This cbarrning restaurant i welJ known in town for its friendly ambience, with its stoned and tucoe walls, red tablecloths and carpet, anditis relaxlng fireplace. More than this, how- ever, Le Chalet is known for ità s- xcellent service. The waîtresses are courteous and friendlly, ahd always there when you need them. (So im- pressed have we been with this quality over the years that the Whit- by Free Press presented NICk Angelopoulo, owner of Le Chalet, wth a plaque commendlng hlm ami bis employees Le Chalet at our loth qnniversary party.) As well as many dif- ferent cuts of steak, one can order such special- ities as Chateaubriand, Stuffed Corniah Hen and Duckling a l'Orange, just to name a few selec- tions. Le Chalet also of- fers excellent roast beef, not only done the way you want It but carved as thin or as thick as your taste demands. Nick feels that bis bouse specialty El Stavros El Stavros restaurant at thé corner of King and Wilson in Oshawa is unique for several reasons. <Care and thought went in- to the design and decor of this fine eatlng establish- ment tbat is located on the site of a former root beer ami bot dog e mporiwn. Along wltb the exterior and Interior designi which leans towards the Spanisb, is the desire to make people feel comfortable and at the same Urne serve them food they wiil enjoy. It was wlth somne surpirse that we learned that El Stavros was buiît on the former site of theA &W. It was a complete surprise to walk into this establishmnent and sSc just what architecta and interior designers can d'O. We visited El Stavros last week and the moment we set foot inside, we were delight- fully pleased with the clecor, the furnisbing and the floor layout. There are several rooms, and some of the eating areas areas are at elevated levels. As it hap- pened, we were seated at a table where we could look down on the tables belôw. Mirrors and potted tropical plants give the illusion of depth and privacy for the diners. The lighting is sof t, the chairs are higb-backed and comfortable. El Stavros is owned by Tony Tzalis and Steve Givellas and opened on March 1, 1979.ý Unfor- tunately on that date, Tony was i11 and Steve had back trouble and neither of them were on band. Romero had to handle the official opening. The restaurant handles up to 100 people, has several rooms, and 12 small lounges. From Wednesday t.hrough Saturday you cari enjoy the music of Jim Paris on the organ and vibrophones. 'heiers a amail dance floor for those wishing a littie exercise after a deligbtful meal. The restaurant specializes in steaks and sea fooda, but bas also won a reputation for superb back spare ribs at a very moderate price. A salad bar *is also included with tbe businessman's lun- cheon and witb certain din- ners at the eveming bour. The Free Press dining page cari recommend El Stavros to anyone wbo wants a special dining tre4t, in a very special atmosphere, and at a price tbat most people can still afford. I 4à Lom * .UMM% Openi 10 arn-i i prnFr. and Sat 10 amn.-1 arn. WH-ITRY FREE PRESS'.' quet tacilities available for from 25-150 people and now's the Urne to book your Christmas parties. In the near future, therewillbe disco entertainiTeni mostly on a 5's theme, as the demnand for 50's IIntieb lacu INiyiVId WEDNESDAY. NOVFMRF.R 25, 1981, PAGE 23 Thmie Chalet is open seven days a week, and is well worth visiting. You will (md yourself returning again and again for the consistent- ly good food ani ser- vice. To make resera- dions or to make ban- el.iattirrngezftents,_eaUl 6-4377. The restaurant ls open Monday to ITuarsday from noon to il p.m., Frlday noon to 12:30, Saturday 4 p.m. to 12:30 a'.m. and Sunday 4 p.m. to 1 Op.m. BSn appeti is Fillet Normandie, which is stuffed with Scampi and dlpped in wine sauce. For'the seafood lover, thmr are no less than seven fresh seafood en- trees on the menu. Two people could dine here in the evenings, %Otb appetizer, entree, dessert and wine for $25 - $30, which is. these in- flatlonary Urnes is very reasonable. As was mfentioned earlier, there are ban- STEAK AND SEAFOOD HOUSE Cail Now For Your QHRISTMAS& NEW YEARS PARTIES SMfldWdsavùr Your hosts at El Stavro's invite you to enjoy fine dining that wil11 m'ake you want to retu rn again and again. THE ULTIMATE IN ELEGANT DINING- 576-6999i) 557 KING E. AT WILSON. OSHAWA EL STA^VRO'5 STEAK MOUSE HARVEY9S 1216 DUNDAS ST.Em, WHUTBY- 666-1141 makes a hamburger abeautiful thing. NEW TO MENU. CHIOKEN & STEAK SANDWICHES