%GE 14, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1981, WHITBY FREE PRESS COMING EVENTS CALENDAR w BOOK SALE St. John's Anglican hurch, Brock and Vic- )ria Streets, will hold a ook sale on November 4 from 2 to 5 p.m. Anyone wishing to onate books for the ale is asked to leave iem at the rectory, 1604 tufferin Street. For more information all 666-3561. AGLOW The next meeting of ie Women's Aglow 'ellowship will be held n November 12 at 7:30 .m. at Camp Samac, imcoe Street North, shawa. The guest speakers vill be Jean Morgan and Marian Greenwood. For more information 'all Karen Hitchings at 655-3703. 18 at 8 p.m. in room 1002F of the Oshawa General Hospital. The guest speaker will be Cleo Corcoran, enter- ostomal therapist at St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto. For more information call Louisa Anderson at 728-1869 or Mary Saun- 728-1869 or Mary San- ders at 723-4556. This will be the last meeting until January 20, 1982. COMPUTER The Durham Region Home Personal Com- puter Club will meet at the Whitby Public Library on November 19 at 7 p.m. The guest speaker for the evening will be Chris Greaves. ber 27 at the Holiday Inn, Oshawa. The preview will begin at 7 p.m. with the auction being held at 8:30 p.m. Admission is $4. Wine and cheese will be ser- ved. Tickets are available by calling 668-6868. BAZAAR The Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 112 will hold a bazaar and bake sale beginning at 11 a.m. on November 14 at the hall on Byron Street South. There is no admission charge. The legion will also hold a euchre night beginning at 8 p.m. Ad- mission to this evett is $1.50. Lunch and prizes to be provided. All are welcome. bazaar at the church on November 14 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Featured at the sale will be baked goods, crafts, used items and lunch. NDP The Durham West New Democratic Party will hold their annual meeting on November 15 at 1 p.m. at the UAW Hall, 140 Hunt Street, Ajax. The meeting will be held to elect the 1982 executive as well as delegates to the provin- cial leadership conven- tion that will be held February 5 to 7, 1982. The guest speakers at the meeting will be leadership candidates Jim Foulds and Bob Rae. For more information OSTOMY ART AUCTION The next meeting of The Durham .Region BAZAAR the Oshawa and District Family YMCA will hold Emmanuel Reformed PSYCHIC Ostomy Association their first annual gala Church, 403- Rossland Ellen Muir, psychic will be held November art auction on Novem- Road West, wili hold a and clairvoyant will be at the Whitby Centenn- ial Building, 416 Centre Street South on Novem- ber 19at7:30p.m. Admission is $3. ONE PARENT The next meeting of the North Oshawa Chap- ter of the One Parent Families Association of Canada will be held tonight (November 11) at 8 p.m. at Christ Memorial Church, Mary and Hillcroft Streets, Oshawa. The speaker for the evening will be Ann Neckers of Weight Wat- chers International. The next meeting of the association's Oshawa Chapter will be held November 17 at 8:30 p.m. at the Lake Vista Clubhouse, Emerald Avenue, Oshawa. For more information call the Durham district office at 723-0286. BOOK FESTIVAL The Whitby Public Library will be holding a Children's Book Festi- val during the week of November 16 to 21. To celebrate the - "secret world" of Canadian books the library is sponsoring two events - a book mark coloring contest for boys and girls in kindergarten to grade 3 and an all Canadian book quiz for children in grades 4 to 6. Book marks, quiz forms and contest rules can be picked up at the children's desk through- out this week. Contest winners will Garage Sale Signs Courtesy [GOLDJACKETPy j 668-6221 j be announced Novem- ber 25. For more information call the library at 668- 6541. SALE The Salvation Army Whitby Home League will be holding their Christmas sale and tea on November 21 from 2 to 5 p.m. at the corps' headquarters, 112 Kent Street. Featured will be home baking, Christmas gifts and decorations, toys and more. Proceeds will go to special projects spon- sored by the Salvation Army. All are welcome. WELSH SERVICE All Saints' Anglican Church will host a Gymanfa Ganu at the church at 7:30 p.m. on Sunday, November 15. A Gymanfu Ganu is a service of hymn singing in which the congrega- tion becomes the choir. The hymns are those made popular by Welsh Choirs. The conductor will be Rev. Cerwyn Davies, minister of Dewi Sant (St. David) Welsh United Church and the organist will be Jane Anne Davies-Thomas, also of Dewi Sant. MEETING The Durham Region Parents of Twins Club will hold its next meeting on Tuesday, November 17 at 8 p.m. at the Doctor Joseph O. Ruddy General Hospi- tal, Gordon and Victoria Streets. There will be a general discussion on helpful hints for raising twins. New members are al- ways welcome. If you are expecting twins, or know of some- one who is, please con- tact Maureen Littlejohn 683-8315 or Barbara Hullah 668-1359. IF YOU ARE INVOLVED IN AN ACCIDENTI 1. Calithe Police. (Don't admit liability; let the police decide) 2. Cali your Insurance agent. (Explain the problem.) 3. Cali Home. (You'll be at least one hour late.) 4. Coli OSHAWA CAR CARE LTD. (It's your choice where your car s repaired.) We have the most up to date equipment to rair any car on the road today. We guarantee satisfaction. NEW CAR RENTALS o '$5. per day - no mileage. 660 Drake St. oihawa 576-1019 M DK-m CLUB MEETS The Canadian Club of the Region of Durham will have Peter H. Ben- nett as guest speaker at the meeting of Novem- ber 19 to be held at the Genosha Hotel, King Street East, Oshawa with dinner at 6:30 p.m. Bennett is special ad- visor to the assistant deputy minister, Parks Canada and has served as national director, National Parks and Sites Branch and Cana- dian delegate on the World Heritage Com- mittee. The Canadian Club is an organization dedicat- ed to fostering an in- terest in all matters of public concern and meets seven times yearly at dinner. Memberships are available on application to Box 391, Oshawa. Guests are invited and reservations may be made by calling Hugh Harris at 728-7015. FINCH SEARCH The Durham Region Field Naturalists will sponsor a field trip in search of finches on November 15 at 8:30 a.m. The tour will be lead by Tod Norris who can also be contacted for more information at 263- 8346. Participants will meet at the Five Points Mall, Ritson and Taunton Roads, Oshawa. They ,are advised to dress warmly and bring bino- culars. GREY CUP PARTY The Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 112 will be holding a Grey Cup Party on November 22 beginning at 12 noon at. the hall on Byron Street South. The game will be seen on a big screen. There will also be a buffet and bar. Tickets, which must be purchased before November 16, are $7 per person and can be ob- tained by calling 666- 9028. TOTEM-GO- ROUND On Saturday, Novem- ber 14, from 2 to 3 p.m., children from 5 to' 10 years of age are invited to join the Carousel Players in their presen- tation of "Totem-Go- Round" at the Whitby Public Library. The play concerns four families of anim- als who get together to decide how to face the invasion of the home- land by men. Children participate in the action by joining one of the animal fami- lies and together audience and actors decide how man and animal can live together. Tickets are available at the children's desk free of charge. For more information call 668-6541.