Whitby Free Press, 16 Dec 1981, p. 25

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECFMBER 16, 1981, PAGE 25 ~ X~ ~ XagalZ 99CALL à pMFSIOIAL TRACTORTRAILER NEETDI TRAINING OLD TIME Forçlass A &DLicense FIDDLING? Cali ProfessionaliInstruc- PARTICIPATION tion by 1955 Canadian rT416-363-8031 fîddie champion. Other hawmt id.TodFr" ystyles offered. Phone: 1-800-268e9689 l66-34 Day, Eve. & Set. courses [" 68-741 DENY'S HOME REPAIRS RE VTIS IMPROVEMENTS Rec rooms, bathrooms, METRO LIC. B-2554 drywall, fencing, KItohens, Ceramic for ail your home Tiiing, Drywall, Rec. Improvements. Rooms, Cedar Decks Where quality pays, and Patio Doors. it doesn't côst. FREE ESTIMÂTES CALL 668-4686 6368-6667 r LASS BEPAIRS WINDOWS &608 HUGHEST PRICES PaId for Gold and Silver coins, old guns, dlocks, Jeweiery, dishes, furni- ture, cracks, 011 paInt. lings and seaiers. Brt'] FRIEN DLV FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., SOSHAWA Q3jeîcE1 WE SERVICE aIl nmakes and modae of iypowrltmrs. Dcksofl Prllng, 218 Hrwood Ave. S., Ajax, 683.1968. Cuto Se s Drp *E ASO 00AL RATONS Exer Sew Mahe BANKRUPTCIES ors kIlllng amal busînesses. If your prinler has gono out cf business we have a bonus for you. Cati Lou ickson aI 683.1968 for delails. A HANDY REFERENCE BOOK, -Grammar for people whe hale Grammar'. Ideai gift for studenlo or office wcrkero. $395 a copy aI Dickoon Printing, 218 Harwocd Ave. S., Ajax, 683-1968. LSONS PIANO LESSONS Private. Theory on roquost, Beginners 10 advanced. West Lynde ares. Phone 668-1936. WATCH FOR the Dickson Printing Monlhly Maiter. Ful cf humour and Information.Coli 683-1968 for coals on advertising apace. ARE YOU READY? Oniy 7 shopp- ing days lt t it Christmas. NOTICES SCHILLING, Godfîey- Dled December, 6, 1981 ln his 62nd year. Godfrey Schilling, be- ioved husband of the for- mer Katherine Smith and beloved father of Susann Anderson and son, Nigel. He Is also survived by six grandchildren, PhilHp, Annemarie, Cameron, Katherine, Jenny ancf Pamela and a sister, Suse Eggert ail of Whitby. Rested at the W.Cr%. Town Funerai Home and Chapel. No service. Cre- mation held yesterday. In lieu of f lowers, the famihy wouhd appreciate memorial donations ta the Canadian Arthritis Society. OURHAM REGION LUNG ASSO- CIATION needs your help 10 flght emphysema, alhma and Iung can- cer,. Bequesto or memorlol gfts grotefuîly recsived lhrough any funerol dîrector. OPEN HOUSE An open house for Dorothy and Vern Moore ln honor of their 4th wedding anniversary wiIh be held on December 27 from 1 ta, 5 p.m. at the home of Tony and Bev Van Doleweerd, 619 Green Street, Whitby. AIl friends and associates are wel- corne. Best wishes only. ARTICLES FOR011SALE_ DRY FIREWOOD. Beach, maple, white birch. Deliver anywhere. $40 face cord. Phono (705) 454-8260. MUSHROOMS $7.00 for 5 lb. box. Drlngton Mushroomn Farm, R.R. 4, Bowmonville, 983-9304. FIREWOOD - Ail hardwood, luliy seasoned, cut & split, $135 per full cord picked up. Delivery avaleble. Phone (Oshawa) 576-8873 fier 5 p.m. 2" STORM DOORS Triple sealed 5 calars e 4 stylez $69.a50 lnstallod & Guaronteed. Aise economicai and energy offi- ciont siorm and replacoment thermal windows and on. closures. FREE ESTIMATES. Durham Glass 666-3355 after hours 666-1847 $4Ja ARTICLES FIOR SALE_ SWIMMING POOL CLOSE-OUT AIl 1981 stock wiiI be soîd at a fraction af the regular seîîIng pruce. Most sizes ln stock. Easy terms avallable. Free dellvery. Caîl toil f ree: 1-800-268-5970 Toronto: 1-416-746-3340 TYPEWRITERS for <ont, manual and electrlc, by the woekend, month or week. DIckson Prlntlng, 218 Harwood Ave, S., Ajax, 683- 1968. a M~BATS& SUPPLIES 30' CHRIS CRAFT, 1969, newly decoraled and very oison cruiser wlh camper top, twln engines, dinghy. Wlnter atorage paid for. Survey supplled. Ploaso phone for Information 7251845 afler 6 p.m. TURN VOUR ARTICLES INTO CASH. An ad ln the Whîtby Free Pross wlil seil lmoot anylhIng for you ... cars, bots, TVs, furniture, pianos and pots ... the lot la end- less. Coli 668-6111 now. _______________________________________________________________ Il ________ I ~~VWAPE BOYS AID GIRLSInr We ail know Santa's generous, but he can't _ aiways get everything on your lst. But, by working just a few hours aweek, you can c earn the money to buy something you've always dreamed of!. a bike, a TV for your room ... t's Up ta youl The Whitby Free Press needs mature, reliable carriers in the following areas: OTTER CBEEK 00 CORRIDOR AREA Caîl now and ask for the Circulation Manager 668-6111 ECHILD CAREI ~CELJ- RESPONSiBLE MOTHER will babysitlin my home full or port. lime. Coli 728.1 REGISTERIED NURSE Orovidin qeb day cors ln her homo. Hot meoi§.. and large play orea provided. West Lynde ares. 9hone 666-2273. RELIABLE AND EXPERIENCED daycare, by mother cf two, In my home on White Oaks Ct., startlng Jan. 18. Mon. - Fr1. Gocd lunches. Phono 668-0834 onytime. Ickcit IUDOETWISE PRESEITS FOR EVERYGIE ON YOUR LI3T. FOR THE READER The Latest Books & Magazines FOR THE HOSTESS Quaflty Serviettes" Invitations FOR MOM & DAD Fashion & Sparts Magazines Cook Books Love Staries & Western Novels Christmas Cards FOR THE FOR THE KIDS BRING YOUR HOLIDAY PICTURES IN FOR PROMPT DEVELOPING. Littie tttings miake a big WHITIY FIEE PRESS 131 BroCk ST. M. WhItbY wm OPEN MON. - FR1. 9 -5 SATURDAY 10-5 INSIDE SALES, person wlh know- Isdgs cf printîng and forma, largo ores firm, ssîsry. P.O. Box. 561, Whltby, Ontario. RETIRED PERSON NEEDS WORK. Have wagon, wIll move sali arti- clos onywhere. Aise do omali jobs. Reasonable. Phono 576- 6722 o0<725-7814. SUPIESI OFFICE IN ONEi.omblnallon desk and f illng cabinet, new but scratch and dent ln manufacture. Leas thon $100. Dlckson Printlng, 218 Harwood Ave, S., Ajax, 683- 1968. SFOR fINT CENTRAL WHITBY - Furnishod', available lmmediotely. Worklng female preferred. Cal aller 6 p.m. 6685489. FFCE SPACEI e9FORFOR RENT1 CLEAN MODERN OFFICE on ground f 10cr In dowintown Whlt- by. 400 sq. ftL Contact AI Klrby 668-8668. PUBLIC AUCTION Every Monday and Thurodoy night buy or oeil ai 1614 Charles Street, Whitby. Furniture, glass, china, bools, jewelry, coins and so on. Al conolgnmsnbo welcome. Bill Wannamaker, Aubtioneer, 866- 3731 dayo, 68-8403 evenings. qUCONS TWO.DAY AUCTION DEC. 16 AND 17 6:00 P.M. SHARP 1614 Charles St., Whltby Notice of Intention To SelI By Virtue of The Landord & Tenant Act R.S.O. 1970 In the matter of MINI- STOR-IT (1981) LTD., 1760 Harbour St., Whitby and Jennifer Currah, address. unknown, Unit B208, $929.00; Tom Davies, 41 Hemford Ores., Don Milis, Unit B255, $504.60; Cor- ner Moving, 374 Elm. grove, Oshawa, Unit D37, $1,290.00; Gordon Porter, 49 Church St., Pickering, Unit D43, $1,030.00. TAKE NOTICE to the above mentioned tenants or to any other person or persons who may have any interest ln the proper- ty of the above ment ioned tenants. That as Baiiiff to the Landiord I have seized and destraInedthe goods and chattels of the above mentianed tenants and notice having been given by registered post and publication all0f the goods seized will be said ta satisfy this Landlord's distress on the l6th and llth day of December, 1981. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE ail 0f the personal goods such as clothing, bedding and unsaleable items nat redeemed by this date will otherwise- be dis- posed of. Dated at Oshawa this 7th day of December, 1981. S.A. Oziranka, Ballif f 247 King St. W., Oshawa 723-0018 lnventory of goods ta be saîd by public auction: bedroam furniture, iving- room furniture, dining- room furniture, quantity a! cedar fencing, Inghis washer and dryer, 20 cu'. ft. freezer, 2 power mow- ers, rato-tihher, boxes a! dishes, miens, bedding, tools, air canditioner, stereos, appiances, books, toys, RCA cohor TV, many items nat men- tioned. BILL WANNAMAKER AUCTIONEER 666-3731 668-8403 <DAYS) (EVGS.> ATETO DSLY&CLSIIDADVERTISERS Piease check your advertisement for errars arn the f irst day of Visa Account and receive the discount on the price of your deavour ta forward replies ta box numbers, however, we ac- publication. The Whitby Free Press wili flot be hiable for ad. Please have yaur Visa card ready when calling. cept no liabiîity regarding oss or damage alleged ta arise fallure ta pubiish an ad, or for typagraphic errars in publica- through failure ar deîay in forwarding such replies. We wll tion beyond the cost af the space accupled by the errai up ta BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7,00 for the first 100 wards; 12c each not be respansibie for box number replies flot cailed far a maximum cost of the f irst insertion. The Wnitby Free Press additional word. wlthin 30 days. reserves the right ta classify or reject ail advertisements. Ads IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the first 50 must appear in the paper ane day before they can be changed words; 12 eac additionaî word. DEADLINES: Manday noon priai ta publication ta insert or or cancelîed. cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior ta publication ta in- AUCTION SALES - 29c per uîne. (No ward ads aîhawed). sert or cancel Emporium Ads. RATES: $4.06 for 20 wards if billed; 12c each additianal word. CALL Pre-paid Insertion of 20 wards $3.50; additlonai words lîle BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are availabie at an additionai each. You may charge your Classified Ad ta your Chargex or charge of $2.00. The Whltby Free Press wIll make every en- 668611il WHI TUY ALUMINUM OME IMPROVEMENT CENTRE I 900 HOPKINS -ST.. WHITIY 66m2252 Ila STORE FOR RENT - NEW PICKERING Corner Finch Ave. E. and Roselfleld Rd. - 1,000 sq. ft. wlth 2 washrooms - asking'$10 per sq. ft. ln growing residential area, suitable for doctor, den- tist, vet, or other office or merchant - lease ta suit tenant. Forinfo.cali: BERNAR~D SIEGER REALTY LtD. BROKER 630-3881 TORONTO a

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