Whitby Free Press, 9 Dec 1981, p. 20

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PAGE 1-0, WEI)NISI)AX DI CtMBER 9, 1981, WIý"IITBY F RrJ PRESS CALL 668-6111 Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted subject to the f ollowing conditions. $0af ARTICLESI LADIES FUR COAT, Muskrat trimmed wth Blue Fox, suae 10, ssking $500.Calitafter 6 pm. 68 6780. sop.23.81(B) CHAIN LINK, FENCE, 5' high, 30' long, comploe top rails and end iost. Asklng $40. Caol666&3995. SOP.16,81(R) SWEDISH steel arched f ireplace ecreen, 411W' x 31" high, $70. SWEDI8H steel rectangular ire- place acreen, 36" wide x 26", hlgh, $30. Cati 571-3471. S.p.30,81(W) 23" ZENITH console color tels- vision, $1150. 20' steel pote, 5" dia- mater, Ie for clotheelins, $25. Phone 068-2800. Dec.9,81 (P) LAIES MINK PAWS JACKET, size 1214, top condition. FIrm pdolo$. 56.CaliI6684u7. Nov.4,81 (R) NEW OUTBOARD MOTOR, Ship Clinton, SM5. Seven 5-gaiion gas containers, army type, $15 each. Orientai rug, 9 x 10, $175. Reel-to- roei tape $200. Electrlc fan $20. Cati 579.4049. Oct.21,81(A) PINBALL MACHINE, Travel Tîme, excellent wortcIng condition, older modal, single player. Asklng $300. Cati 578-2091 aller 6 p.m. Nov.4,81 <R) PINO PONG TABLE, heavy duty ;4", llk new, $70. Phone 7284849. Nov.25,81 (K) 1972 OLYMPIC SKIDOO $100. Olivetti Electric Office Typewriter $125. gayco Crossbow $225. Phone 06"512. Dec.2,81(H) SNOWBLCWER, Modal 100, ex- cellent condition, $250. Steel shower ombinet, brand new, with att fixturs and curfaîn, $60. Phone 668.3165. Nov.18,81<M> 'qw AR.TIGHI' WOOD BURNINO STOVE, rmnsr. Rancher, double door, he 2,000 sq. ft., 2 yrs. old, excellent condition, $380. Cati Sop.23,81 CF 26" FIOLIN IITOVE with screen, ~a le. Cali 725-5624. Nov.11,81(M) BLACK à WHITE ACA 26" tele- vision, vout cabinet, $75. Cati 855-4917. Oct.28,81 (R) CHAIN &AW, Clinton 24", $125. White, 34 x 80, baked altimlnum slorm dr (frits), $25. Regular aium. stdrm door, 34 x 80, $20. Modem white balhtub $S0. White basin Se. Pink basin $750. Gold fibregas a vnity basin $7.50, Electrtc qpowblower $80. Electrlc % h.p. neor $15. Wooden hsad- board (sirîgle) $5. Pote type record stand S1* Small antique desk '$125. Sock & white fur jacket, ize 10, $125. Cali 6687404. Nov2581 mT CONT1mnl" AL radial tires for Vokw Rabbll, macde In Gar- many..8711-175M.0, R13. New 588.40 *a*, witl ssii for $100 pair. Volksw Rabbit Traiter Hllch, n ew, ., wili asti for $35. Large Dog Tra4ling Cage wlth tray, ex- .9HAPJ AlBOITE kitchen counter-top, $25.Steel kitchen stnk, $10.1 Antique wainut dresser, nedrtshlng, $50. Coboniat sofa ed 6305. Colonial pois Iamp, like new, W~5. Matching awag Iamp $3M. Gsllwork for alum. Storm door, fuîl aize, very omantmentat, $M0.FOam mttre"s block, 4r double, brand new, $2. Reciiner chair wlh buil*in heater-*Ibrator. grean fabrlc upholstery, like new condition, $9. Modern pote lamp $10. Weewghouse portable chah- wasfur, IMpetone, noecs minor repuir. 111 Hoover cannIster vacuum .Two sets of long green r for 45" wide win- dows Mi 66&404Nov.4,81(T ARTICLES FURORASAELE GENDRON B3ABY CARRIAGE, converta Ici car bed & stroller, brushed burgundy material, $80. Bar aoIse (3), orange swivel, high back, $18 each. Maternity clothes, size 10, $100 for lot. Boys Bauer skates, size 10, $12. Boys 18,' bicycle, needa repaira, $15. Cali 668-7007. SOp.30,81(S) HOOVER HAIR DRIER with mant- cure $25. Lady Shicit Facial, new, $20. Vivtar Black & White Enlarger $90. Club Chair, swlvel, $100. Macramnsed Hanglng Bassinet $50. Woodon Headboard $10. OCal668&7546. Oct.7,81 <B) NEW FOLDING FLIGHT SUIT. CASE on wheis - coat $95.- seli $50. Fireplace acreen, 28" x 38", $25. T.V. stand $10. Phone 668- 9116. Dec.2,81(T) -1000l FOND T-BIRD, 4 door, iomded, 80% resfored, $2,500 lnveslad, akIng 62,000 or boas faler. 22' SIPEED BOAT, 1947 Lyman, an- tique, one of a kind, needa rsstorlng, 84,500 ftrm. 19« JEEP C-J-2, new engine, radiator, front end, clulch, presaure plate, muater cytinder wheel cytindées, snow piough equipped, 81,800 f Irm. Wil trade for butltrener wIth front end loader. 4.4 CHRYBLER OUTBOARD MOTOR, excellent condition, $M6 firm. To vlaw esf131 Queen Si., BrooklIn or phone 655M387. Ocf.7,81 (1), 45 RECORDS, Rock & raIl f rom the '508 10 the fat@ '708. Over 2,000 records. $1,500 for lot. SOFA, green 3-seater, $75. LOVE SEAT, contemporary style, back & white, $85. OIL PAINTING, Reynolds, harbor scene, suit conlemporary or modemn living room grouplng, original oit & canvasa, $65. PANA- 50H10 STEREO SYSTEM with 2 speakers and re cord changer $95. Two Tetefunken SPEAKERS, 3 wsy, naw, raled for 60 watts mis, $150 for pair. Custom PINE BAR with sorvlng counter and preparaion counlor, worth over, $800, asking $485. Open OURIO CABINET, wmnul, alorage com- pertment ai bolfom, $50. DRAPES, Royal blue, gotd and white design, ined, M6" Iength x 12' width,M for pair. 9 x 12 ORIENTAL RUG, Royal blue, goîd and white design la match curfaina $125. OUT- DOOR PLANTS end ahrubs and plntera, 1½ wine barrots, f rom $10 to $25. Hastings RINGS à BEARINOS for 302 Ford ongino, new, $80 for lot. Caii 668.4725. Sept.9,81(D) JOHNSON 40 M.P., aiactrIc atarI, long shaf t, good condition. $425 or beal ciler. Cmli anytime 728-6700. Dec.9,81(S) ~APPLIAN7CEjs FORRAIISALE DEEP FREEZER, 20 cu. fi., made by Norsemen, working condition. Asking $100. Phone 666-2119. Dec.9,81(D) CE CREAM FREEZER, portable, 8 il. wide x 6 Il. high x 1611l. long, on truck chaste. ideat for mmml storage. Two 2 horse motors, worklng excellent. One motor near new. Runs 10 degreesa bslow 0. Asktng $3,000. Cmii 649-3343. Sep.9,81(J) 23 CU. FOOT ADMIRAL FREEZER, 2 yrs. old. Asking $35. Cati (Aah- bumn) 6554045 allter 6 p.m. Oct.21,81(B) SEARS KEMMORE SEWING MACHINE. excellent condition, sktng $90. Yeiiow-gold ovat rug wilh fringe. a3king $W0 Phone 668-0800 Nov. 18,8 IlCi VIKING SEWING MACHINE wîth 3 dmswem cainet, excellent candi- lion. Assortmenl of accassortes, 36 bobbins. Aaking $35_ Cati Susan aller 6:30 p.m. ai 723-5892. Nov.4,81(P) ZIG ZAO SEWING MACKINE (Viking). in mapla cabinet, good wo.rling condition, with manual accessortes Ashinq GO60Phone 668-2406 uffer 5 p.m. Dsc.9.81<s) PLEASE READ When the advertlsed Item la sotd, disposed of, or unavallable for whatever reason, the Item wIi ba deemad tb have been sold and a commission wiIl be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Iliustrated beiow, regardless If prie la stated wilh "best 0f fer". If the tem la NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad will ba run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $6.00 wiii apply payable ln advance of publication of the lIraI ad. Otherwise a $750 charge wiii sp- piy If bIlled which muet be pald upon recelpt. The above minimum charges will be applled 10 the final commission due but ln any case the higher amount wIii be charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre-paid, $7.50 billed. Maximum commission: $10000. Ail advertlsements muet be piacad on an exclusive basis with the WHITOY FREE PRESS and run atleast one month if not soid. RATES (If article leasold): 5% of advertlaad pdice up to 640.00 2% of balance over S40.00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertlsed for $120.00. Commission due 66.00 (minimum charge le 66.00) Prîvate advertlsing ontyt Please notify the Whllby Free Press Immodlatety when Item la soid 80 that wa may detete It f rom the fotiowing Issues. Ail ads not fltting the Emporium guldelînes wiil be treated and chargad per week as regular classiled ads on a pre-pald basis such as: services, hetp wanted, ciothing, test estate, and persanai message type ada, or ads not quoting prîce or quantlty. Private ciassifled &ds may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriate headings. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: If ln doubt cail: OR DELIVER TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM 668-6111l 131 Brock St. N. P.O. Box 206 Whltby, Ont. Whltby, Li N 581 THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. ~AUTOMOBILESI 1975 DODGE MONACO ROYALE, now brakes, 51,000 original miles, A-1 condition. Asktng $1,705. Cal 66&7107. Nov.4,81(B) 1977 MONTE CARLO, 305 ou. In., 2 barrai with -roof, awtveî bucket seats, puise wipers, crulse con- trai, whlPe exterlor, tan Intertor and G60 Fireatone SS radiais att around. In excellent ahapo. Asking $4200 or beat offer. CatI 668-0130 and ask for Slave. Oct.28,81 (G) AUVMTIE U REP IfPARIPARTS1 MOTOR à TRANSMISSION - 1974 Toyota 1600. Asking $160 or boat joffor. Phono Glonn 668-0384. Nov. 18,81(K) SNOW TIRES - Twci E78-14 Super Winter Ride nylon snow tires, brand new, $50 for pair. Two G78- 15 anow tiras, mciunled & halan- ced for s Chrystor prciduct, $45 for pair. Phone 66e.3885 aveninga. Dec. 2,81(M) RADIAL SNOW TIRES (GR78-15) on G.M. rimas, used cime sason. Asking $150 for two. Phone 68-. 8404. Dec.2,81(0) TWO ERTO-14 RADIAL SNOW TIRES mounfod on f wo AMC raity wheeis, $110 or hast ciller. Two OR78-14 RADIAL TIRES (aised white tetters) Firesîcina 721 steel haited lires mounfod on AMC ratiy wheeis, $180 or basf olfer. Att four tiras wiil sai for $325 or hast 0f fer. Please cail 686-1886 between 2 p.m. and 10 p.m. Ait fîes Ilko new. Sep.23,81 (D) ~,PPIANCE luFOR SALE INGLIS DRYER, approx. 10 year old, electria, good condItion, $100. Oaela8.81 aller 5 p.m.' Nov.4,81 (C) UTOOOBIES FOR SALIE1 1966 CHEV MALîDU SS, restorod, over $6,000 lnvosted, B.F. Good- rtch TAs, 350 LT1, 4 spaod, hasn'l sean winler ln 7 yaars. Asktng $4200 or haest aller. Phono 668- 6424. Nov. 18,81(H) 1972 IMPALA. 4 door, gciod run- ning condition, not cortIfîed. Asking $395. Cal 571-3968 (Oshawa). sep.16,81(p) 1972 PINTO, sutomaf b with radiais, 25,000 mies on a robuit molor, body gciod, needa valves and sams* u-joints. Asking $400. Phone 668-8227. Oct.28,81 (T) 1973 GRAN TORiNO SPORT, 351, 4 batrret, gauges, mutomatto Irans- mission, floor shift, rally tires, buckets, newiy panled. Askng $2,000. Cmli 655-3006. Sep.23.81(S) 1974 DODO! CORONET, gocid running condition, can be cerft- lied. Asklng $400 or basf offer. Cati 668-1564. Sep.9,81(T) 1974 IMPERIAL LEBARON (4 door), excellant condition, futiy toaded, white teather seat s, 54,000 miles of highway drtving. Asking $3500 f irm. Serlous buyers only. Cati 66&-5220. Sep. 18,81 (H) AVUNTMVE ~IPARPATSIRIPARTS FOR SALE - Pair of radial snow tires mounted on wheels, Chavro- lt Monza. Firestone P175180R 13 MIS replaces BR78-13. Asklng $60. Phone 655-3745 aflter 6 p.m. Dec.9,81<W) 'BIG WHEEL' $13. Baby Carrier for adult bike $7. Cail 668-2301. Sep. 16,81(D) MU THE WORLD ISYOURS ... IF YOU KNOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE... Wherever you move the Wetcome Wagon hosties la the rtght persan t o help yau find a place In yaur new com- munity. omit 68-1523 or 579-7521 SELL YOUR UNWANTED ARTICLES NOW Use this handy form to mail ln your Emporium ad. 1 have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have the following ad-' vert isement placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press. (dont forget 10 Include your phone numnbori *l 1 enclose $6.00 to Cover the minimum charge. E* Charge $6.00 to my Visa aCcount. E) Bill me for $7.50 after f irst publication of my ad. Card No. Exp. Date Narme(pisasrirint> AddMea City Postal Code MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS' P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby Li N 5S1 FOR SALE 50$ BLUENOSE STAMP, excellent MOPED, Solex, In excellant con- condition, original glue, nol used, dIf ion. Great Christmas gifîf all bordera Intact. Asktng $700. Asking $175 or beat 0f fer. Phono Cmli 668.6424. 668.3720 affter 5 p.m. Oct.21,81(H) Nciv.25,81(P) THE FREE PRESS EMPORIUM can sali your used articles quickiy and economically. Cali 6684111 flow 10 place your ad. : HOUSEHOLD PINE BED, twin, 4 poster, with fancy haad and foot board.,Newly conalructed f romn top quallty white pine. Witt finish f0 suit. Asking $195. Cali 985-2795. Nov.25,81(M) TWO EXTRA LONG Continental TwIn Beda, $75 each. Cal 655-4793 afler 4p.m. Oct.28,81(W) COUCH, 1 year old, machs brown, modemn stytlng, 8 f1. long, $300. Catil 668-0277. Sep.30.81 (A) DîNETTE SET, round smoked glas top with chrome pedestal base, 4 matching chairs, ln good condition. Asking $275. Polo lamp wtth tright, $25. Cati 579-986. Nov.1 1,81(C) CHROME DINING ROOM SET,_ amoked glass top, 4 chrome green cushion chairs, ln excellent con. dition. Asking $475. Phono aflor 4:30 p.m. 668-9169. Dec.2,81 (S) AN EXCELLENT antique hutch ln pin. and oak. Uppar cabinet doors In ieaded glass, matchlng wood mouiding molif; two adjuatablo shelves. Lower cabinet doors have inset paneI and raiaad relief carvlng. Rftnished Inside and out, brasa hardware and cabinet looka. A beautIful place, $68 f irm. Phane 866-3096. Nov.25,81(C) RUG, 9 x 12, burnt orango, good condition. Asklng $40. Cati 66&- Sep.16,81(R) TUAN VOUR LATICLES INTO CASH. An ad under the Whitby Free Press Emporium Section will sali almoat anything for you.. cars, boat@, TV's, furniture, pianos and pets ... the liaI la endis., Cali 684111 now for further details. ADMIRAI 30" RANGE $200 and Admirai 27" Drier $150. Bolh white, approx. 6 yrs. old. Wooi broadloom rug wlth undarpad, brown, 9' x 15', $100. Calil 668.7267. Oct.21,81(B) DINING ROOM CORNER CABINET, tes wagon & hope cheat, aittln mapia wood, $500. Royal Abert china set, 9 place set- tlng plus acceasories, "Lavander Rose", axc. cond., asking $650. Calit 66-2071. Oct.21,81(M) ENGLISH PUS-STYLE COUCH & matchlng swivel rocker, green & gold plaid, Olefin fabric. Bean scotch-guarded. Asking $325. An- tique wrought iron & brasa DOUBLE BED with box apring, $210. Antique LOVE SEAT & mal- chlng chair, blue & gold upholslery, $200. Set of dark pins 5' COFFEE TABLE & two round END TABLES, $130. Cai668189. Sop.23,81(F) TWO 30- ECRU padded hemd- boarda, $7 each. Small ouldoor pool pump S30. Bon Templ 196 org.an, dual keyboerd, 13 basa pedtale, 10 rhlythm$, 2-7Ya 1975 HONDA 360 OIT, needas bat- tory and horn, low mileaga. $60 as la, $700 wlth batlery & horn. Fiva 105 SR15 MICHELIN ZX RADIALS, 15", $200 for f tva Or $50 each. Phone 668-3660. Ask for Ron or Lynn. Sop.16,81(G) 1967 FENDER JAZZ basa guitar, vory good condition, with hard case, beauliful Instrument. Askîng $85. Cali 668.1436 after 5 p.m. Ocl.28,81 (K) PETS I& SUPPLIES COCKER SPANIEL, 14 weeks old, maie, white with tan markIngs, registered. Asking $350. Phono 686-1626.1 Nov.1 1,81(U.) GET RID of seletons ln your do - set or wherover with an Emporlum Ad. CaIi 668-111lnow. TWO PUG PUPPIES, famnale, born Auguat 18, black-faced fawn. AskIng $225 each. CatI 855-4487. Oct.7,81(ffl FOR SALE - Two pairs of Dlamond Dovea, $25 per pair. One pair cil White Zebra Fînches and one pair 0f Gray 2obra FInchos, $14 par pair. Phone 668-2461. Nov.4,81(D) FLORIDA MOBILE HOME, 165' x 12', fulIy furnishad on lagoon, ran- led lot, 3 badrooma, 2 balhrooms, centrai air conditioning. Only 81 2,000 Canadien. OeIl 728.53M8 Nov.4,S1(G) 100 MASTERCOACH TRAILENl, push-out dinlngarea. PaId 13,803 -asking $12,500 or best offer. To be sean nt 410 Roselend RoM West, Whîtby and to Inquire cait 068.1880. sp.16,81(J) 17 FT. RAMBLER HOUSE TRAIL. ER, electrIc - gas fride, steapa 6, toilet, olectrtc brakes, complote with hitch. Asking $2,500 or hast olfer. Phono 668.8344. 84p.16,81(V) HOCKEY EQUIPMENT, A-1 condi- lion. Cooper helmel, Bower skates, pente, olbow pada, knee pada, shouldor pada, soco, gioves and hockey bag. For 12-14 year olda. Asking $80. Wii ail SsParately. Cmli 576-5710. oct.7,81(D) SKIS, polos and boots, $75. Lenglh of skis 170 cm. Also,, four oid wooden chairs, ln gond con- dition, asking $25 each. Phone 683-638. Nov. 18,81(5) 120 ATTACK-SWINGER SKIS madele n Ausîrla, Solomon-looli bIndînga, Koflach boots sizea 7. Ilke naw, excellent condition, Askîng $20. Women's ski jacket - . - ~ <s .1 f ~ *,,~f4*~ f f _________ I I F)

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