Whitby Free Press, 13 Jan 1982, p. 3

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Has several'advantages Attersley says.... WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY'13, 1982, PAGE 3 Port'sewer maybe.built oer3ears. Tlie construction of the long awaited Pringie Creek Corbett Creek Di- version Sewer in Port Whitbymay be staged, over 'a three-year period. The project -7 which lias an estimated cost of $3 million - is expected' to put an end to back-up probiems -in the area and ope n it up to new development. Mayor Bob Attersiey said iast- week tliat lie doesn't believe that Durliam Regionai Coun- cil can be convinced to bulld tlie sewer in. one year. However, tliree- year staging, wouid probably be more ac- ceptable, lie added. Tlie >three-year staging will have sever- ai advantages Attersley maintains. Firstly, tlie region can take advantage of a A man wbo escaped from tlie Witby Jail just before Christmas was re-captured by the Metropolitan Toronto Police Force -over the weekend. Kevin Draper, 20, was arrested'by police in a room at a Howard John- son 's motel last Friday niglit. Metro police bave cliarged hlm witb tliree counts of theft, two counts of possession of stolen goods and rob-. bery.« He escaped from police custody at the Osbawa Provincial Court whule awaiting trial on charges of. criminal negligence and robbery. Draper apparently telephoned bis jailers on Cliristmas Eve to give tbem tlie traditional season 's greetings and gave telephone inter- views to various news- Clnie raises 378 paints The Whitby Brandi of tlie Canadian Red Cross Society bas announced tliat last week's blood donor clinie was more tlian successful.' According to Marg Horton, clinic commit- tee cliairman, 422 people attended the Légion Hall clinic. 0f these, 44 were defered for minor liealtb reasons. The clinic coilected a total of 378 donations. Their goal was 325 dona- tions. The next clinic wil be beld on April 7., $4,OO0W grant from tlie federal goverrnent un- der the Great Lakes Basin renewal program. Secondly, it will sliow tlie eisting residents, of tlie area that steps .are being taken to overcome fiooding, problems that have been experienced in the iast few ye ars. The final reason,' At- tersiey, said, is tliat it would prove tliat tlie region 18 interested in a- development proposai put forward by Kes- mark Holdings Li mited. Kesmark announced last year tbat It wouid like to redevelop tliat par t of tlie Port Whitby liarbor at the base of Brock Street Soutb., Its -plans - liaving an estimated- wortb of $40 million - include the con- struction of a liel/con- dominium facility and other liarbor related ac-, tivities. Tlie area to be, re- developed includes the current Texaco Canada storage' tank'site and MeNamara Marine. However, Kesmark lias yet to sign a, develQpment agreement with. the town aithougli Attersley is confident that one can be signed sometime this year." It should be noted tliat Kesmark's proposai cannot go forward uniess tbe seWer is con- structed. ' The tliee-year s'tag- ing prograrnm could run into opposition from some regional coun- cillors wbo liave seen the water and sewer user rates go upby -20 per cent this yea'r, alone. They wiii content that the project wobuid cause unwarranted increases in tbe 1983 rates. However, one promi- nent regional councillor said.-tbat if Kesmark signed a deveiopment agreement, then -tlie matter could be iooked at in a different liglit.. The Ifirst stage of tlie, project bas already been completed at a cost of $1.6 million, however, witbout the rest of it being 4one it cannot be used. The project wiil re- papers whule on tbe r un. place the sewer .pipe Draper is sufferin* eurrently in tlie grour, from a potentialiy fatal in Port Whitby, many c form 0f cancer and went to Texas to seek treat- ment. However, for an CPEATIC unknown reason, lihe returned to Canada. IK R1S Metro police said that Draper will be ailowed to'continue 'his- chemo-20 tlierapy treatmenits at tlie Princess Margaret seirving traysS Hospital but under a foa upi police guard. According to Inspec- tor David Fleming of the Durham Regional Police Force, Draper is Floral arrn in custody in Toronto starting Fý and ls likely to remain Cali for moi there until tlie disposi- 6 tion of tlie charges6( against him.Ho ePr Fleming added tliat H m a tliere are stili outstand- ing charges against 305 Brook, St. N. Draper in Durham in- ýWHITBY cluding escaping cus- V tody and assaulting Cal666-1444 police. McALIJSTE rJanuary Sale nd which were. laid prior to the First Worid War. Attersiey said' that lie can understand tlie region's positionon tlie matter but, at the same time, lie feels the region shouid be interested in the Kesmark proposi. "We have to show them a sign of our good intent," tlie mayor said adding tliat adopting tlie staging proposai wouid be a good start. He- does not tbink an agreement can be signed prior . to the region's' budget dis- cussions., "A signed agreement would definiteiy be im- possible on tbis deveiop- ment before budget time." Attersiey also main- tains that tliree years would be enough time fdr Kesmark to finalize their plans and perbaps even start construction. Regional Clairman Gary Herrema said last week tliat lie requested public works depart- ment officiais to exa- mine the tbree-year staging proposai., "If we could stage- it over three years tbat wouid be perfect, " he' said. "But I'm not sure we can." During the 1981 budget discussions, regional council deferred tlie project on thie -grounds of expense. Opponents said that ap- proval should be witb- beid, until, there is development in the Port. Regionai officiais have estimnated tlhat c onstruction of tbe pro- ject would add twoper cent to the water bull of every Durliam user. A decision on whetber or not to construct the sewer is expected to.be made sometime in February or March. )NS GALOP[ 'nging classes eéb. 1 evenings ire information 51 444 rties Available HOURS Mon.,Tues ,Thurs. 10-6e MWed.-Closed Fri. 10.8 Sdt.-10-6 I RS Lý Uontmues Fine furniture Us always a treasure, but when you f ind fine f urniture priced f rom 10 -60 % off the regular price, that's outstanding, Savings 0f 10 ~ Where dlscerning people makea I -60-% an investment in beauty 7UfU HsiaflU Rd. W., UUflUWU (416) 576-6465 Mon., Tuies., Wed. 10-6 - Th urs., Fr1. 10-9 - Sat. 10-5 r Polie nab Whitby j ail escap-ee

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