Whitby Free Press, 6 Jan 1982, p. 3

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WHITBY FREE PR.ESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6,1982, PAGE 3 Fairvitew sanitation roity but.. -Much needed sanitary improvements at'Fair- view Lodge, brought ta, light in recammenda- tions following an out- break aof salmonella there ini 1979, have been given priority in the, projected improve- ments ta help minimize' the possibility of such an uutbreak occuring there again. The autbreak, which is thought ta, have been caused by poor sanitary conditions, may have c-ontributed ta the deaths of two lodge resi- dents. Such improvements would include adding Washraoms and wash- basins ta the bed care wings of the aid age home. Since the initial report however the ëost af sani- tary and other needed impravements bas gone up about $1 million fram the initial estimate af $2.4 million. The increase in esti- mated cost nearly put the entire praject in jea- pardy since bath regianal and 'provincial officials had indicated they would 'not put up the additional money ta caver the $3.5 million bill There is, however, a way by which the improvements can be completed for the origi- nal estimated cost. John DeHart, chair- man of the regional social services commi- ttee bas said that the regian's top administra- tor bas, told him that if "minar" changes to some parts of Fairview are abandoned the sani- tary improvements could be completed for $2.4 million. Earlier, both the region and the province had indicated that they would be willing ,ta spend $2.4 million on Fairview. In the case of oid age home improvements, the regional andprovin- cial goyernments must split the costs. According ta DeHart the lodge can be equip- pe 'd with 'additional washrooms and wash- basins as well as a wing to holds the beds dis- placed by sanitary im- provements. threat of PC'B sho'uldn't'be ignored The crusade ta rid Fairview Lodge of patentially dangerous chemicals in the region's upcoming reno- vation plans for the home has been taken up by Regional Councillor Tam Edwards (Whit- by). Currently the Lodge is using polychlorinated, biphenyls (PÇBs) in its basement electrical roomn. In the event of a fire the PCBs could be reieased into the air ex- posing anyane who inhaled them ta, the threat of cancer. While others on regionai council dlaim that the PCBs are well safeguarded against such a possibility Ed- wards says they do pose a real danger. He said he recently aw some of the Iiquid containing the chemnical leak out onta the floor of thelodge. " IIt's not fooiproof," he said. Edwards said that the elimination of PCBs through updating of the electrical and heating systems at Fairview shauld be made a priority. Chairman of the regional council's social services cammittee, John DeHart (Oshawa), said that remnoval of the chemicals may have ta be delayèd in arder ta effect "more necessary"work. The'region bas set, aside and approved $2.4 millian for renovatia'ns ta the Lodge but, since the initial estimate, the cost ta effect these changes bas risen to $3.5 million. The region must therefore spend more money or eliminate some of the projected work. DeHart's main priori- ty is the sanitary iri- provements. slated ta heip avoid anather out- break of salmaonella». An outbreak which oc- curred in 1979 may have contributed ta the deaths. of two elderly Iodge residents. With the addition of extra washraom and other san'itary facilîties DeHart said priority also lies in the cample- tian of a.new wing ta Fairview ta replace beds lost by those'im- pravements. This work wauld take up the majority. of the money, leaving none .ta remave the PCBs. Regional Chairman Gary Herrema said that whatever work is ,ta be dune on the lodge it must cost under the pro- jected $2.4 million since he wil not support any. adclitionai increase. Regional council is expected ta make a decision on what work should be done early this year. Edwards said he bas known about the exist- ance of PCBs at Fair- view forý some months but only decided 'ta bring them ta the atten- tion of other council members when he found out that they might not be inciuded in the list af renovatiorns. &di want them (coun- cilars),ta consider this information when they inake their decision,", said Edwards. More than 200 people, ail senior citizens, reside at Fairview, where PCBs have been in use for the past 30 years. A handy new bo ok by Sidney Ledson, author of the hest-selling book, Teach Vour Child ta Read in 60 Days' Herels a book no stenographer should be without; virtually universlty course In grammar but presented in a iveIy way no University can match. PRINTING & OFFICE SUPPLY 218 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax 638-1968 FLORIDA VACATION Club International wiil guarantee you and your family, every year f or the rest of your 1lif e, f un 1in the Sun at a beautifui resort hotel with a fuilly equipped -kitchen In each suite. All for a ONE TIME ONLY COST 0F $10250! Bank financing available. Calil colleot 416-4 82-6447 Club International 10 a.m. -9p.m. daily Work that will have ta be delayed in order ta knock $1 million from the cost includes im- provements ta the heat- ing and electriçai sys- tem 0of Fairview an'd "4cosmetic" improve- ments ta two wings. "What we 'are doing, is making imprave- ments ta the parts that most need it,", said DeHart. --Regional Council will decide the fate of Fair- view when they meet in January. While it is possible that they. may approve the ýadditional $1 million ta Complète alI im-, provements the chances are marginal. Previaus social ser- vice committee meet- ings have' already shown that cauncillors would not support the extra funds needed. "We can't 'afford that," said- regional chairman , Gary Herrema. "We have ta find an alternative. " The money problemi was referred to Don Evans, the region's chief administrative, of- ficer who in turn recommended sugges- tions for the cuts at Fairview to DeHart in a- letter. DeHart said ti.,at the further impravemnents projeted to be cut may stiil be implemented if the regional and provin- cial gavernments decide they are necessary. One of the improve- ments that will be passed by is. the remaval of potentially ~dageruschemicals from the lodge. Currently, Fairview is using plychlarinated bi- phenyls (PCBs) in its electrical roamn.' The removai of the~ PCBs, cut ta iielp trirn the cost of improve- ments, could prove- hazardous to residents of the lodge should fire ever break out in the electriLcai room. If residents were ta in- hale smoke from the fire they could be expased ta cancer causing agents DeHart said that te chemicals are well pro- tected from a fire and that no threat was posed by them. He added that the lodge could be cleared before the PCBs could present any danger to residents. MeALLISTEIIS Present Our. Besi January Sale'Ever!! 1 Savings 'Up .To 60,% UPHOLSTERY Barrymore Swlvel Rockers Barrymore High Back Sofa Barrymore High Back Loveseat Barrymore Tuxedo Loveseat 2 Barrymore Chairs Each Carella"Lawson Style Sofa Matching Chair Wlng Chair - Queen Ann Style Loveseat - Matching Print Superlor Chippendale Wing. 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