Whitby Free Press, 25 Nov 1981, p. 28

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PAGE 28, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25,1981, WHITBY FREE PRESS ......... . .... ...... .. eE k .ý CALL A PNFEUIOIALI TRACTOR TRAILER PANIN & TRAINING For lass A & D License PPRN Cati Reasonable price PARTICIPATION for quaiity work. 416-38031 CaIl otu*n h8ldSSt8cu Tes Fr" for free estimate Dey, Eve. & Sat. coursles L868u5562 CLUB & ORGANIZATIONAL & EMPLOYEE BADGES [DENY'S RENOVATIONS Rec rooms, bathrooms, drywall, fencing, for ail your home i mprovements. Where quality pays, it doesn't cost. 668-6667 CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEM ENTS METRO LIC. B-2554 î'~rn I~u1 Master Antennes and Colorotors Prolessonally Instaîled - Sales - S RepaIra 576-5606 WHITE'S Towmr Systeme [HIGHEST PRICES Paid for Gold and Silver] coins, otd g uns, dlocks, jewelery, dishes, furni- ture, Crocks, ohl paint- Ings and seaters. rKîcnens, Ceramîc FRIENDLY Tiling, Drywali, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks FLEAKMARKET and Patio Doors. 725-9783 FREE ESTIMATES 23 KING ST. W., CALL 668-4686 OSHAWA UITAR ESSONS iïNOAHCT AVAl LABLIE NS Accepting new students.U UN e oylConservatory BY PROFESSIONALI programme. INSTRUCTORI lCaaf ter 3:301 SOIEN I LASS IEPAIIS REPLACEMENT WINDOWS - DOORS - SIDING DISTRIBUTOR FOR 2 PLUS 2 PATIO DOORS 600 HOPKINS ST. UNIT 3 (AT MURNIS 31. WMITDY. ONT. 686-1053 J WE'LL D)ELI VER FLYERS. Qulckly and Economically. Phone 668-6111 for details. ATTENTION Please check your advertisement for errors on the f irst BANKRUPTCIES are kiiiing amail businesses. Il your printer has gone oui of business we have a bonus for you. Cail Lou Dickson at 683-1968 for delails. WHITBY FABRIOS Custom Sheers à Drapes WEALSO DO ALTERATIONS 216 Dundes St. E., Whîtby OPP Post Office 668-4821 WE SERVICE ail makes and modeis 01 typewrIters. Dlckson Printing, 218 Harwood Ave, S., Ajax, 683-1968. PIANO LESSONS Private. Theory on request. Beginners to advanced. West Lynde area. Phono 668-1938. M DCATIO L UISERVICICES A HAINDY REFERENCE BOOK, 4-Grammar for people who hate Grammar. ideal git for students or office workers. $3.95 a copy at Dioksop Prlnting, 218 Harwood Ave, s., Ajax, 6831968. WATCH FOR the Dickaon Printlng Monthly Malier. Full of humour and Information. Coul 683-1968 for costs on advertIsIng space. NOTICES DURHAM REGION LUNG ASSO- CIATION needa your help to fight emphyaema, asthma and iung can- cer. Bequests or memorial gifts gratefully received through any funeral director. SLOST &I ARTICLES FOR SALE SIDES 0F BEEF à PORK for sale for freezer orders Pfhone 655-3203 afler 5 p.m. SWIMMING POOL CLOSE-OUT Ail 1981 stock wlll be sold at a fraction of the regutar selling price. Most sizes ln stock. Easy terme; avaîlable. Free delivery. Cai toit free 1-80W-268-5970 Toronto: 1-416-746-3340 FOR SALE - Two bundies of R12 fibreglass Insulation. Phone 579- 63W3. 2" STORM' DOORS Triple sealed 5 colors -e 4 styles - Il 695O installed & Guaranteed. Alsa oconomical and energy eff I. cient storm and replacement thermal windows and on- clasures. FREE ESTIMATES. Durham Glass 666B-3355 after hours 666-1847 BELOW BANK INTRÈEST. I will hoid o note on this cruiser if yau quaiify. 28 foot Chris Croît - ana af the few wood boala 0f t ln shawraam shape. Twin angines, Fiorida camper top, swim plat- farm, winter atarage paid. Asking $14,200 with 30% down. Coli 655- 3254. OFFICE IN ONEIl Combination deak and filing cabinet, new but scratch and dent In manufacture. Loas thon $100. Dickson Prlnting, 218 Harwoad Ave. S., Ajax, W13- 1968. - r4rUUrUu _______ FOUNO - Vicinity of Henry Street AT~IiCLES1 High School, hall grown kîten, dark tabby long hair, very iriendly. FOR RENIBI Phono 668-2576. TPWIER o1enmna and- electric,. by .t he weekend, 54Ja ARTICLES FOR SALE CAMERA EQUIPMENT - Manolta XG-SE, fuliy automatlc, 45 mm, S2.8 lens, extra Minolta Makinon zoom macro S-80-200 mm tons. Brand new. $300. Cali 666-1685, ask for Dean. PUBLIC AUCTION Every Monday ond Thursday nlght buy or sait at 1614 Charles Street, Whitby. Furnituro, glss, china, bools, jowelry, coins and s0 on. Ail consignments welcomo. Bill Wannomakor, Auctioneer, 666- 3731 days, 668-8403 evenings. MUSHROOMS $7.00 for 5 lb. box. Darlington Mushmaom Farm, H.R. 4, Bawmanviiie, 983-930)4. NEW & USED Office Furnilura at big savinga. We have o warehouso full ln Ajax. Dickson Printing, 218 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax, 683-1968. GIRL GUIDE UNIFORM, size 12, ln good condition. Asking $10. Phono 668-5541 ai 1er 5 p.m. month ar week. Dicksan PrInting, 218 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax, 683- 1968. PARTIVENTS/I CODSFRRN ONE BEDROOM with tireplace, bath and ormait kilchen. Located on Hwy. 2 near Harwaod. $220 per month. Phono 244-3471. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT CLEAN MODERN OFFICE on ground flbar In dawntown Whlt- by. 400 sq. Iu. Contact AI Kirby 668-6668. lm REALESTATEj :DRAIEREN1LE/RENT SHARE OWNERS REOUIRED. Phase 1, ton gardon homo units. Phase Il, 40 suite apariment com- plex. 2.5 acres zoned high density ln Part Whilby. Phono Rusa Wilde aI 666-2127 aller 6p.m. PUBLIC AUCTION Every Monday and Thursday nlght buy or oeilat 1614 Charles Street, Whltby. Furniture, glass, china,. toole, jewelry, coins and 3o, on. Ail conslgnments welcome. Bill Wannamaker, Auctioneer, 686- 3731 daysA 68-BUOaevenIngs. PUBLIC AUCTION THURS., NOV. 26 -7 P.M. AUtomotive supplies & .tools with certifled 1974 Nova sedan, drill presses, bench grinders, chain saws, air tools, socket sets, vises, sledges, axes, splitting mallets, wrench sets, new & used tools, new dishes, new glass- ware, new pots & pans. Consignments welcome. HeId at PEARCE AUC- TION CENTRE, 4 mites soUth of Port Perry and 12 mnile east on Shirley Rd. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICE 985-7492 AUCTION SALE THURS., NOV. 26 -8P.M. Stoufl ville Sales Barn Househoid furniture, an- tiques, coilectables, dcocks, wood stoves, fine china & glassware. Terms cash. NORM FAULKNER & EARL GAUSLIN AUCTIONEERS 640-5691 AUCTION SALE SAT., NOV. 28 -10 A.M. The property of MRS. N. VANDER- TOOLEN of 115 Thomas St., Oshawa, who la moving to a senior citizenis' home. Excellent harvest gold Kenmore automotic washer & dryer, like new; 4-seater chester- fieid & chair, good; kitchen suite; wooden table & 2 chairs; Frigidaire refrigerator; Inglisl wringer waaher; bookcase; 4 suice toaster; aMail ruga; walnut china cabinet & buf- fett, aid, gaod; lamps; fireplace heatllator wlth blower; 5 F78x14 tires; card fie; 2 fMing cabinets; dressera, oid; oid porcelain bath- room sinka & base; plus ýmany other articles. NOTE TIME: 10 a.m. Came early as this la a amail sale with some excellent aid& modern articles. ROSS & SCOTT McLEAN AUCTIONEERS 576-7550 AUCTION SALE SAT., NOV. 28 -11 A.M. PEARCE AUCTION CEN- TRE, 4 mi. south of Port Perry, 1/ mi. east on Shir- ley Rd. Consigniment sale. Wooden watt tele- phone, brass headboard (oid), antique cookstove, Franklin fireplace, an- tique dressers (J&H>, pine trUnk, enamnel top table, mnaple bedroom fUrnitUre, bed chesterfiletd, 2 stereos, power supplies & I I I. DISPLAY AND CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS day of publication. The IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the Whitby Free Press will not be Hable for failure to publish an ad, or for typograph- ic or other errors in publication beyond the cost of the space Occupied by the error Up to a maximum cost of the f irst insertion. The Whitby Free Press reser- ves the right to classify or reject ail advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper one day before they can be changed or canceiled. RATES: $406 for 20 words if bitîed; 12e each additional word. Pre-paid insertion of 20 words $350; additionai words 11c each. You may charge your Ctassified Ad to your Chargex or Visa Account and receive the discount on the price of your ad. Please have your Visa card ready when calîing. BliRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irst 100 words; 12e each additienal word. SADVERTISING SALESPERSON Required for fast-growing local newspaper. SmaiI, friendly office. Great opportunîty for someone who is bright, ambittous, energetto and enthusias- tic. Experlence flot necessaryl WRITE YOUR OWN TICKET! Ali Interested parties appiy In person Wednesday to Frlday at:- WHITBY FRÈEPRESS 131 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MANAGEMENT TRAINEES required for expanding companly. For interview cal 668-1502. Cait between 10-11 am. or 4-5 p.m. THIS 18 YGUR CHANCE la, earn high commissions by aeliing an exclusive, unique and distinctive product that la not saold at retaîl. Discover how abecome a member ai thia lucrative group. Cali 416683- 0552 or write la: The House ai, Harwood, 91 Station Street, Unit 6, Depariment 101, Ajax, Ontario, LiS 3H2. EXTRA INCOME AT HOME Prpr o.For Information, Iaend name and tamp to: OPPORTUNITYI BOX 44, DRAYTON, ONT. NOG P ENDERS RàESPONIÏÎBLE POÏt8N ta 100k after chIidren In aur home <Brack & Bums St.), befare achoal -.7 a.m. and aftsr school - 3:30 p.m. $4 per hour - Ideal for mother wilh pr.- achooler. Phono 666-3959 sfter 5:30 p.m. MATURE WOMAN REOUIRED, momninga anly ta cars for 5 year, aid. Coul 281-9516 alter 6 p.m. INSIDE SALES, persan wlth knaw- Iedge af printIng and forms, large area f irm, salary. P.O. Box 561, Whltby, Onlaria. FULLTIME KITCHEN HELP and bartenders. Csseys Rosdhouse, 1100 Dundas St. E., Whitby. Cal 66&.3300. ELECTROLUX REQUIRES two fuli-time and two part-ttmne salespeople ln the Whitby area for sales and service to the public. Cati: 3 668-1504 DURHAM AREA HOUSINO AUTHORITY AN AGENT FOR O MINISTRY 0F MUNICIPAL AFFAlAS AND HOUSING PAINTING CONTRACTORS 1. To provide MOVE OUT PAINTING IN PROJECTS wiihin the DURHAM REGION during the year 1982. B03 Srr DA 1681 SEALED TENDERS wiil be received until 12:00 noon EDST. FrIday, December 4, 1981. TENDER DIOCUMENTS may be obtalned f rom Durham Area Hous- Ing Authority Off ice, 218 Dundas Street East, Whitby, Ontario Li N 2H8. NOTE: For further Information regardlng the tender specificatione please contact the Housing Manager (416) 668-7757, quollng the reference number. The Iowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 4 ~ DURHAM AREA HOUSINO AUTHORITY AN AGENT FOR O MINISTRY 0F MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS AND HOUSINO 'JANITORIAL CONTRACTORS 1. To provide Janitariai Service - Senior Citizen Project, AJAX. B03-SFT DA 15181 SEALED TENDERS wiii be received unili 12:00 noon on Friday, December 4,1981. Tender documents may be obtained from DURHAM AREA HOUSINO AUTHORITY OFFICE, 218 OUNDAS STREET EAST, WHITBY, ONTARIO LIN 2H8 dlo Houaing Manager NOTE: Delails and Speciflcalions may be oblained by telephone <416) 668-7757, quoling reference number. The iowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. CHID CRE S~~ECE MATURE, RELIAULE MOTHER willling ta babysit Monday ta Frl- day. Serve hot lunches. Phone 68&.2964. RELIABLE MOTHER of ans ta take In daycara, full or part-lime. Cmii 6866-3257. MOTHER 0F TWO wiil babysit ln hor homne. $7 par day. Have back- yard and play raom. Serve hot lunches daiiy. Phono Michelle House at 661k2927. f irst 50 words; 12c each additionaî word. AUCTION SALES - 29c per Ilne. (No word ads atlowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an additionaî charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damage atîeged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding such replies. We wilI not be responsible for box number replies not called for within 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-611Il 688-2252 1 L X 'Am WJýwiý id= 1

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