Whitby Free Press, 25 Nov 1981, p. 27

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 198 1, PAGE 27 CAL L 668-6l11' Emporlum Ads wiII onlly be accepted subject to the following conditions. $61ARTICLES FOR SALE BOYS' 2WHEEL 0 good condition. Aski 66&.5180. NEW RADIO CONTI ond trucks, retaitini $M2.95, now at op B.M.W. $25; .M.W. $30; Ferrari G.T. $40 $40;, Mazda RX7 $75; $1 00. Cailt aflr 5 p.m. LADIES FUR COI trtmmaed with Blue F aaking $500. Cati aft 6780. CHAIN LINK FENCE long, complots topr poot. Asktng $40. Ca SWEDISH steel art scroen, 41½'" x 31' SWEDISH astelrao pace acreen, 36" wtd $30. Cati 571-3471. LADIES MINK PA% size 12/14, top cor prce $36. Calil6&564 MARY KAY Showcas Supplias. Asking $8 for. CatI 668744. NEW OUTBOARD fd Cttnton, $250. Sever containers, army tYP oriental rug, 9 x 10,1 etl tape $200. Elai Cati l579-4049. PINBALL MACHIN, excellent wokldng Caf modat, single player. Cati 576-2091aet@r O6 PING PONO TABLE ;411, lika new, $70. Plh DIAMOND ENGAGEI almost new. Appi $445. Prica negotli 263-8025. SNOWBLOWER, Mc caltant condition, t showar cabinet, brai ail fixtures and curtali 86&83165. AIR-TIGIIT WOOD STOVE, Former, Rar door, hats 2,000 sq. excellent condition, 668-8189. 26" FRANKLIN S acreen, $100 as is. Ce BLACK à WHITE A vision, wainut cabir 655-4917. ELECTRIC WATER galion, in good cond $W0. Phono 668-4686 GENDRON BABY convorta 10 car be brushed burgundy i Bar saoois 3) orangt bock, 18 oach. Mate sute 10 $100 for lot. IkatsIse 10 S1 BICYCLE, ln lng $25. Cali Oct.7,81(H) ROLLED cars g 3$W.95 10 octal prices. wllh sound 18 wheîst- Manza G.T. -66&2510. Nov.4,81 (H) AT, Muskrat Fax, sîze 10, arO p.m. 6681- Sep.23,81(B) F5' hîgh, 30' rails st-d end %Hi 666-3995. Sep.1 6,81(R) hed Ilmepioce V'high, $70. ýtangular fit-a- da x 26" htgh, Sap.30,81(W) US JACKET, ndlton. Fit-m 1827. Nov.4,81(R) o & Buainoali 0 or bout of- Aug.26.81(J) IOTOR, Ship i 5-gallon gos ta, $15 each. $175. Reel-to- ctrlc fan $20. Oct.21,81(A) Travot Tîme, ýndtlon, aider Aaktng $30. .m. Nav.4,81(R) E, haavy duty aona 7284849. Nov.25.81 (K) MENT RING, ýraised valua labie. Phono Aug.26,81(S) dol 100, ex- $250. Steel ýnd naw, wllh n, $60. Phone Nov.18,81(M> BURNING cher, double il., 2 yrs. aid, $380. Cali Sop.23,81(F) STOVE wlth ali 725-5624. Nav.1 1,81(M) CA 26" teto- net, $75. Cali Oct.28,81(R) HEATEA, 60 dilion. Aaklng Sep.2,61(F) CARRIAG, id & att-aller, natoril, $80. le swivei, hlgh rnity clothes, MW'yRa ur ARTICLES FOR SALE1 CHAIN SAW, Clnton 24", $125. White, 34 x 80, baked aluminumn storm door trite), $25. Regular alum. storm door, 34 x 80, $20. Modern white bahtub $50. White basin $750. Pnk basin $7.50. Gold fîbreglasa vanity basin $750. Electrlc anowblower $80. Electric V4 hp. motor $15. Wooden head- board single) $5. Polo type record stand $10. Smail antique desk $125. Back & white f ur jacket, size 10, $125. Cati 668&7404. Nov.25,81<T) ELECTRIC LAWNMOWER, Viking, $25. Small 5 buib black wrought Iron chandelier, $20. Mon's amatllmedtum navy skidoo suit, like new, $15. 10 codar rails, $12. 3 place white bedroom set, large dresser wth mirror, socretary with drawors, Captain-stylo 4 poat single bed, now mattresa, $175. Swedtah exorciser, $10. 3½l long antique Mennonite church bench, $125. 3 bottes Easy Off carpet cloaner, 2 botties Defoamer and 2 botties Pre-Cleanor, $15 for lot. Phono 688-6294. Nov.18,81<O) HOOVER HAIR DRIER with mani- cure $25. Lady Shtck Facial, new, $20. Vivtar Back & Whiteo Entargor $90. Club Chair, swivet, $100. Macrameed Hangtng Bassinet $50. Wooden Hoadboard $10. Cati 668-7546. Oct.7,81<B) L.SHAPED ARBORITE kitchon counter-top, $25. Steel ktchen aink, $10. Antique walnut drosser, needa roftntahtng, $50. Colonial sofa bed $35. Colonial pote tamp, Ilka naw, $45. Matching swag lsmp $35. (rtttwork for aium. storm door, fuit siza, very omnamontat, $10. Foamn mattroas block, double, brand new, $20. Radilner chair wth butît-in he.ater-vtbrator, green iabrtc uphotstery, ike new condition, $99. Modern pote lamp $10. Westinghouse portable dish- washor, Coppertone, neada minor rapair, $50. Hoover cannistar vacuum $15. Two sets of long green drapas for 45" wide win- dows, $5. Cai 6687404. Nov.4,81 (T 45 RECORDS, Rock & roll f rom the '50e 10 the lte '709. Over 2,000 recordis. $1,500 for lot. SOFA, green 3-seater, $75. LOVE SEAT, contemporary styla, black & white, $65. OtL PANTING, Reynolds, harbor scene, suit contemporary or modem living room grouping, original oit & canvass, $65. PANA- SONIC STEREO SYSTEM wth 2 speakers and record changer $95. Two Tetofunken SPEAKERS, 3 way, new, rated for 60 watts t-ms, $150 for pair. Custom PINE BAR with servtng counter and preparation counter, worth over $800, asktng $485. Open CURtO CABINET, wainut, storage com- parment at bottom, $50. DRAPES, Royal btue, gotd and white design, inad, 96" tangth x 12' width, $95 for pair. 9 x 12 ORIENTAL RUG, Royal blua, gold and white design ta match curtains $125. OUT- DOOR PLANTS and anruba and plantera, ½o wine barrais, f rom $10 10 $25. Hastings RINGS à BEARINOS for 302 Ford angine, naw, $80 for lot. Cati 6684725. Sapt.9,81 (0) CONTINENTAL radiai tiras for Votkswagon Rabbit, mode ln Gar- many, TS771-175170, SR13. New $8840 aach, wIit sali for $100 pair. Voikswagon Rabbtt Traiter Htch, Oct.21,61(8) 1a1 Cn i M gàcAflm-1-l i-m - rLMMOM nr.LJ Whan the advertiaed Item la soid, dtapased ai, or unavailabie for whatevar reason, the Item wiil b. deemed ta iîsve b.en soid and a commission wlil be chargad basad on THE ADVERTISEO PRICE asa Iiiuaratad beow, regardie3saIf prica Is statod with "beal offar". Itho Item la NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad witi b. tun for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE ai 3.00 wiii apply payable In advsnce ai publication ai the tirai ad. Olherwlsa a $750 charge wiil sp- ply If biiled which muat ba paid upon rocaipt. The aboya minimum chat-gos wlil be appliid ta the final commission due but ln any case the highar amaunt witl b.e chsrgad. Minimum charge: $6.00 pra-psld, $7.50 bittad. Maximum commission: 3100.00.Alil advertamants must be piaced on an exclusive basîs wth the WHITBY FREE PRESS and tun atieasat ana manth If not said. 5% of odveriad prlce up ta 3400 RATES PIl orticle ta sotd): 2% ai balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE. Sotd Item advertised for $120.00. Commission due 36.00 (minmum charge la 36.00) Privata advartising anlyt Plasa notify the Whitby Ft-ee Pt-osImmediataiy when Item lasosld so thal wa may dotleeil f rom the foiiowing Issues. Al sds not fiting the Emporium guldalines will ba treated and chsrged par week as egular cisssifiad 5dB on s pre-psid basis such as: services, haip wanted, ciothIng, rosi asIate, and porsonal message type ada, or ada nol quotlng prIco or quanlity. Privale classliid ada may appear In the Emporium section under appropriata headInga. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whitby, LIN 551 If In daubl cati: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock SL N. Whitby, Ont. THE EADINEFOR EMPOR)UM ADS 15 THE I FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION-AT NOON. tPLIANCE FOR SLE ICE CREAM FREEZER, portable, 8 it. wide x 6 ft. htgh x 16 IL. long, on truck chasie. Ideatlfot- moat storago. Two 2 horse motara, working excellent. One motar noar naw. Auna 10 di 0. Asking 33,000. Call SEARS KENMORE MACHIN, axcetiani ssking $90. YelIow-g with f mnge, asklng1 668-0800. VIKING SEWING AIC drswer cabinet, exci tion. Aosortment ai 36 bobblns. Aeking Susan affer 6:30 p.mn.i 1986 CHEV MALIBU ovar $8.000 invested rich TAs, 350 LT1, 4z sean winiar ln 7 yi $4,200 or besl aller, 6424. 1972 iMPALA, 4 dc ning conditon, nc Asking $395. C (Oshawa). 1972 PINTO, suIv radlis, 25,000 mitas motor, body goad, r and sais, u-jainls. Phonoe668-827. egrees below i649-3343. Sop.9,81 (J) E SEWING tl condition, gatd aval ug $30. Phono Nov. 18,81(C) CHINE wth 3 »tent candi- occessorles, SM $35.Oil et 723-5892. Nov.4,81<P) SS, estorod, J, B.F. Goad- spaad, hasn't ats. Asking -Phono 688- Nov.18,81(H> or. good t-un- iol certif lad ait 571-3968 Sep.16,81(P) mallc with ý cr a rabulil neada valves Asking $400. Oct.28,81 (r U~TOMOBILE1 'ORRSS'IL, 1973 GRAN TORINO SPORT, 351, 4 bat-et, gouges, automalic trans- mission, Ibm a hift, raiiy tires, buckets, nowly painted. Aaklng $2.000. Cali 655-3006. Sep.23,81 (S) 1974 DODGE CORONET, goad running condition, con be cet-t flaed. Aaklng $400 or boat ofar. Cali 668-1564. Sep.9.81(T 1974 IMPERIAL LEBARON (4 doot-) excellant condition, fuity loadad, white teather sesIs, 54,000 mites ai hlghway driving. Asktng s3,500 firm. Soriaus buyera onty. Cat l668&5220. Sep.16,81<H) 1975 DODGE MONACO ROYALE, new brakes, 51,000 original mles, A-i condition. Asking $1,705. Cati 668-7107. Nov.4,81<B> 1977 MONTE CARLO, 305 cu. In., 2 barrai wlth -roof, swivei buckal sats, puisa wipams, crulse con- IraI, white exterlar, tan inlerior and G60 Fit-stana SS radiale ait around. In excellent shape. Asking 34,200 or boat aller. Cati 668-0130 and ask for Steve. Oct.28.81(G) MOPED, Solex, ln excellent con- dition. Great Christmas giftl Asklng $175 or boat ai fer. Phono 668-3720 afloer 5 p.m. Nav.25,81 (P> AVUMOMOVE R~RP IR.PARIPARTS] TWO tR76-14 RADIAL SNOW TIRES mountad on twa AMC raily wheIs, $110 or beet offor. Two DR78-14 RADIAL TIRES (raIaad whiteolettore> Firestone-721 steel boited tiras maunted on AMC raily wheaIs, $180 or beat offar. Ail four lit-as wii saili for $325 or boat ofloer. Pieasso cati 686-1886 batwean 2 p.m. and 10 p.m. Ait tirasIlike new. Sep.23,81(D) TIRES - 2 Michelin 225175R x 15 (HR78 x 15) snow tires, liat $153, sali for $75 each, usod ana seasan. 2 Goodyear 215175R x 15 (GR78 x 15) ice radiais, used ana manth, lIaI $155, sai for $75 each. Phono 668-1492. Nav.25,81(R) t5AB1 NW~E.EDS MOVINO, MUST SELL - Blue& white Gendron baby cardage, like naw, $30. Colonial pine ocking ctlb, smslli, 25. Four-in-ona snow suit (bunting bag), peach calot-, tIke new, $12. Coltapaiblo high chair, 2 way, yeliaw mauided plastic seal & lray, tulIy adjuat- able, chrome legs, very sturdy, axc. cond., $25. Chiidren's ouI- doar swing set, 5 place, oxc. cond., $50. Strolaer, blue vinyl seat &back, 310. Phono 668-6294. Nov.18,81(O) BABY FURNISHINOS à ITEMS. Ctlb , mattreas and dm088 In orange & white, $125. Pisypon $35. Twa walkera, $10 and $15. Two poltia chairs, $7 and $8. Baby bsck pack $10. Hlgh chair $15. Swing-O-Mattc $15. Joliy Jumpar on a stand $20. Cati 668-2702. Sep.2,81(L) SELL IT ... OUtCKLY ... CONVENIENTLY .. ECONOMICALLY. CALL M6811 1 NOW TO PLACE VOUR AD. SELL YOUR UNWANTED ARTICLES NOW Use this handy f orm to mail ln your Emporium ad. 1 have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have the followlng ad- vertisement plaCed under this section of the Whitby Free Press. 'BIG WHEEL' $13. Bat aduit bika $7. Cati 868 50l BLUENOSE STAI condition, original glu ail bordera Intact.A Cali 6688424. 7 HUS PINE BED, twi,4 fancy head and foott conatructed from top pine. WiII finish ta $195. Cati 985-2795. TWO EXTRA LONG Twln Beda, $75 each.i sitar 4 p.m. COUCH, 1 year aid, m modern styling, 8 it Cati 668-0277, DîNETTE SET, roi glass top with chrci base, 4 matching chi condition. Aaklng $2 with tri-Ilght, $25. Cal AN EXCELLENT anil pine and aak. Upperc ln laaded glssz, ma moulding motif; twi sholvos. Lowar ce hava Inset panaI and carvIng. Rafinlahat out, brasa hardware locks. A beautiful f irm. Phonoe6M6-3096 RUG, 9 x 12, burntc condition. Asking $4 3995. ADMIRAL 30" RANC Admirai 27" Drier white, approx. 6 yri broadtoom rug wil brown, 9' x 15', $100. DININO ROOM CABINET, tes wag cheat, ait ln maple Royal Abert china ai ting plus accessorle Rose", exc. cond., Cati 666-2071. ENGLISH PUB-STYL matching swivet roc gotd plaid, Otofin scotch-guarded. Ast tique wroughtlrn DOUBLE BED wth $210. Antique LOVE ching chair, blu uphoIstery, $200. Se' 5' COFFEE TABLE END TABLES, $130. TWO 30" ECRU p boards, $7 each. i pool pump $30. Bol organ, dual koyboi podala, 10 rttyth spealkers, hoadphon cht-c, sMooi, $90. C4 I 1975 HONDA 360 CE -~ tory and horn, lowi -(don't forg C I enc E2 Char El Bill ad. Card No. Mame (Pi. Ad""ea cIIy close $%0.00 to cover the minimum charge. rge $6.00 to my Visa aCCount. nie for $7.50 atter f irst publication of my laks prînîl) PSeel code MUSICAL, by Carrier for 1967 FENDER JAZZ basa guitar, 4-2301. very good condition, with hard Sap.16,81(D) case, beautifut Instrument. Asklng $85. Cati 668-1436 ai ter S p.m Oct.28,61(K) MP, excellent 7UETS1&] lu, nal usad, COCKER SPANIEL, 14 weeks oid, Asking 3700. mate, white with tan markîngs, ragistered. Aaking $35. Phono Oct.21,81(H) 68-26 Nov.1 1,81(U.) i5~ 1 THREE KITrENs, varlety ai colore, $!$*ch. Cali655W poster, wth TWO PUG PUPPIES, lemale, bot-n board. Newly Auguat 18. black-faced fawn. iquality white Aaktng $225 each. Cati 655-4487. suit. Asking Oct.7,81(W) Nov.25,81(M) FOR SALE - Two pairs aio Dlamond - Dovea, $25 par pair. One paît- ai i Continental White Zabra Finchea and ana pair Cati 655-4793 of Grey' Zebra Fîncties, $14 par Oct.28,81(W) pair. Phono 668-2461. o.,10 nocha brown, l. long, $300. ~,uC A tN L und amoked FLORIDA MOBILE HOME, 65' x >me padestal 1,2', fuliy funlahed on lagoon, ren- iits, ln good ted lot, 3 bedrooma, 2 bathrooma, '75. Pale îamp central air condlttonlng. Only i 579-986. $12,000 Canadien. Cati 728-.538 Nov.1 1,81(C) Nov.4,81<G) iqua hutch ln 1980 MASTERCOACH TRAILERi cabinet doora puah-out dinling ores. Paid $13,803 ýatchtng wood * aaking $12,500 or bost offar. To wa adjuatabie b. sen ot 410 Roselend Road abinat dooma West, WhItby and to Inquira cai ýd raised relief 668-1880. ed inaîde and Sep.16,81(J) a and cabinet I place, $M8 17 PT. RAMILER HOUSE TRAIL- . ER, etactt-Ic -ga frldga, sloops 6, Nov.25,81(C) taliet, alactric brakos, complota with hitch. Asking $2,500 or beat orange, good of fer. Phono 66848344. 40. Cati 66 Sep.16,81(V) Sep.16.81(R) P RTN GE $200 and WGOODSI S$150. Both la_ _1 rs. oid. Wooi HOCKEY EQUIPMENT, A-i condi. th underpad, tion. Cooper haimat, Bower Cal W.7267. skates, pents, eibow pada, knee Oct.21,81(B) pada, shoulder pada, socks, giavea and hockey.bag. For 12-14 CORNER year aida. AskIng $80. WiI saif ýon & hope saParataly. Cati 576-5710). >Wood, $500. Oct.7.81(D> et, 9 place sot- es, "Lavender SKIS, potes and boots, $75. asking $850 Langth af skis 170 cm. Aiso, four aid woodan chairs, ln gaod con- Oct.21,81(M) dition, asking $25 each. Phone 683-6638. 'LE COUCH & Nov.18,81(S> cker, green & fabric. Bean SKI POLES and ana pair of Nor. king $325. An- dica ski boots, aize 81h, ln goad 'n & brasa condition. Asklng 3-45. cati 668. i box sprIng, 5180. E SEAT & mot- Oct.7,81<H) ete &fdr oid120 ATTACK-SWINGER SKIS. &t o 0fdrkopnd m de In Austia, Soomon-ook Calit 66"8189, bIndînge, Kofiach boots siza 7. ýep.3,81F) tika now, axcellent condition. Asklng $200. Womon's ski jacket padd.d hoed. and pante, lght biuo, siza 12. Smal outdoor Asking $50. Cati 683-48. n Tompi 1960Sep.30,81(B> mrdIP 13 bau hmse, 2-7W' nie Jack, auto ZSTEREOU >11i 6684943l. o QUIP E Sop.30,81(C) 0 (ECHNICS AMIFM ÎtEREO RECEIVER, 55 watts per channel, Five 165 SRIS MICHELIN ZXu glt ta include your phone numberi RADIALS, 15", $200 for f tva Or $50 each. Phono 668-3680. Ask for LL28R IE S Ron or Lynn.a ULR Sep.16,81(G) BOX TRAILER. 4 x 8, excellant M AIL - condition, Ask rag $400. Cali 723- TO: MUS1K'IAL 0394. Aug.26,81(S, WNSTRUMETS W IT YORA, 1979 Galanti F-20 dut TUK F REE PRESS patterns. autoamatlc & manual C P.O. Box 206 in olum eh Ask&ing $1o.3.1975 CUSTOMIZED Y% TON Cat o 26icl661bc. A063$,30.TRUJCK. 302 angine, rad vetvet iln- Cali 688ck06M. Aug.26.81ÇT) lt-rlot. AM/FM cassette plus lots 131 rockSt.N. mre.Cariffied<, $3,000. CaOIl 668 Whltby Li N 5S1I GET RIO OF Il OW. Cati 668-6111 V5 10 place your Emporium ad. Aug.28,81(A) fï a c t Own rl*tm 1

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