT AR (Eko), new, with case, $120. COe 66.8 AugS8l(M) TWO PUG PUPPIES, female, bomn Auguai 18, biack-facadi fawn. Asking 8225aech. Oeil 665-4487. Oct.7,81(W) BLACK MANX STUMPY CAT. femnale, 1 % yeare old, very amail. $1 or free 10 gond home. Oeili6OC& 1576. Aug.19,81(K) STAFFORDSHIRE BULL TERRIER, 9 weeks old, famnale. OKO regisiared. Asking $300. Caeil Aug.19.81(R) 30 GAL. AQUARIUM, hexogon with wrought Iron stand. 2 montha old. Ail accessorias Included. Asking $150. Oelil etter 6 p.m. 571- 0701. Jul.22,81(K) 17 IFT. RAMBLER HOUSE TRAIL- ER, alactric - gos fridge, aleepa 6, tolaIt, electil brokas, complets wiih hich. Askîng 82,500 or bost off er. Phone 668-8344. SOp.16,81(V) 1NWMASTERCOACH TRAILER, puah-oui dinling ares. Paid $13,8031 - osklng 812,500 or best 0f fer. Toi ba sean eat 410 Rossiand Rod West, Whilby and to Inquir cmli 668-1680. sep.16,81(j) ggIPORI1 HOCKEY EQUIPMENT, A-1 condi- lion. Cooper helmat, Bowar skates, ponta, elbow pads, kne pads, shoulder pads, socks, gioves and hockey beg. For 12.14 year olda. Asking $80. Wili salit aeparataly. COeil576-5710. Oct.7,81<D) ONE PAIR of Rossignol ST Com- petition skia, poies, one pair of Nordica ski boots, size 8%oa. In, good condition. Aeking $125. Cll 668-5180. Oct.7,81(H) 150 ROSSIGNOL SKIS, Tyroleaa 160 bîndinga wiih ski brekes, Munari ski boots. Was $275 - Asking $150. Usad onewntr Oei l 668-9898. Aug.281(MI 120 ATTACK-SWINGER SKIS. mode ln Austrie, Sotomon-look j blndings, Kofloch boots size 7, like new, excellent condition. Asking $200. Women's ski jacket and ponts, ight blue, size 12 Asking 8.0.aOil 683-9480. Sep.30,81(B> BOX TRAILER, 4 e 8, excellant condition. Asking $400. Oelil 723-, 0394. Aug.28,81(S>) -FOR SALE 1975 CUSTOMIZED %i TON TRUCK, 302 angine, rad valvat min tarior, AMIFM casette plus lots more. Oertified, 83,000. COeil 68&' 1585.i Aug.2,81<A>,, C 1 ~ ~ .~maybe you dntrai CA>fl have cash on hand in yî or garage! Turn unwani O me storages into money wi IIAMbICLASSIFIED AD CAIL 6U61 11 WHITBY FREE PRESS lize you our attc ited iith a... mumumummmmaow quvamq 1 ÀdolKen

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