PiriAGEc_ 30, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25 , 198 1, WIHTBY FREE PRESS DOLLAR Senti Study home owning cost before planning to buy Iy Marabali Fudge, CA et an apart- 868. Morigages taken out S400. ioda ywill certaialy 6e in the higher range of those home as un- rates, and it is reay any- n excellent one#& Lues. what the rate 'irs the value might 6e one or two years yWinl increase from uow. This takes away the advantage of buying a home over paying roui - which wua that morigage payments remained stable while renta went up. Now, refit inereaaça are normally fixed at 6 per cent, while a 2 per cent mortgage interest increase can increase your monihiy pay- ment by approximately 15 Per cent. Let's hope that mortgage interest rates will event- ually corne down and stabil. ize. But until ihey do, couples should 6e certain they can afford their psy. menti now, and also absorb any increase. If you can't mahe that assurance to yourself, perhaps buying in net for you just now. Muiail Fudge le wftà ]Robert Haff of Tteo wlâid. Flnameialand EDF exesu- tive placUXMeaispeelaist, Toronto. Chamber gov't program TORONTO - Chambers of Commerce across Canada will become centres of business In- formation under a joint prôjeet with the provin- cial governinent an- nouinced last week by- Industry and Tourism .Minister Larry Gross- man. The Ministry of In- dustry and Tourism wil set up, with any chain- ber that requests It, a library of information on government pro- grains that flrms can use to do business more successfully. Already, Grossinan- said, 23 chambers have expresseci interest. in takig part, including the Whltby Chamber of Commerce. The Joint programin l an extension of the work now bemng done by the mlnistrY's 18 field of- fices to disseininate in- formation about govern- .ment programs, assist- ance, Issuesand-regùla- tions MOVE IN BEFORE MARCH 011982 and be GUARANTEED me EXCELLENT FINANCING 01 4.. ,PORT PERRYÂ'