Whitby Free Press, 6 Jan 1982, p. 5

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY;,JANUARY 6, 1ý982,, PAGE 5 Overcrowding serjous problem.. New site for DO'C a priority The plight of the over- ing in a crowded Denis O'Con- schools,' nor High Sehool bas not There gone- unnoticed, by public- Durhiam West MPP sehedule George Ashe, whose son at 8 p.m.. attends the Whitby A coni school. mnto pote, The Durhamn Region already1 Roman Catholic Separ- the boar( ate School Board bas 'also cc deemed the problem 50 Ministryi great, that they' have ask for'1 made finding a -new blish anot Catholic higli school out- side of Oshiawa ifs num- The bax ber one priority for 1982. for sites1 To this end they wrote for ther Ashe asklng him to get a lielp accc first hand .view of -the dents fi crowded conditions. > Ajax and: Ashe, whose son Bilan Jim 13 currently attends Grade, chairmaI 13 at O'Connor, said that the peoj he wil ho "glad to assist new sites the board. " need forà "'There's no doubt the lic hig] school is growing, con- replace trary to what is happen- should 1i DURHAM-Kids who recelved sterlo head- phones this past Christmas, could be toylng with a potentiaily hazerdous Item,, especial 'ly when It cornes to the 'new 'portable sterlo headsets available on the market., While headphones as an Item pose no threat, the Canada Safety Council warns that the way. in which they are used can be dangerous, oven fatal. The, counicil sites the case of a Toronto youth who was recentl y kIlied when he was struck by a train crosslng tracks whIle wearing head- phones' "This Instance gîves a clear Indication of the abIlIty of this equipment to ýdrown out other sounds," the council ad- vised. 1The practice of wearing headphones while operating a motor, vehicie -Is especlaliy rIsky because-they can reduce the awareness of the warning signais, or biot themn out aitogether. Accordlng to the council, high quaiity car sterios can have the same off eot. Legaiiy, sterlo head- sets do not fali1 under any federai statute since th ey are not themseives a dangerous product and standards s e tti1ng9 organizations cannot control the way they are used once purchased. In order. to get the most out of sterlo head- sets the Canada Safety Council suggests that you: -neyer use themn whiie driving a car or motor- cycle; -nover use thomn while riding a bike;« -neyer use themn when waiklng on any street;' --nover use them when oporating any. powered vehiie, uclias1a. a lot 0f other he said. lias been a meeting d at the school January 20. amittee to look ential sites lias, been set up by rd. Tliey bave ,ontacted tlie of Education to funds to esta- )ther school. oard -is looking west of Whltby' now sehool to ,ommodate stu- [rom .Whitby, 1Pickering. Brady, board ýn, and one'of 1le looking at s, says that the' another Catho-ý rh school 'to eO'Connor be the board's snowmobile or boat. The 'council urges parents of young people to make sure these safety precautions are greatest prlority. He said that filling the new achool should prove no problem. if it is properly located to ac- commodato Whitby stu- dents and. the expected 50 per cent of students whowould attend who do not reside in town. As of September 31, 1981 Denis O'Connor had some 280 students enrollod in grades 9 and 10 and according '.to Trustee Chuck Roche- (Whitby) the figure wvould leap considorably' over the next eight years, with, an- ad- ditional average of bet- woen 3,500 and 4,000 new students. One of the options the board will consider for the presont O'Connor, school would te to use it for' the overflow at 'St. John the Evangelist elementary sehool, located noxt door. Roche also pointed out that students graduat- ing from 'Catlolic ele- nientary schools were, prosently being turned away because of over- crowding'and a lack of facilities. Two sites curren tly being looked at by-tlie committoo include a piece 0f property owned by the board about three quarters of a mile south of O'Connor and one -in the Wimpey subdivision in Ajax. for board One Parent Families Association of Canada, North Oshawa Chaptor, meet at Christ Memor- ial Church, corner of Mary and Hillcroft Streets, every Wed- nesd ay at 8 p.m. January 6: General Meeting - special draw at 8:30 p.m. January 13: Film and Discussion - &&WoeinesII - uihat ,an we do to te made more honest in accepting-and expressing our feelings? January 20: 'DanÛce in- structions by Brenda James. January 27: Discussion - "How Emo- tional Are You? " Council, Column Whitby looks good hi1982 By REGIONAL COUNCILLOR GERRY EMM 1Acting Mayor. Ihptatyour holiday.s eason was as pleasant as that noe by my family and myself. During this season, we were able to tate in many festivities in- cludlng the Whltby Municipal Old Tyme Christmas' Party, the Group 74 Old Tyme Christmas, as well as the. Santa Claus Parade and the Asliburn*Christmas Concert. Just prior to Christmnas, my three sons and I par- ticipated in a sleigli ride, singing Christmas carols and visiting many shut-ins and elderly people in our community. Even thougli it was bitterly cold, everyone!dc.emed to have a great time. I am optimistic that Whitby's growtli in 1982 wil equal that experienced in 1981. Our population grew by a percentage greater than that enjoyed by any of the other seven municipalities in the region. .It is my hope that we will be able to maintain our leadership in growtli during the coming year. Although many local industries are exercising One Parent Col an Rcgpefrom ky ~~A CANADIAN COMPANY MC You -can bank on the Colonel's boys C and girls this month to feature special savings on twvofavourite treats. caution during the current national economie situ a- tion, the Town of Whitby will be prepared to assist them in every way possible when it -cornes time to contemplate meeting their expansion needs. >Onie positive ai d to attracting new Industries will be the completion of the reconstruction of the Thick- son'Road - Highway 401. interchange. ,This inter- change leads into the province's largest industrial Park '- 975 acres of prime industrial land that is shared by the Town of, Whitby and the City of Oshawa. This park wiil be the home of' the new Liquor Con- trol Board of Ontario warehouse. This $81 million projeet is expected to getunder way this'year. This park wiil become a'showplace of industrial activity throughout this decade. This, month, we will be dealing with the 1982 budgets at both the local and regional levels. Restraint will have to .be the watchword for my colleagues and myseif as we prepare to'make some liard decisions which will be reflected in this year's property tax bill.< Property re-assessment conducted by the Ontario Minstry of Revenue has already meant large -tax increases for many'homeowners not only in the town but throtiglout the region. Bearing this'in mind, both coundils will have to exercise greater control of their expenditures even tliough inflation pressures will demand some 'in- creases. I expect that the various' budget debates that will- be lield will be frank, to the point and, at times, heated. However, T am confident that the taxpayers will get value for their money'. -I would like to take this opportuiilty to wish ail residents of the Town of Whitby health, prosperity anli appiness throughout this coming year. Saùfe handling of headsets ess ential:C SC --I. Ls1 AVVO . SAJX SO .IN PPLA &

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