Whitby Free Press, 30 Dec 1981, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 30, 1981, WHITBY FREE PRESS %A L L 668*6l11 Emporium Ads wlI only be accepted subject to the folIowing conditions. ARTICLES FOR'SALE CHAIN SAW, 16" Homelight, Model XL1AO, excellent condi- tion. Asking $175. Phonoe68& 38U5 eveninge. LADIES BLACK PERSIAN LAMB COAT, fuît length, sizo 44, worn oniy twice. Asking $75 or boat cf- fer. Phono 668-5312. Dec.30,81<S> V.W. DUNE BUGGY, excellent mochanicai condition, new front wheel bearlngs, new klng pins end iink pins, new heavy duty shocks, steering box rebuilt, troctor tires on rear. Ail rubber very good. Rol bar, t0w bar, head & ltlights. Needs a motor. Asking $475. Phono 666-1647. Dec.23,81 <B) SWEDISH steel arched f irepiace acren, 41'h x 31" high, $70. SWEDISH steel rectangular flire- place acren, 36" wide x 26" hlgh, $30. Cali 571-3471. Sep.30,81(W) LADIES MINK PAWS JACKET, sîze 12114, top condition. Firmn prIce $350. Caii 655-4627. Nov.4,81<R) JOHNSON 40 H.P., eiectrlc start, long shaft, good condition. $425 or best offer. Cou anytime 72848700. Dec.9,81 (S) NEW OUTBOARD MOTOR, Shie Clinton, $250. Seven 5-gallon gos containers, army type, $15 each. Oriental rug, 9 x 10, $175. Reel-to- rosi tope $200. Electric fan $20. Calîl 579-049. Oct.21 .81(A) PINBALL MACHINE, Travel Timo, excellent working condition, oldor model, single ployer. Asking $300. Caîl 576-2091 afler 6 p.m. Nov.4,B1 (R> SKATE SHARPENINO MACHINE, swing arm, f loor model. Asklng $400. Cali 839-5944 a ter 6:30 p.m. Dec.23,81(B) SNOWBLOWER, Model 100, ex- cellent condition. $250. Steel shower cabinet, brand new, with ail fixtures and curtoin, $60. Phono 668-3165. Nov.18,81(M) 26"1 FRANKLIN STOVE with amren, $100 as la. Cali 725-5624. Nov.1 1,81(M) BLACK à WHITE ACA 26" foie- vision, walnut cabinet, $75. Cali 6555-4917. Oct.28,81<R) NEW FOLDINO FLIGHT SUIT- CASE on wheeiS - cost $95.- Seit $5. Fireplace screen, 28" x 36", $25. TV. stand $10. Phone 668- 9116. Dec.2,81MT Q jtARTICLES FIOR SALE CHAIN SAW, Clinton 24", $125. White, 34 x 80, baked alumInum storm door (trlite), $25. Regular alum. storm door, 34 x 80, $20. Modem white bathtub $50. White basin $7.50. Pink basin $7.50. Gold fîbregases vanity basin $7.50. Electrlc snowblower $80. Eiectric V4~ h.p. motor $15. Wooden hoad- board (single) $5. Polo type record stand $10. Smaii antique desk $125. Black & white fur jacket, sîzo 10, $125. Calil86687404. Nov.25,81(T CONTINENTAL radiai 'tires for Voikswagon Rabblt, mode ln Ger- many, TS771.175170, SR13. New $88.40 each, will seil for $100 pair. Voikswagon Fabbit Tralier Hitch, new, $55,50, wili1 ssii for $35. Large Dog Travelling Cage with tray, ex- cellent babysitter, cost $60 new, will soul for $40. Cali 666-2815 ovoninga oniy please. Oct.28,81(G) HOOVER HAIR DRIER with mani- cure $25. Lady Shick Facial, new, $20. Vivitar Black & White Enlarger $90. Club Chair, swivel, $100. Macrameed Hanging Bassinet $50. Woodon Hoadboard $10. Cail 668-7546. Oct.7,81(B> L-SHAPED ARBORITE kitchen countor-top, $25. Steel kitchen slnk, $10. Antique walnut drosser, needs rflnishlng, $50. Colonial sofa bed $35. Colonial pois lamp, Ilko new, $45. Matching swag lamp $35. Griliwork for alum. storm door, ful size, very ornementai, $10. Foam mattrosa block, double, brand new, $20. Recliner chair with bulit-in hoater-vlbrato-, green fabric uphoistory, liko new condition, $99. Modern pois lamp $10. Westinghouse portable dish- washor, Copportone, needa minor repair, $50. Hoover cannister vacuum $15. Two sets of long green drapes for 45" wide win- dows, $5. Calil 68-7404. Nov.4,81<T 19«8 FORD T-BIRD, 4 door, loaded, W0% reetoreci, $2,500 lnvested, »sking $2,000 or boas f ffer. 22' SPEED BOAT, 1947 Lyman, an- tIque, one of a kind, neede- restoring, $4,500 f Irm. 1948 JEEP C-J-Z n, engins, radiator, front end, c.;.dch, pressure plate, master cylinder wheel cylinders, snow piough equipped, $1,600 f irm. WiII trade for beet tractor wlth front sndf loader. 44 CHRYSLER OUTUOARD MOTOR, excellent condition, $263 f irm. To vlew et 131 Qusen St., Brooklln or phone 655.387. Oct.7,81<D), WAPPLIANCE FOýCR SALEI DEEP FREEZER, 20 cu. fi., made by Norsemen, working condition. Asking $100. Phono 666-2119. Dec.9,8lfD) PLEASE READ When the advertised Item le sold, dlsposed of, or unavailable for whatever reason, the Item wiil be deemed to have been aoid and a commission will b. charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated baiow, regardies If prIce la stated with "beat offor." If the Item la NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad will b. run for 3 MONTHS and o MINIMUM CHARGE of $6.00 wiIi appiy payable ln advancs of publication 0f the flrst ad. Otherwise a0$7.50 charge wiii ap- ply If bIllIed which muet ba pald upon receipt of bill. The above minimum charges will b. applled to the final commission due but ln any case the higher amount will be charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre-pald, $7,50 billod. Maximum commission: $100.W0. Ail advertisements muet be piaced on an ex- clusive basis wlth the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atleast one mnonth If not soid. RATES (If article la sold): 5% of advertised price up f0 $400.00 2% of balance over *40.00 EXAMPLE: SoId Item advsrtiaed for $120.00. Commission dus *6.00 <minimum charge la *6.00) Private advertlsing onlyl Please notify the Whltby Free Press immediately when Item ls soid so thot we may delote if from the foiiowing Issue. AIl ads not fltting the Emporium guldelinea wili be treated and charged per week as regular ciassifIed ada on a pro-paid basia such as: services. heip wanted, clothing, real estaie, and personal message type ada, or ada not quotlng ' 1c or quantit y. Private classified ada may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate hoad ne." ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whltby, LI N 551 If In doubt cati: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whltby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. ~APPLIANCESj FOR, SALE 23 CU. FOOT ADMIRAL FREEZER, 2 yrs. old. Asking $350. Cati (Ash. burn> 655-4045 af ter 6 p.m. Oct.21,B1(B) SEARS KENMORE SEWING MACHINE, excellent condition, asking $90. Yeiiow-goid ovai rug with fringe, asking $30. Phono 668-0800. Nov.18,8liC) VIKING SEWING MACHINE wlth 3 drawer cabinet, excellent condi- tion. Assortment of accessories, 36 bobbins. Asking $35. Cali Suan after 6:30 pm. et 723-5892. Nov.4,81 (P) UAU OMB1ISI FOR SA.ELE 1966 CHEV MAL113U SS, restored,' over $6,000 invesied, BF. Good- rich TAs, 350 LT1, 4 speed, hasn't seen winter ln 7 years. Asking $4,200 or best of fer. Phone 668. 6424. Nov. 18,81(H) 1972 PINTO, automatic with radiais, 25,000miles on a rebuilt motor, body good, needs valves and seals, u-joints. Asking $400. Phone 668-8227. .Oct.28,81(T) 1974 DEETLE VOLKSWAGEN, ln running condition, needa minor work. AskIng $900. Phone 668- 0888. Dec.30,81 <M> 1975 DODGE MONACO ROYALE, new brakes, 51,000 original miles, A-I condition. AskIng $1,705. Cali 668&7107. Nov.4,81(B) I. I 'ÎAUTOMOBILESI ciO 'OR SLI 1977 MONTE CARLO, 305 cu. in., 2 borrel with t-roof, swivei bucket seots, pulse wipera, cruise con- trol, white exterlor, tan interlor and G60 Fîrestone SS radiais al around. In excellent shape. Asking $4,200 or beat offor. Caîl 668-0130 and ask for Steve. Oct.28,81(G) 0 AUMOTIVE 9 "RPAR1PAR/ IRPARTS MOTOR à TRANSMISSION - 1974 Toyota 1600. Asking $150 or best offer. Phone Glenn 668-0384. Nov.18,81(K> FOR SALE - Pair of radial anow tirea mounted on wheis, Chevro- lot Monza. Firestone P175180R 13 MIS replaces 8R78-13. AskIng $60. Phono 655-3745 affter 6 p.m. Dec.9,81(W) 1965 METEOR CONVERTIBLE, no motor, new tires with mag wheels, $250. Three new tires, 15"on Ford rima, $65. New rad for 1975 Ford, $40. 400 motor & transmission, needa work, $75. 390 motor, 4 barreI, 90,000 miles, $100. Two snow tires for Ford Pick-up, on rima, like new, $65. Cap for 112 ton truck $250. AIl pricea f irm. Phono 655-4448. Dec.30,81 CL) 50t BLUENOSE STAMP, excellent condition, original glue, not used, ail bordera Intact. AskIng $700. Cali 668-6424. Oct.21,81(H) HOU SEHOLD PINE BED, twin, 4 poster, with fancy head and foot board. Newiy constructed f rom top quaiity white pins. WlII finish f0 suit. Aaking $195. Calu 985-2795. Nov.25,81 (M) DîNETTE SET, round smoked glass top with chrome pedestal base, 4 matchlng chairs, In good condition, Asking $275. Polo iamp with tri-light, $25. Cali 579-9660. Nov.11,B1 (C) CHROME DINING ROOM SET, smoked glass top, 4 chrome green cushion chairs, ln excellent con- dition. Asking $475. Phone aller 4:30 p.m. 668-9169. Dec.2,81 (S> DINING ROOM CORNER CABINET, tea wagon & hope chest, ail ln maple wood, $500. Royal Albert china set, 9 place set- tlng plus accessorlea, "L-avendor Rose", exc. cond., asking $650. Cati 666-2071. Oct.21,81(M) CONTEMPORARY STYLE buffet hutch, 54" wide, $275. Bronze gold chesterfield & choir $175. Odd modern chair $35. Two table tamps & matching tri-Iight $75. Beautlfuily refinished antique oak dresser & mirror $350. Office deak with wood top, 60" x 30", $100. All Items ln excellent condition. Phono 579-8915. Dec.2,81(W> TWO 30"1 ECRU padded head- boards, $7 eech. SmaIi outdoor pool pump $30. Bon Tempi 1960 organ, duel keyboard, 13 bas pedais, 10 rhythma, 2-7W" speakers, heedphons jack, auto chord, sf001, $900. Oeil 668-8943. Sep.30,81(C) :' HOUSEHOLO AN EXCELLENT antique hutch ln pins and oak. Upper cabinet doors ln teaded glass, matchlng wood mouldlng motif; two adjustabte shelves. Lower cabinet doors have Inset panel and ralsed relief carving. Refinlshed InsIde and out, brasa hardware and cabinet locks. A beautîful piece, $68 f lrm. Phone6866-3096. Nov.25,81 (C> MMOPEDSI FOR SALE] MOPED, Solex, ln excellent con- dition. Great Christmas giffi Asking $175 or best 0f fer. Phono 668-3720 affter 5 p. m. Nov.25,81 (P) MUSICAL INSTUUENTSI 1967 FENDER JAZZ bass guitar, very good condition, with hard case, beautiful Instrument. Asking $850. Cati 668-1436 ai ler 5 p.m. Oct.281<K) PETS& SUPPLIES COCKER SPANIEL, 14 weeks old, maie, white wiih tan markIngs, registered. Asking $250. Phone 686-1626. Nov.11,81(U.) GREY MALE Miniature Schnauzer. Registered, good pet and watch- dog. AskIng $125. Phone 668-4279. Dec. 16,81<(M) TWO PUG PUPPIES, female, born August 18, biack-facod fawn. Asking $225 each. CatiI655-4487. Oct.7,81(W) ItUN YOUR AD ln the WhItby Free Press. Over 70,000 potentiel buyers wIit read il ... think about If .road If again ... show someone aise ... circie your ad and buy from Il. A sure atari for a succesaful sale. Phono 668-6111 now. FLORIDA MOBILE HOME, 65' x 12', fuiiy furnIshed on lagoon, ren- ted lot, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, central air condltioning. Only $12,000 Canadian. Cali 728-5338. 1 Nov.4,81(G) ADVERTISE your service ln the newspaper read by more WhItby residents than any other paper. Cali 668-6111 (WhItIby Free Press). SSPORTINOG HOCKEY EOPIPMENT, A-I condi- tion. Cooper helmet, Bower skates, pats, slbow pads, knee pads, shouider poids, socke, giovos and hockey bag. For 12-14 yoar olda. Asklng $80. WiI soli separately. OCli576-5710. Oct.7,81 <O> GET RID of akeletons In your dlo- sot or whorever with an Emporium Ad. Cali668-61 il now. 1972 OLYMPIC SKIOOO, $100. Osyco Crossbow with quiver $225. Phone 649-5812. Dec.2,B1(H> SKIS, poies and boots, $75. Length of skis 170 cm. Aiso, four old wooden chairs, ln good con- dition, asking $25 each. Phono 683-6638. Nov.18,81(S> 120 ATrACK-SWINGER SKIS, mode In Austrîa, Solomon-look bindings, Koflach boots size 7, Ilke new, excellent condition. Asking $200. Women's ski jacket and ponts, iighf blue, size 12. Asklng $50. Cali 683-948. Sep.30,81 (B> STSEREOI \(YEjIENT rECHNICS AMIFM STEREO RECEIVER, 55 watts per channel, 6 months old, new $695, soit $375. Toiefunken Topload CASSETTE DECK, Dolby, new $475, seil $150 or best offer. Colt 666-3995. Oct.7,81 <R) THE WORLD IS YOURS... IF YOU KNOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE... Wherever you move the Wslcome Wagon hostos la the rtght porson b holp you find a place In your new com. munity. Celi 666&1523 or 579.752l

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