PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY, JANIJARY 13, 1 982, WHITBY FREE PRESS ~ JVhitby Free Pr'ess.... f zimENTE RTAINMENT ,,,.With Barry Murkar *CHNEMA-SHOWCASE, TA. ADULe AC PANME.. Censor" board,,changes its approach The Ontario Censor Board, for years em- broiled in hassels with the media critics, may eliminate more -scenes froin films depicting ex- cessive violence, board chairman, Mary Brown told members of the legislature's procedural affairs committee last week. One of the reasons for taking steps to snip more from violent scenes is the fact that a large number of Ontario residents have indicated over the past three years they have felt-an utter distate for some of the movies that have been presented. She said that violent scenes may even be cen- î sored from films that The Home of FamIIy Entertainment Roller'Rlnk Brings you the best in Country music with guest host Dave Scott of CHOO Country Radio. Sunday night f rom 7 to 10 p.m. Admission $3.00 - skate rentai included Zodliac I Roier- Rink 6 Barr Rd., Ajax, Ont. For information cali 686-2816 are classified as restric- ted to those of age 18 or older. The chairman told the special committee that ^the board's approach has changed over the last three years. She said members place as much emphasis on researching acceptable standards for the com- rnunity- as they do on classifying films or eh- minating scenes.-4 Films are classified as being in. he art field. Artists are4reative peo- ple, but they get carried away with trying to be realistic - to the point they have audiences gasping in horror or wanting to throw up right in the theatre.This is not necessary 4t alI to get a point across. How-ý ever, as- long as thé public enmass is willing to pay for, and wants to see this kind of garbage, they, the film nmakers will dish it up. The bot- tom line with film makers is money. We could be wrong, but people today do not need or even want realisrn in films;, they want escapism; to go' back to the land . of make-believe for a littie while, a laugh at some clowns, or just a piea- sant story with- a happy ending. One thing peo- ple don't want, accôr- ding to a recent survey, is sad, depressîng, vio- lent movies.1 Last year the Censor Board approved 1,700 of 1,765 films. They turned down five films and requested 64 cuts in other films. *On August 1 of last year the board intro- duced a new classifica- tion system that was designed to protect childref f romn premature exposure from material that could adversely affect their developinent. Personally, l'in not concerned about aduits - too many of them are so illiterate and stupid they wouldn't know a good story from a bad one, but if the Cenisory Board does nothing else than protect children from sexual and vio- lence exploitation, then it is worth keeping. Weekly Horoscope W.ek of J"a. l7th ARIES (Mar, 21.Apr.- 19), A real zinger of a cycle. New ideas prosper. Current projeets move ahead. Start eariy and'dig in. TAURUS (Apr. 20.May 20) Health caution suggested. Watch food and drink intake. Avoid fad diets., You know what is best! C8EMINI (May 21-June 20) ýHome- prohlems meit away as your confidence rises. Trust your ioved ones. Express your love. CANCER (June 21-July 22) Creative time. Art, music, crafts flourish. Seek others with like interests. Be a littie zany., LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Conventional wisdom is best now. Follow the crowd. Attend meetings. Think things out before speaking. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) You will learn something surprising. Discuss things calmly. Every obstacle can be ovéeroe. LIO3RA (Sept. 23-Oct.. 22) Looks may deceive. *Friends may not be what they seem. Don't let others walk on you. Make your chnires. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21). Physical fitness3 blooms. Check out whulesome diets. Move around, tone your body. SAGIZMARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Your image is important now. HÃ"w you look and feel. Dress carefully. Ask advice from others. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Attention to detail is important. Little things add up. Keep promises and be prompt. AQUARNUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) A good period for- shopping and major purchases. Bargains are available. Get out and. look around., PISCES (Feb. 19-Mar. 20) Corne te grips with problemns. Talk over difficult questions. Work out the answers. Don't put tbings off. A handy new book by Sidney Ledscn, autiior of the best-selliung book, 'Teach Vour Child to Read in 60 Days'. Here's a book no stenographer should be without; virtually a university course In grammar - *...... but presented In a lively way............. no university can match. PRINTING & OFFICE SUPPLV 218 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax 638-1968 $ ~ THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WHITBY IN THE MATTER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.S.0. 1980, C. 337 AND IN THE MATTER 0F THE LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWUNG MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO NOTICE 0F INTENTION TO DESIGNATE TAKE NOTICE that the. Council of the Corporation of the TOWN of WHITBY In- tends to designate the property, Including lands and buildin~gs, at the following municipal address as property of architectural value or..i nterest unider Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O., 1980, Chapter 337. (a> Ringwood 1601 Hopkins Street Whitby, Ontario The composite style of Ringwood. ref lects trends in Canadian Archi- tecture of the l9th Century resulting in a fine blend of Regency, Italianate and Second Empire stylings. The house also dispiays woodwork which rot lects local stylings of that era. (b) Rlngwood was built by Barnabas Gibson, a prominent railroad contractor. Gibson built the Port Wtiltby - Lindsay line, the third Union Station in Toronto, as well as miles of rallway track througbout Ontario and Quebec. Any person may, before Jamjuary 29, 1982, send by registered mail or del ver to the Cierk of the TOWN of WHITBY notice of his or her objection to the pro- posed designation together wlth a statemnent of reasons for the objection and aIl relevant tacts, If such a Notice of Objection is recelved, the Council of the Corporation of theTOWN of WHITBY shah roter the matterto the Conservation Review Board for a hearing. Ã"ATED at the TOWN ot WHITBY thls 3th day of December, 1981. DONALD G. MCKAY, B.A., A.M.C.T. Clerk The Corporation of The Town ot Whitby 575 Rossland Road East - Wkitby, Ontario Li N 2M8