VAJLt 6, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4,1l98l1,WIIITBY FREE PRESS Firestone worlkers give up py figh It appears as though former employees of Whitby's Firestone Canada tire plant have given Up their fight for separation psy for 164 union members who didn't receive any money when the plant shut down in July, 1980. "'It's pretty well finished, " was the comment made by for- mer United Rubber Workers Local 494 presi- dent Bill Love after a meeting with 130 of the former employees. 1 It's a lost cause." The 164 workers in question are between the ages of 45 and 55 and were not granted either separation pay or early pension benefits when the plant was shut down. Earlier this year, the chairman of an arbitra- ep-frozen beef, Ioz. pkg.J Mrs. Smith's frozen 24.6 oz. pkg. apple crumb cake.. 1*89 unsweetened Sunpac.7 orange juice ......075. Cavendish Farrns froz. fancy french fries ........ 2 lb. bag *99 Carnation 500 g jar Coffee Mate ............... 1.99 Carnation 385 mL tin evaporated milk ..... 5 Paramount 7.75 oz. fin pink sl o....139 chicken noodie pkg. of 2 Lipton soup mix ....... *69 Blue Bonnet 2 lb. pkg. regular margarine ... General Mils 425 g pkg. Cheerios breakfast cereal. Ridgways 5 O'Clock pkg. of 60 orange pekoe tea bags. 1.49 1.59 1089 butrîkor regular ~ 14 pancake flour ......ikl4 bqner lvoured Aunt jeniima7l Suntmaà d seedless raisins .... 1av'Tacu seasoning mix ........ flaked chacken..... choic. bwwad dmnl heet.cee... .rle cor,,. hoei a&ML bra4,Ir &c u ,eo219 ymer 41 vegetables ... a"tiLn 2/S '~ 199 mushrooms ..... -95 We.wo plan 2j. L89 Peerless 4W 9 Mm .Lake* %* prcUn .1.59 str"Wberry..750 -L1.49 Pop People Pop CASE 0F 12-30 oz. BOTTLES $4990acsp. CASE 0F 24-10 oz BO1TLES 84941a&dep. cu frnmCaada grade'A' bref T-Bone or wing Steaks ...... lb. 3.18 cu fn.m Canada grade 'A' be( sirloin tip l.31 Maple Lea(f ully ctxtknt roast37 beef 37 Jdeai for mrai bai o tlr. reguLar ground l.15 beef ........i 15 ct (mm Canada grade *A' bref full ssice .24 round steak .t.24 I)e'.îîî smaIl link lier(& pork sausage.... lb. 1.58 tion board declined to rule on the case because he believed he lacked the jurisdiction. Love said that the union had planned a second appeal but was advised by their law- yers that insufficient legal grounds existed to justify the attempt. "It looked like it was going to be a waste of money to pursue it any further," Love said. "I'm not too thrilled about not getting much for those people, but there's no way to turn. " Workers attending the meeting voted to have their supplemental unemployment benefit fund divided between the 164 former employ- ees in the 45 to 55 age bracket. Each of these people will receive about $750 of the $123,000 fund. "It's a pittance ....." was Love's comment. Should the union have won its fight for the benefit each of the workers affected could have received up to $5,000. Now they will have to wait until they are 65 before they receive their vested pension benefits. Love said that many of the 500 production workers who were per- manently laid off at the plant have foumid other jobs, most notably at General Motors. How- ever, many remaifl un- employed. Totem-go -round On Saturday, Novem- ber 14, from 2to 3p. m., children from 5 to 10 years of age are invited Kwn2r Oprae >fû driks Sunspun assorted 0 1 6 t stks gae"A" beef misizzlers I@Mkkp Schneiders cookies Peek Frean 5001 'ut r laaioneless wing ,beef bionelessgSlallk style 19QQ NtapleLe.furyrrac -"fpiakled rolis........... lbh. Maple LeCar Bavarian jS0 sausage ... pkg. Ma.ple Lef hv ,h.' pe Visking bologna..... lb. York ,booe sliced cooked ham lb. botugna. mock chickrn or luncheun .Schneider 175 lunch meats pkg. Schneidenr skinless l6 oz. wseners... pk. 1.78 1.98 1.18 2.18 .98 1.88 bakery specials lemon or raspberry pkg. of 6fi Weston butterhomns...99Y - Weston sesame 24 oz. loaf mC c ru.sty bread..............' 19 Weston pkg. of 12 brown 'n serve rolis ......79 Wtle* th.y last, #altmî effective untîl clotlng Saturday, Novemnber 7. 1981. We roserve flýe rght to Dmi1 quenottes. supplled end servlced by National Orocefs Co- . Juicy Sunkisi Valencia doz. Product of Ontarro Brussel Sprouts -1 lb tory .............08908 Product of Ontario Can No 1 Green Cabbage............................. a Product 01 U S A Cari No 1 Tomatoos ................ FREEZE R- O6RDEËRS .69 lb AI STEER RED BRAND BEEF STORE CUT. WRAPPEO & FROZEN VWE VILL CUT & WRAP TOUR GOVEPNME NT INSPECTED MEAT FOR 156 LB. HINDS..................................... 1.88 lb. SIDES........................................ 1.62 lb. CHUCKS ...................................... 1.50 lb. Brownsaleni Avres own fresh sides of pork. Kal Kan assorted 13 oz. fin cat food .......... .......... .59¶1 regular pkg. of 10 Stayfree mini pads .... normal 200 mL cont. Breck shampoo ....1.89; Canada cup 9 oz. pkg. of 51 o styrofoam cups ..... 99... Glad pkg. of 20 garbage bags .........2*99 Tide12 L box7 f' laundry detergent ...79 Bounce fabric pkg. of 20 softener sheets......... 179 for unbleachables 800 g pkg.2 Javex bleach............ 49 Pinesol 400 mL bd. liquid cleaner.......... 129 Wood cleaner & preservative 45m Scott's liquid gold .....t2 99 regular 100 g bdl. Eno fruit saits .......... 17 BROWN'S FOODMASTER BROOKLIN 655-4521 Delivery at Nominal Charge 8:30 amn to 6:00 pm Except Thurs. & Fri. Nights til 9 pin to join the Carousel Players in their presen- tation of "Totem-GO- Round" at the Whitby Public Library. The play concerns four families of animais who get together to decide how to face the invasion of the home- lahd by men. C Children participate, in the action by joining one of the animal families and together audience and actors decide how man and animal can live together. Tickets are available at the children's desk free of charge. For more information cal 668-6541. CPR course The Whitby Ambu- lance Service will be sponsoring a course in cardio-pulmonary res- cusitation (CPR) for three consecutive evenings on November 17, 18 and 19 from 7 to 10 p.m. The cost for the cour- se is $20., For more information about registration and location call the service at 668-3146 or Sue Ed- wards at 686-1606. F aiïth has guest 0 singer Jerry Wayne Bernard (above), of Texas, will be the guest of Whitby's Faith Baptist Church during the week of November 8 to 15. Bernard will be singing and speaking at the church's Sunday services on November 8 and 15 at both il a.m. and 6:50 p.m. Each evening from November 9 to 13 he will be singing and speaking at 8p.m. The evenings will also feature Faith's orches- tra, choir, men's chorus and ladies' ensemble. Faith Baptist Church is l1ocated on Taunton Road East, just east of Brock Street North. le juioe r EBI pure ble. .95 Swanson 1 -i MMMF fb. d coffee Nabob