WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1981, PAGE 21 By COUNCILLOR ROSS BATTEN North Ward . I appreciate the fact that most of you are in the middle of preparing for Christmas and do not want to be reminded about property taxes. However, we are in the middle of preparing the 1982 budget and I thought I might share some of that misery with you. Actually the situation as far as the Town of Whitby is concerned, is not as bad as might be expected. We must, of course, be aware that the present economic situation is not good and the cost of operating the town is certainly in- creasing. In order to maintain the current level of service to the taxpayer, the operating budget for 1982 will cer- tainy have to increase. The capital budget for 1982 will depend on some decisions by coun- cil as to what we con- Family pressures CONT'D FROM PG. 19 closely connected with the previous two, is the easy availability of divorce, and in particular the possi- bility of getting divorce on the grounds of mere 'in- compatibility'. Hollywood first, followed by other forms of mass media, must carry an enormous load of responsibility for this matter. A whole generation has been so brain-washed by the projec- tion of the view that divorce is good, easy and ac- ceptable, that the will to work at building good marriage relationships has been generally and seriously undermined. It has become very difficult for people like myself, who conduct weddings, not to suspect that people often make their marriage vows with mentally 'crossed fingers'. I promise to love, comfort, etc., if..., until..., unless...! Almost all psychiatrists are agréed about the immeasurable, negative effects that divorce has upon family mem- bers. Finally, another 'anti-family' factor Ã"f con- siderable potence in our society today, is job mobility. The vast, impersonal corporations for which so many of us work cover enormous geographical areas. People can be, and often are, switched from one living place to another with rapid succession, or else they are required to travel frequently and far from their families. These things often put severe strains on family relationships, such as were not known in earlier times. Big business, itself, must take a lot of blame, as com- panies often require that loyalty to them must come before loyalty to the family. Those who refuse to tow the line in this way lose promotion, or even their jobs. If we believe in the family we must be aware of these dangers and do all in our power to combat them. Let us go back to the Bible with its picture of the family as a lasting, loving and loyal relation- ships. Let us work at our marital relationships, with God's help, not giving up when any difficulty or conflict arises, but struggling over these things as stepping-stones to stronger relationships and per- sonal character development. Let us recover the concept of the home as the supreme thing in human society and let us keep business and money-making in its proper place - as a means and not an end in itself. A destructive, anti- family tide has been rising and we who value the family must give ourselves to turning it back. * SKATEFREE I ZODIAC I ROLLER RINK I 6 BARR RD., AJAX, ONT. THURSDAY NIGHTS ARE ADULT NIGHT 18 YRS. OF AGE AND OVER BRING THIS COUPON TO ZODIAC I AND RECEIVE FREE ADMISSION ON NOV. 26 & DEC. 3 TIMES 8:00P.M. - 11:00P.M. FOR INFORMATION CALL 686-2816 mm mmmmmmmmmm DENYS RENOVATIONS QUALITY PAYS IT DOESN'T COST Discount on installation of ail 5 ceramic tiles with this ad. Expires Jan. 30th, 1982 919 Brock St. S. 668-6667 Whitby, Ont. 668-6667J sider as necessary or advantageous to the tax- payers. Some of these include road improve- ments, improved street lighting in some areas of town, additional recrea- tional facilities or im- provements of existing facilities and the institu- tion of a permanent in- formation centre. So far, I have painted a very negative picture of our financial situation and most of you are now preparing to move out of Whitby to avoid the huge tax increase. However, there is a bright side to the whole picture. The year 1981 is a banner year as far as building in the town is concerned and the num- ber of building permits issued has far exceeded our budget predictions. A substantial campaign to promote the location of industry in Whitby has also began to bear fruit and promises to continue to be a big asset to our tax base. In addition, we have been able to operate the town within our 1981 budget which puts us in better financial position than might be anticipaLed. It is still too early to be definite about any tax increases however, I do feel, although there will be an increase it should not be exhorbi- tant. I caution you at this point to consider that I am speaking about that portion of your taxes which relates to the Town of Whitby. We have no control over the financial position of Durham Region or the Durham Board of Edu- cation. I referred earlier to the institution of a per- manent information centre. Many of you might feel that this faci- lity is not a necessity and would not be bene- ficial to you as a tax- payer and at one time I would have agreed with you. However, most of you are aware that this past summer we had an information centre on a temporary basis, on Brock Street South. The reports of activity at this centre through- out the summer demon- strated to us that we had discovered an industry we were not aware we had, that of course being tourism. I feel that the institution of a per- manent information centre would promote this industry and en- courage tourists to visit the Town of Whitby thereby assistinig our local business people and creating additional work opportunities for our residents. I referred to the Christmas season at the first of my column and I would like to now take the opportunity to wish everyone in the Town of Whitby an early Merry Christmas and the fore- cast that the year 1982 should be a prosperous one for the Town of Whitby and most especially its residents. All senior citizens are invited to enroll in any Durham Region YMCA social and physical program at one-half the regular cost. Yes, only half price. Reduced rates thereby apply to winter. In- formation on 1982 activities-will be available in mid- December. The Durham Region 'Y' staff have planned many programs with the interests and need of seniors in mind, and special rates are intended to expand opportunities for full participation. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!! Give a little of your time to help fight asthma, emphysema and lung cancer victims. Call 985-7140 or 985-8033 to register as an official canvasser for the Christmas Seal Campaign in Port Perry. Regis- tration is from November 24 to 30. BREAKFAST ANYONE!!! Blackstock Nursery School is having a pancake breakfast on Sunday, December 6 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Blackstock Recreation Centre. Fees are as follows: adults $2.50; children under 12 years $1; pre-school children 50 cents. There will also be a craft and bake table. THEY'LL DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY The Prince Albert Community Centre is having a dance on Saturday, November 28 starting at 9 p.m. For tickets call 985-2146 or 985-7471. Music will be provided by the Log Cabin Boys. OPEN HOUSE The children of Mervyn and Marion Allin are having an open house to celebrate their parents' 50th wedding anniversary. All relatives and friends are cordially invited. The open house will take place on Sunday, November 29 from 1 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. in the home of James and Isabelle Fell, 141 Hazelwood Drive, Whitby. Best wishes only. MORE ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS The children of Russell and Mima Corner invite you to help celebrate their parents' 50th anqiver- sary on Saturday, November 28 from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. at the Port Perry Snowmobile Club. Best wishes only. KIDS' CORNER This is the last week to get your letter in for the Christmas contest. If you are under 13 years old you could win from $5 to $15 just by writing about what you think Christmas is. All letters must be in by December 3, 1981. Please include your name, age, address, telephone number and date your letter. Send all entries to Barbara Vansickler, Box 12, Group 3, R.R. 3, Port Perry, Ontario, LOB 1NO. Call 985-3447 with articles for this column. Cookbooks For Every Occasion 131 Brock st. S. 666-3232 CLUBM ANRENE CONCESSION 10 WEST, SCUGOG ISLAND SAT., NOV. 28th, 1981 8:30 P.M. - 1:00A.M. DANCETO BILL JOHNSO'S SWEET COUNTRY SPONSORED BY CANADIAN AUTOMOTIVE MUSEUM LICENSED UNDER AUSPICES OF SPECIAL OCCASION PERMIT COMING BEV SMITH DEC. 5th AND HIS ORCHESTRA for further infornatlon phone Oshawa 576.4096 WANTED! FLOATS - BANDS MAJORETTES & ENTRANTS OF ALL KINDS FOR THE WHITBY JAYCEES SANTA CLAUS PARADE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5th, 1981 -CONTACT KEN THOMS 668-7914 CINEMASHOWOASE ~I~1 10-