PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBLR 14,1981, WHITBY FRELI: PRESS Free Pressrn poriu IL> Emporium Ads wiII only be occepted subject to the foUlowing Conditions. 14 ARTICLES .,ARTII FOR SALE W FO0R BOrS 2WHEEL BICYCLE $25. Portable chiids record player with microphone $10. Miniature pool table set, complela, $15, Ail in good condition. Caol 668-5180. Oct. 7,811H> LADIES FUR COAT, Muskral trimmed wîth Blue Fox, siza 10, asklng $500. Cali ai er 6 p.m. 668- 6780. Sep.23,81(B) CHAIN IINK FENCE, 5' hlgh, 30' long, completa top rails and end posl. Asking 540. Cali 666-3995. Sep.16,81(R) SWEDISH sIsal arched freplace acreen, 41b" x 31V high, $70. SWEDISH steel ractangular fire- place acrean, 36" wlde x 26"* hlgh, 530. Cali 571-3471. Sep.30,81(W) ICE CREAM FREEZER, portable, 8 fi. wlde x 6 fi. hlgh x 16 fi. long, on truck chasis. ideal» for meat siorage. Two 2 horse motors, warklng excellent. One motor near new. Runs 10 degreas beîow 0, Asklng $3,000. Cali 649-3343. Sap.9,81(J) MARY KAY Showcasa & BusInest Supplies. Asklng 580 or best af- fer. Cati 668-4744. Aug.26,81(J) 4 Y8 SLATE POOL TABLE for sale. Comptete wiIf' accessorles. Asklng $800. Cal 668-8712 days. JuI.29,81 (W> DIAMONO ENGAGEMENT RING, aimosi new. Appraisad value $445. Prîce negotiable. Phone 263-8025. Aug.26,81(S) PROSONIC AMIFM STEREO RECEIVER with cassette tape player/recorder. Maching speakers and a B.S.R. Automailcl manual turniable. Bath have a ana year warraniy. Bath brand new and atilîl in original boxes. Asking $275. Must ses ta appreclata. Oel 683-0669 (Ajax). - Sep.23,81(H) TECHNICS AMIFM STEREO RECEIVER, 55 watts par channel, 8 mnnfhs . 1new $695. maf f$35. Tlefunken Topload DECK, Dolby, new $47 or basi aiffer. Oel666. AIR-TIGHT WOOD STOVE, Farmer, Ranc door, heats 2,000 sq. f excellant conditIon, TWO WOOD STOVI good condition, ane Oval forced air fan.A each. Cail M553990 ait ELECTRIC WATER i galion, In good con( Boy's Bicycle, suit i $40. Fire Screen, 36" toit sel, brascoiour Car Seat $15. Baby Bic $10. 8' Eiectric Basel> wiîfl thermostat $60. 48M. GENDRON BABY convaris 10 car bed brushed burqundy m' Bar stools (3), orange back, $l8 each. Mater] aise 10, 5100 for lot. skates. ise 10, 512. bicycle, need repair 608-7007ý leu FORD T.WRD, 41 80% restored, $2.5c aakIng S2,00 or bel SPEEO BOAT, 1947 tique, aona of a I 'lp restortng, S4,00f irm ..2, Znew engine, ru end, ciutch, pres mater cylinder Wh* *MiW pough equip f41m. MII trade fo wttfifront end 1 CHRYBLER OUTBOA excellent condtion, $ vtew at 131 Oueen st., phone 656-38s7ý CASSETTE (sa 175, sali $150 .3995ý Oct.7,81(R) 19731 4 bafr BURNINO missi icher, double bucke ft.2 yrs. aid, $2,00( $380.COeil Sep.23,81(F) 1974 - runni ES, bath ln flad. has Ashtey Cali1 Asking $2P fer 4:30 p.m.- OcI.7,81(S) 1974 -- - door) HEATER, 60 ioade, ditian, $75. miles age 5-7 yrs., $3,50( -- x 26", sndf Calil ir $30. Baby lcycle Carrier board Heater 1979 Phone 668. grey, tion.l Sap 2.81(F) flans. CARRIAGE, i & stroller, __ faterilt.$80. 1979 swivel, htgh blue, 'nity cottes, ditiar Boys Osuer we Boy s 16-' 55 s,$1ý Cait Sep 0>8is) 1973 door, etoaed, fer. mt ller 22* CeA" Lymn, an- an cil kînd, reeda n I i. 1946 JEEP Mora adiator front Srt sure plate, 13 *I cyt-'dmrs. >ped, s 1.800- beat tractor YOtI loode .4 ln fi MO MOTOR. parti CM lfi TO atar ,Broo-i'n or salyti ainhi Oct 7 81(1» a HOOVER FlAIR DRIEF cure $25. Lady ShicIr $20. Vivitar Biacb Eniarger $90. Club C $100. Macrameea Bassinet $50. Wooder $10. Cmii 68.756. 18 - 6' ROUND CED sharpened. Assortec 3" - 5" topa. $1.75 si FIREPLACE SCREEh $15. Bîack FIREPLAC goad condition, 58. 10" AQUARIUM, $il SPOOL TABLE $70. C 579-6929. 45 RECORDS, Roc '50s la the laie ' records. $1,5001 green 3-seater, 71 cantemporary styli $65. 011 PAINTI harbor scene, sui or modemn living original ail & cani SONIC STEREO Z speakers and reco Twa Tlai unken way, new, ratad fo $150 for pair. Oue wiih sarving preparation cour $800, asking $485, CABINET, walnut partmant et bottot; Royal blue, goid an inad, 96" iengthx for pair. 9 x 120 Royal blue, gold ar ta match curtair DOOR PLANTS ai piantars, V wina b ta $25. Hastin BEARINGS for 301 naw, $80 for lot. Oe 1971 TORONADC omission, wllis Asklng $350 or bt Barry ai 723-092 al 1972 IMPALA, 4d nlng condition, Asklng $395. 3GRAN TORII -rel, gauges,i ion, f loor sI kets, newty1 I0. Cali 655-3( 4DODGE CC ing condilloi .Asklng $40( 868-1564. 4IMPERIAL r). excellent ld, white leeti es of highway 00 f Irm. Sari( 668-5220. 1BUICK Pari four door,i Low mileagi a.Asking $S aflter 5 p.m. 0CHRYSIEF e49,000 km., n, 4 door, p Ir brakes, ce 00. Cali668-14 1PONT1AC en, carlfîed, S lm 2-1 &WC, certifi ng $1.000. Thi me forAMO,1 )w SLOWIM mon, $15a. C JCAN BEL te Whitby i f m. From iintg inciudil tI Ced 60«M1 R with mani- kFacial, new, k, & White Chair, swlvel, d Hanglng n Headboard -Oct.7,81 (B) DAR POSTS, )d sizes f rom ach. BRASS N, Lîke new ýCE SCREEN, 36" x 12" x 5. Antique Call avenlngs Aug.12,81(G) ck & rail from the '7Os. Over 2,000 for lot. SOFA, 5. LOVE SEAT, e, black & white, TING, Reynolds, Ml rrntILUnrau~O room grouping, ,ass, $65. PANA. SYSTEM with 2 ord changer $95. iSPEAKERS, 3 ýor 60 watts rms, stom PINE BAR counter and lier, worlh over 5. Open CURIO l, storaga com- fa, $50. DRAPES, ind white design, x 12' width, $95 ORIENTAL RUG, nd white design ns $125. OUT- and shrubs and barraIs, from 510 ings RINGS & 02 Ford engina, 'ailt668-4725. Sepl.9,81 CD> MOLES 0, needa tran- sali for parts. est offer. Cal fler 5 p.m. J uI. 15,81 (C) door, good run- not certfi ed. Cati 571-3968 Sep. 16,81 (P) INO SPORT, 351, autometic trans- ihift, raliy tires, painted. Asking M0. Sep.23,61(S) ORONET, good n, can be certi- 0 or best offer. Sep.9,81 (T) LEBARON (4 condition, fuîly her seats, 54,000 v triving. Asking us buyers onty. Sep.16,81(H) kAvenue, silver excellent condi- s with many op- >8,495. Cali 576- Aug.5,81(E) RCARAVELLE, , excellent con. power steerlng, ortified. Askîng 436. JuI.15,81(O) 070, A-1 con- ,M0 or bet of- -D RAMBLER led lutI year 'se F7814 TMES brand new. $100. 14W Brgge & aîî sr.ytlme 668- oct.14,81<t-) lmost anythirbg Free ProeaErn- cmr ta homue, s, funiture.. Ing the kitchen 111ta Place your L PLEASE READ When the advertised Item Is sold, disposed of, or unavallable for whatever reason, the Item wiil be deemed ta have been sold and a commission wili bei charged basad on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as iliustrated below, regardless If price Is stated wth "best offer". If tha Item la NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wiil ba run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $600 will apply payable ln advance of publication of the f irsad c. Otharwise a $750 charge wiIi ap- piy If billed which must be paid upon recelpt. The above minimum charges will be applied to the final commission due but ln any case the higher amount wIli be charged. Minimum charge: $600 pre-paid, $7.50 bIlled. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail adverisements must be placed on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run alleast one month If not sold. RATES Il article ia soid): 5% ai advertiaed prie Up ta 540.00 . .2% of balance over 540.00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertised for $120.00. Commission due 56.00 <minimum charge la 56.00) Private advertising onlyt Please noiify the Whitby Free Press immediately when Item la sold s0 that we may delete Il (rom the fallowlng Issues. AIl ads not fttIng the Emporium guldelines will be treated and charged per week as regular classlfied ads on a pre-paid basis such as: services, help wanted, clothing, real estate, and personal message type ads. or ads not quoting price or quantiiy. Private classif lad ada may appear ln ihe Emporium section under appropriate headings. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: If ln doubt cal: OR DELIVER TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM 6861 131 Brock St. N. P.O. Box ___666611Whitby, Ont. WhItby, LiN 551 THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM AOS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON SELL YOUR UNWANTED ARTICLES NO' Use this handy form to mail in your Emporium ad. LOVE SEAT, Immaculate con- dition, rarely used. Bargain ai $180. "Na Barier". Cail anytîme 668-3989, Whltby. Sep.9,81 <PI RUG, 9 x 12, burni orange, good condition. Asking 540. 0.11 666- 3995. Sap.16,81 (R) STEREO, AMIFM 8 track buili ln wlth turniable, excellent candi- lion, $150. Radliner $10. 26" Btack & White TV $25. Double bed wiih headbomrd $75. Two pairs ai drapes $40 and 530. 0.11 668-0776. Aug.19,81(M) TWO 30"1 ECRU padded head- boards, $7 each. SmalI outdoor pool pump $30. Bon Tempi 19M organ, dual keyboard, 13 basa pedais, 10 rhythms, 2-71A" speakers, headphone jack, auto chord, sf001, $900. 0.1166-943. Sen 010 Rir: AVT7MOTIVE BABY 1 M ORSES& EPI/ARTrSES . iv'Es -rocIT K MpRL ES 1 % OTOYCEN LS Ford Custom Fibergiasa TRUCK CAP. Asking $350. Cali 723-9989. J u . 15,81 (P) CHEV 350 HEADS, good con- dilon. Asking $75 or bast offar. Caeil 68-0482. Jul.29,81 (B) FOUR 13" SUPER LUG MAGS, 4 boit Chav, $175. Threa Unirayal RWL BR7813 TIRES $120. Caeil 666-3096. Aug.19,81(C) CUSTOM ROOF RACKS to fit full- siza station wagon. Asklng $60. Cali l576-592. Jul.15,81(O) TWO ER78-14 RADIAL SNOW TIRES mounted on two AMO raily whaais, $110 or besi 0f fer. Two DR78-14 RADIAL TIRES raisad white lattars) Firastona 721 steal belttd tires mauntad on AMO raliy wheais. $160 or basi offar. Ail four tiras wiliisali for $325 or best of fer. Pleasa cati 686-1886 betwaan 2 p.m. and 10 p.m. Ait tiras lika naw. Sep.23,81 (O) REAR WINDOW for Dodge 'h ton truck. New. Fils yaar 1975-80 Asking $25. REAR CHROME BUMPER for 'h ton truck. New. Asking $50. Cati 668-7960. Aug.19,81(L) 1810 WHEEL' $13. Baby Carrier for aduit bike $7. "Safe-T-Ryder" car seat 525. Concrets double iaundry tuba 55. Calil668>2301. Sep.16,81(l» I BABY STROLLER, $1 4140. BABY FURNISHING Crib , matîreas ari orange & white, $l' $35. Two watkers,1 Two poulie chairs, $7 back peck $10. Hig Swing-0-Matic 515., on a stand $20. Cai156 ITHE WORL IS YOURS.o YOU KNOP RIGH T PEI Wherever you move th IWagon hoslesso s the rR irelp you tind a place i community, al fl53or 571 5. Cail 655- Aug.26,81(S> I5 & ITEMS. nd dres n 25. Piaypen $10 and $15. and $8. Baby 1h chair $15. Jaily Jumper M8-2702. Sap.2,81(L) IAF YVTHE he Weicome ti person to n your new 17521 HACKNEY PON' Ragistarad, 49", 5 ye with white markings.1 Wauid make excell saddta pony. Askinî One Triumph Lana F SADOLE. Perfect con Telaphone 655-4067. US 47 square yards ai OF bitter sweet. Asking 723-9989. BROCADE BED CHE French Provincial, $50. Cail 668-1436. COUCH, 1 year old, rr modemn styiing. 8 il. Cati 668-0277. ENGIISH PUB-STYLI matching swival rocl goid plaid, Olafin1 scolch-guardad. Askl tique wrought irar DOUBLE BED with $210. Antique LOVE ching chair, blue upholslary, 5200. Sel 5' COFFEE TABLEe ENDTABLES,$130. C GET RID 0F IT NOW.1 to place yaur Emporiu vertisement placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press. _____ ________________________________don*t forgat ta fncluda your phone F I enclose $6.00 to cover the minimum charge. * Charge $6.00 to my Visa account. L Bill me for $7,50 after.first publication of my ad. Card No. Nane Ipi Address City Exp. Date easa print I Postal Code WHITBI FREE PRE P.O. Box 2( 131 Brock St. Whltby Li N5 y MARE. ara aid. Bey 1975 HONDA: Haiter brake. tary and horn, Ilent childa as la, 5700 w g5400. Cali Fiva 165 SR RADIAIS, 15" Aug.19,81(R) aach. Phone Ron or Lynn. Fox cutback ridition, $450. Aug.19,81(S) 1977 YAMAH rebuilt. Askli 9989. FloAÃ"LOOM, i $200. Cali . J u1. 15,81 (P) ESTER FIE LD, four-seater, Oci.7,81 (O) TI tacha brown, 21 long, 5300. 1 Sap.30,81 (A) .E COUCH & Hou ,kr, green & fabric. Been ng $325. An- ýn & brasa box spring, SEAT & met- e & goid aio dark pine :X»~::... 5two round rail 668-8189. Sep.23,81 (F)- Cali 668-6111 urm ad. I 1 A" CIASSICAL9 12 STRING FI ing ad- lika naw. Ct $285. Cali 655 ORGAN, 1979 keyboard, baa patterns, au1 chorda, valuer Includes banc ,.Cali 668-0630. anumber> 1 30 GAI. AC with wrought1 AI L afd Ail mcc Asking $150, 'O:. 0701. TWO PUG PUJ y Augusi 18, £ss Asking $225. D6 BLACK MAI femnale, 1 WViy -N. $ rf«t 5 S1 il1576. 360 CBT, neada bat- n, lw mileaga. $60 with baitery & horn. R11 MICHELIN ZX ",$200 for f tva or $50 ie 668-3660. Ask for Sep.16.81 (G) HA YZ, completeiy ;ng $650. Cal 723- Jul. 15,81 (P) MUSICAL NSRUVENTS GUITAR (Eko), new, 20. Cali 668-9482. Aug.5,81 (M) ENDER GUITAR. Jusf anrIplafe with casa. 6-3006. Aug.5,81(R) F9 Galanli F-20, duel is pedeta, 8 rhythm !amnatlc & manuel e pedai & drum beal. nch. Asking $1,300. Aug.26,81 (T) PETS& SUPLES DUARIUM, hexagan iran stand. 2 mantha :essaries Included. Cali miter 6 p.m. 571- Jul 22.81(K) UPPIES, femala. born bimck-faced lawni each, Cati 655-4487T Oct.7,81(W) AX STUMPY CAT, Vears aid. efY" amal. goad home. OeIl 66- Aug. 19,8 1(K) STAFFORDSHIRE BULL TERRIER, 9 weaks aId, temate. CKC registerad, Asklng S3M. 0811 Aug.19,81(R) 17 FT. RAMBLER FlOUSE TRAIL- ER, elacirlc - gas fridge, sloops 6. tollet, alectrlc brakes, complete wih hiich. Asklng $2,500 or beat offer. Phone 668-8344. sep.16,81(V) 19M0 MASTERCOACH TRAILER, push-out dlnlng area. Paid 513,803 - asklng 512,500 or basi aller. To be sean ai 410 Rossland Road West, Whltby and ta Inquire cmli 688-1880. Sep. 16,8 1(J) HOCKEY EOUIPMENT, A-1 condi- tion. Cooper heimet, Bower skates, pants, elbow pads, kne pade, shouidar pads, socks, gloves and hockey bag. For 12-14 year olds. Aaklng $80. WiiI sali saparately. Oeil 576-5710. Oct.7,81(D) ONE PAIR ai Rossignol ST Com- petition skis, paies, ana pair ai Nordica ski boots, sale8V. In good condition. Asklng $125. Cali 668-5180. Oct.7,81(H) 150 ROSSIGNOL SKIS, Tyrolea 160 bindings with ski brakes, Muneri ski boots. Was $275 - Asking $150. Used one winter. Cali 668-9898. Aug.26,81(M> 120 ATTACK-SWINGER SKIS, made In Ausîrla, Soiomon-Iook bindinga, Kofîach boots size 7, like new, excellant condition. Asking $200. Womnen'a ski Jacket and paints, light blue, size 12, Asking $50. Cai 683-9M8. Sep.30,81(B) BOX TRAILER, 4 x 8, excellent condition. Asking $«0. Caîl 723- 0394 Aug,26,8115> FOR SALE 1975 CUSTOMIZED %s TON TRUCK. 302 engi ne, red velvet in- terior. AMIFM cassette plus lots more Certif 'ad. $3.000 Callf668- 1585 Aug.26,811(A) DENTURE MERAPY CLINIC 1Dundas St. E., Whitby 668m7797 rs: Mon. - Sat. & Evenings By Appointment OnIy (across f rom Beer Store) .-s mmrý m 1 wýý 1 CFýJ, DUII ipilu. 1