WI-ITBY- FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEM BER 16, 198 1, PGE21 Roller slkating is healthy excercs By mosphere where if one1 skating is working been thus far that your NANCY GREENFIELD did net conform te the harder - and with rnuch best bet when purchas- For Wheelies FamiIy rules, one skated else- less effort. ing relier skates is te Rolier Centre where. Rouler skating falis buy them frum a relier Ruiler skating no Hewever, due to the under the categery of skating centre pro shop. longer purtrays the changing times in both aerobic exercise (use of One of the most eb- setting of fiashy colored public attitudes and exygen) and reaps the vious reasons fer this is lighting or flourescent modifications in the rewards both swmming that in deaiing with a satin clothing. It has roUler skating industry, and running offer you. departrnent store clerk definitely overcome the Saints changed its name Also for the calorie the chance of being in hurdie of being a fad. te Wheelies. conscieus, ruiler skating contact with someone Ask une of the 45 million Big Wheeiie, the Hip- at the easily attainable who knows nothing active participants and po logo fer the Wheeiies speed of il miles per about the product is they'll likely comment Family Ruiler Centre, is heur, burns off 660 great. Buying skates on the exercise, relax- an added feature that calories. through the pro shop in ation and enjoyment cornes te life. The Net only dues ruiler a relier rink you are of- they receive from the character may appear skating keep you fit, but fered knowledgeabie sport. at charity events, it reduces tension advice. Aise when Relier skating itseif is parades, hospitals and resulting in a happier skates are bought at the a relatively oid form of other extra curricular self image with respect pro shep in a relier rink, recreation. It has, hew- activities. te appearance, abilities, the equipment is gener- ever, endured through The loge that express- health and ever-ail hap- aliy serviced and guar- the ages despite its in- es laughter, is a charac- piness. anteed if anything creases and decreases ter that is memorable t-o The eariy 1970's were should go wrong with it. in popularity. a cross-section of people the mest notorieui Skates in the past The sport dates back from pre-schoelers te years fer the final stage haebncasieds te the mid 180's with aduits alike. in the evelution of im- toysvbub te 0'sias the improved construc-. The fact that Wheelies preving on one of the definîbtîy i the 0'sn tien of skates and 's branching eut into nxest -important pieces dnthely e teedas public rinks. Ruler ote setse h f ruiler skating equip- picsovaubeth- skating peaked during community besides ment -the wheels. tic eq auip et Werid War II when the' recreatien, only shows Made of urethane tchooimn rue government prorneted further that it is net just these wheeis were skatsing enr at es the sport as a way of a rouler rink, centered eriginaily made for scribg enyore esta national fitness and dur- areund a plastic fluer skateboards. They pro- a paricipaon is as- ing the depressien, as and rentai skates. vided a quiet and aprtpant s s ith the cheapest ferm of The benefits of relier smoeth roll. prancechoin h recreatien. skating on t-he physical As in any pieces of crrect equipment. fit-ness level is that it is athletic equipment for The Durham Region In February 1980, qa oi o rae n prs ot ag has had in the past four make te peingof t han running. The aver- varies greatly. The cost years, feur very indivi- Saints Famiiy Relier aeplert farn fsae a ag dual reller skating Skating Centre in Whit- ag us ae0 u- e ktsmyr n by. It promoted famiiy ner is 160 beats per min- price from $5o to $100, rinks. They have ail pro- oriented, good dlean ute. An average pulse and mnay be purchased jected different images. fun rate of a relier skater is at varieus retail outiets, To this day enly twu The philosophy at the 20 beats greater at 180 frem department stores thokse obing ZisacèI Saints rink was a very . beats per minute, te ruiler skating cen- Rhoer ei oa ter contolle sktingat-Therefere, this means tres. erainlEt- conrole sktig t-the participant in ruiler The consensus has prises in Ajax and 12 Days Skate any session o hita during the Sohedule .12 days of Christmas WdDc2-:043PU a roShpspeeThr., Dec. 24 - 1:0 e:0ed U and WIN... Regular sessions FiDec. 25 - Clesed a* r hpspe a. Dec. 26 - Regular Sessions * Oe-yarSun., Dec. 27 - Regular Sessions * n-erFamily Pass Mon., Dec. 28 -1:00 -4:30 PLUS * Qne-year Single Ps Regular sessions PasTues., Dec. 29- 1:00-4:30 PLUS * hei uk Regular sessions Whele ucsWed., Dec. 30 -1:00.4-30OPLUS *Private Party Regular sessions Thurs., Dec. 31 - 1:00 - 4:30 PLUS *Birthday Party New Year's î oirsae Eve party î RolleskatesFri., Jan. 1 - 1:00 -4:30OPLUS Wheelles Family Roller Centre inWhitby. There is aise seasonai relier skating at the Civie auditorium in Oshawa. Relier skating has survived over the years 'and wil continue te do se. It has preved itself in many areas ef worth H.C. Simpson General Manager andi has grown trom a small industry te une known throughout al parts of Canada and the world. With regular custemers and these that are curieus about the sport, it wiii grow in- te an industry that somedà y wiii be res- pected and recognized by ail, flot only as a recreational sport but as a highly cornpetitive one at that. Nevertbe- less, the wheels wili keep on rolling reinforc- ing9 the acclamation that roller skating is here to stav. Wh itby Hydro Eiectrlc Commission MON.THLY RATE SCHEDULE Due to the increase ln the cost of power from On- tario Hydro together wlth increases ln our own In-' ternai costs, the following rate sohedule wlll take effect on ail bis for the perlod after January lst, 1982. The increase from Ontarlo Hydro Includes 1.3% whlch utllity customers are paying te subsi- dize their rural customers. NON-RESIDENTIAL SERVICE iI kw Dmn Energy Blocks & c par kwh j Generai 50-5000 $2.403.95 .7 (0-5000 kw)$24 minimum bil - under 50 kw - $4.50 over 50 kw - $0.25 per kw for ail kw applicable to the maximum billlng demand during the prevlous il 'months or the con.<tracted amount whichever is the greater. transformation allowance - rates are based upon service at utilization voltage. Where the customer provides transformation facililes, the following allowances whll apply - for stepdown from subtransmisslon voltage - 30tD per kw of bllling demand per month. for stepdown f rom distribution voltage- 30o per kw of billling demnand for month. FLAT-RATE WATER HEATING SCHEDuLE NO. 208 400-watt lart 450-watt lamant 500-watt alamant 550-watt lamant 6W->watt lamant 65-watt atamant 700-watt alamant 750-watt lamant 800-watt alamant 850-watt lamant 900-watt alamant 950-watt alamant 1.000-watt atemant S7.49 par month 8.42 par month 9.38 per month 10.30 per month 11.23 par month 11.90 par month 12.52 par month 13.27 par month 13.89 par moflth 14.54 par month 15.27 par month 15.97 par month 16.64 par month Ail alamant sizas af ovar 1,000o watts ta ba chargad et tha rata ai $1.664 per 100 watts par month. i .001,000)-watt lamants i .5004.50-watt atamants 26.52 par monthl R.W. Cawker' Chairman An addtional armunt ai 5% $hall apply toalahibis not paid on or before the due date. 128 BROCK ST SOUTHI WHITBY 668-5878 OFFICE HOURS 82-0.arn-4:30p.nî. Monday to Friday