'WITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVÉMBER 4, 1981, PAGE5 Ve t praised fo r saving hawk's lie Dear SI r: In recognition of the humane gratul- tous services ren- dered by Dr. Clay- ton MacKay and Dr. Chartes Bonar of M ac Kay Animal Clinic, we would like to share the following exper- lence. One evening, i noticed a hawk tumbling around on our lawn. Upon In- vestigation I dis- covered this majestic bird iying weaklyin a pool of blood with a builet hole through its wing. We cieansed the 'wound and ap- piied a bandage, but even with care it began to fester from infection. 1 cal led Dr. MacKay for advice and was pleased when he suggested we bring in the hawk immediateiy for examination. The doctors admini- stered f irst class treatment. As ai- ways, their professionalism anc compassion was most admirable. It is with great pride we credit MacKay Animai Clinic for their In- one« of their patrons. Donna Mueggler Watson Street, Whitby. P.S. With the ciinics guidance and assistance, the hawk is recovering at a remarkable rate and wili be set free shortiy.