Br~k1in Byines« By Roxanne Reveler i there: Remember wben you dreaded going to the den- tist, not the supermarket? B1ROOKLIN AND DISTRICT P.C. ASSOCIATION The annual meeting of the Brooklin and District Progressive Conservative Association will be beid on Wednesday, January 13 at 8 p.m. in the Brooklin Community Centre, Cassels Road East.. The Hon. George Ashe, Minister 0f Revenue and MPP for Durham West will be the guest speaker. Everyone is welcomne. Refreshments wUll be ser- ved. LIBRARY NEWS The pre-sohool story bour and Tuesday afternoon group for adults will resume on January 19 from *12:30 to1: 30p.m. This is a marvellous opportunity for. young mothers to get out of the bouse and enjoy an after- noon discussing a variety of interesting topics, and listening to fascinating guest speakers. At the same time, the children are enjoying stories, crafts and *games on the floor below. 0f course you do not have to have children'to be made welcomne, ail adults will reiish these sessions. The guest speaker on the first Tuesday wiii be Dr. Mitchell, who bas recently moved bis chiropractic business to Brôokiin. WOMEN'S iNSTITUTE The week of February 17 bas been declared Women's Institute week. Ail the Women's Institutes -of the world wili be ceiebrating their 85th anniver- sary. A party bas been pianned by Brooklin Branch February 17 at 2 p.m. for members only. A district directors' meeting will be held at the community center, Marcb 1, at 1:30 pam. and a resolutions meeting wiil be held January 20 at 2 p.m. ROCK AROUND THE CLOCK The Ladies Auxilia ry of tbe B.W.M.H.A. will be hosting a Fabulous Fifties Dance on Saturday, Bi0,g Brothers are taking to The Big Brothers of Oshawa-Wbitby will hold their fiftb annual benefit hockey game at the Oshawa Civic Audi- torium on Saturday, January 30 at 1 p.m. The game will match the local Big Brother Hockey Team against the C.F.T.O. Bassett Hounds - with celebrity referee Verne Buffey in charge. Tickets are $1 each with proceeds going to Big Brothers of Oshawa-Wbitby sports equipment fund which provides "on boan", equipment to Little Brothers. Look aiour RRSP Mutual Life's Accumulation Annuity offers you these advantages: n intarest la caicuiated *and added daliy C) contributions are tax deductible O no expense chargea or administrative fees; ail your money goas to work for you immediatsly CI fioatlng and guaranteed Interest ratas avalabie CI choice of Income options ai retirement Cali HERB TRAN 725-6564 668-59r38 Mutual Lite of Cantada FioatIng Interest rate asaof January 11, 1982. Rates can change without notice. the ice Tickets are on'sale at the Big Brother office, 44 William Street West, Faitb Place, and the Civic Auditorium, or from any Big Brother teammember. January 31 at Heydenshore Pavilion. Between the hours of 8 p.m. and 1 a.m. dance to the great music of B & H Sound. A buffet luncbeon will be served and is included in the price of $15 per couple., Dress is optionai. Tickets are available from Peacock Family Spor- ts in Whitby, and Brooklin Home Bakery and Deli in Brooklin. TIP 0F THE WEEK This is the time of year for most people to go on their annual "lose ten pounds kick". It's great to go on a diet, and lose superfluous pudge but don't get carried away. Avoid "fad" diets. Eat a balanced amount of food, just eat less of it. It Îiight be a good idea- to take a multi-vitamin while you are on your diet to supplement your body. Drink plenty of water too. Dehydration is very common among those who 'are dieting and this could lead to problemns., Apart from this, water will he[p to flush the impurities from your system. A glass of water before you eat will also fi you, up, fat free,- so you don't want to eat as much. Dieting alone is flot the answer, you must combine it with exercise. Even ten minutes a day will suf- fice. Every day do an extra minute and gradually work up to a regular program. Good luck wîth your diet, and remember, the best exercise is pushing yourseif away from the table. ATTENTION COACHES Mike Burgess bas assured me hie would be more than happy to print sport scores in the Whitby Free Press but that no one supplies him with the infor- mation. A sports section is one of the few things missing from the newspaper and it is a shame. Mrs. Sandy Rier bas heen submitting resuits from the house league for the 1Iast month or so but this'is not enough to make a sports page. Surelythe coaches or managers of Brooklin Whit- by teams can find a moment to spare each week and write up game results complete with goal scorers' names and submit them to the paper. The kids en- joy seeing their names in print and who knows it might spur a littie more enthusiasm. If it is inconvenient to drop the info into the Free Press- office (which is located right by the show in downtown Whitby) drop them off at Brooklin Bakery and I will be pleased to deliver them to Mike when I take my own coiumn in. Coaches of ail sports, ail year round, keep this in mind when your season starts. See yodi next week.... .Roxanne Reveler Brooklin Bakery drop off Friday, before noon plea se U55-4951 INVITATIONS une, bo *FLYING FATHERS AND CKEY MIKES See... Smitty the Clown, Penance the Horse, World Champion Whitby Dunlops, The East York Barbershoppers MONDAY, JANUARY 259 1982 8:00 puma moÇUISPAR ARENAWNI1Y Proceeds to assist the Whitby Ringette Association Whitby Figure Skating Club and Dennis O'Connor High SChooI General Admission $5.00 Door Prizes Ticket Outiets: Iroquois Park Arena, 500 Victoria Street West Peacock (Family) Sports & Trophies. 110 Athol Street - West Lynde Drive-In. 411 Brock Street South WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1982, PAGE 7 119004 nt-ow out of work, 1ATTENTION - -----I 1 SENIOR CITIZENS iTO HELP FIGHT INFLATION DUR1NG' JANUARY & FEBRUARY A 10% Dis- COUNTWILL BE GIVEN ON ALL STOREI ITEMS WHEN PROPER I.D. IS SHOWN. THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL - IDINNER ROLLS89tDOZ.i I BROOKLIN HOME BAKERY I I~ &DELICATESSAN I61 BALDWIN ST. BROOKLIN 655-4951 The number of clients unemployed and . regis- te red for work at the Canada Employment Centres in Ajax, Whitby and Oshawa for the month 0of December totalled 11,004, consist- ing of 5,466 female and 5,538 maie clients. Placements in the three offices totailed 749 for the month, wbich compares to a total of 643 placements during November. The major- ity of, clients' were registered in clerical and related; sales; ser- vices; product fabricat- ing, assembiing and re- .pairing; material hand- ling and related. During December, the greatest empioyment opportunities existed in manufacturing of tex- tile, primary metai and transportation equip- ment; retail trade; community, business and personal service. In December, there were nine, agreements signed under the Canada Manpower In- dustriai Training Pro- gram. As a resuit, 14 people will benefit from both training and em- ployment in the -Region of Durham. At the end of Decem- ber, there were 171 stu- dents in the skill courses sponsored by. the Canada Employment Centre and 43 people receiving academnic up- grading' at Durham Coilege. sections 298 and 301 (R.S.O. 1980) TAKE NOTICE THAT the Councl of the Regional Munlcipallty of Durham is considering the passing of by-Iaws authorlzlng construction of the foîlowing projects: 1. Reconstruction of Reg ional Road 5 f rom Ashburn ta east of Regional Road 23, in the Town of Whltby. 2. Reconstruction of Regional Road 15 (Simcoe Street in Beaverton> from John Street easterîy for 0.6 km, in the Township 0f Brook. 3. Reconstruction of Reglonal Road 16 (Rtson Road) f rom Reglonal Road 58 (Adelalde Avenue) Ito Regional Road 28 (Rossland Road), in the City of Oshawa. 4. Reconstruction of Regional Road 20 from Regional Road 14 easterly to Lot 32 of the former Clarke Township, in the Town of Newcastle. 5. Reconstruction of Regional Road 30 f rom Lot 18119 of the former Town- ship 0f Uxbridge to York Reglonal Road 15, in the Township of Uxbrldge. 6. Reconstruction of Regional Road 34 from north of Concession VI - VII of the former Township of Darlngton to Reglonal Road 3 In the Town of New- castle. 7. Construction of-turning lanes at the Intersection of Reglonal Road 53 (Stevenson Road) and Regional Road 59 (Glbb Street) ln the.City of Os hawa. 8. Construction of turnlng lanes at the intersection of Reglonal Road 22 (Vic- toria Street) and Reglonal Road 45 (Henry Street) ln the Town of Whltby. 9. Construction of turning lanes at the intersection ôf Reglonal Road 28 (Rossland Road) and Gibbons Street in the City of Oshawa. 10. Construction of a southbound truck climblng lane on. Reglonal Road 1 (Brook Road) in Concession VI II of the Town of Pickering. 11. Construction of a turning lane at the Intersection of Reglonal Road 14 (Liberty Street) and King Street in Bowmanvilîe. Plans showing details of the projects and the lands affected may be seen at the office 0f the Road Design Engineer of the Durham Works Department, 105 Consumers Drive, Whltby, Ontario, Telephone 668-7721. The Public Works Commlttee, being delegated by Regional Council as the hearlng body, shaîl hear ln persan or by his or her-counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims his or her land will be prejudlcaily affected by the by- Iaws and who applies ta the undersigned ta be heard at a special meeting of the Public Works Committee on Februanj 2.,1982. DATED at Whitby this 6th day of January, 1982.W..T LVRESP.NG COMMISSION ER 0F WORKS t se