PAE 8ýWEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20 1982e WHITBY FREE PRESSf W.*hitby Free Press.. ENTER TAIN MENT ,,,.With -Barry Murkcar In a 'Quesrt for IJire .. us back to the beginming of our existence, when rival tribes clashed in life-and-death strugges for the possession of fixe - thekey to survival. 2dd$~ *AkNOUNCEMENTS *RECEPTION CARDS * NVTATIONS *THRAN YOU CARS THE BLIIK BETWEEN BOOK EXCHANGE 120 Dundas St. W. Whltby 696.*2442 Moving Sale Clearing. out over-stock Feb. 2nd we open at our blgger, botter store 113 Dundas W. *CINEMA-SHOWC E'E TAS r ADiUL The science-fantasy epic foilows three cours- geous warriors forced to venture beyo nd the safety of their tribal land when their life- sustaining flame is lost during a battle wîth marauding Neander- thals. Their perilous quest for the priceless gift - when they had poss- essed but do not know how to create anew - pits them against' the challenge. of treacher- ous terrain, savage tribes and predatory beasts, among them giant mammoths and sabertootbed tigers. The film is also a OOO0'y( deeply moving 'humail drama: through, the story of two young loyers we see early Mai] and woman experienc. ing the first triumphanl stirrings of tenderness and compassion. "IQuest For Fire" hi the culmnination of threc years of preparation and research by direc- tor Jean-Jacques An- naud and executive pro- ducer Michael Gruskoff, and a fourth year of pre- production and filming, when they were joinec by the producers, Johnr Kemeny and Denis Heroux. The film- makers scouted loca- tions ail over the world Weekty'Horaoscope ARIES (Mar-. 21-Apr. 19) A change is in store. Someone nemi- may move. Make. an effort to stay in touch. Start new projeets. TAURUS (Apr. 20.May 20) Don't be hostage to a Mfe style. Change your habits. Save money, energy. Less is -more. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Let husiness, work, corne firet now. Social adventureu are risky. Independent reuearch pays. CANCER (June 21-July 22) A happy time. Guide your energy into worthwhile ventures. Fi-euh starts prosper. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Wishes are granted, but you muet ask. Contacts, negotiations, underst.andings favored. VIRGO <Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Plan a future trip, a hobby or a garden. Rest and relax. Don't venture far-. Use caution. LIDRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Romance entera picture. Encourage affection from others. You needn't say too much. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Transportation problema need attention. You may need to spend a littie. A wîse choice pays dividends. SAGITFARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) An attractive person m.y disappoint you.'Dont let it show. You have a lot going for you. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) There is a lot of gossip now. Somne of it is true, smre distorted. Nothing is changed by it. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Avoid quack remedies. Stay warm, dry and rest. Don't over exert. Read a book. Relax. PISCES (Feb. 19-Mai-. 20)-Younger people need your time. Make a special effort. People around you corne together. A happy time. CLUB AIIENE CONCESSION 10 WEST, SCUGOG ISLAND SAT., JAN. 239,1982 8:30 P.M. - 1:00 A.M. DANCE BILL JOHNSON& TO SWEET COUNTRY Sponsored by Durham Realon Multiple Scierosia LICENSED. UNDER AUSPICES 0F SPECIAL OCCASION PERMIT COMING THE COUNTRY SOUNDS JAN. 3th. 0F LARRY DEE & DOTT19 for fu#ilisr informationphono Oshawa 576-4096 Fil m takes us, back 80,ý "Quest For Fire"p, the spectacular adventure saga 'of early man, opens sopn in this area. Set 80,000 years ago, "'Quest For Fire" brings .bars n . for areas which had e neyer before been cap- g tured on screen. Ulti- a mately they chose remote parts of Canada t, and Scotland to recreate, s the waning Ice Age and contrasting locations of s blistering. heat in e Kenya. ri Everett McGill, Rae Dawn Chong, Ron Peri- mani and Nameer El- Kadi- were chosen for the four leading roles, following a global sear- ch, for unknown actors J who had an ability to ýi perform. through non- s verbal expression. The -latter was especially, - important because 1much of the' film's drama is conveyed *through a primitive lan- gpage developed by novelist/linguist An- thony Burgess' ("A Clockwork Orange")Y and an accompanying vocabulary of gestures, >,created by behavioral theorist Desmond Morris ("The Naked Ape" )., The resulting colla- boration of these dedi- cated artists captures that extraordinary moment in time when man took bis first bold step into the future. Singers wanted The County Town Singers wiil be holding auditions tonight (January 20) at 8 p.m. in the music room of the Henry Street High School. There are openings in afl sections - also, bass, soprano and tenor - and male singers are espe- cially needed. The abili- ty to read music is an asset but not essential. For more information cail Angela Willis at 668- -Rae Dawn Chong "(left) -and -Everett McGil. (rlght) share a tender moment that illustrates' the. primitive beginninga of human emotion ln the epie adventure of man's quest for the life-sustainlng element of fire 80,000 years ago in a newfilm en- titled "Quest For Fire."' The production is"expected to be released I this area shortly. - Photo courtesy 0f 2th Century-Fox WHITBY HISTORICAL SOCIETY The Whitby Historical Society wiil hold their an- nual meeting and, élection of officers at, Fairview Lodge on Tuesday, January 26 at 6: 30 p.m. The meeting wiil begin with a'pot luck supper, followed by business and election of the 1962 execu- tive. Anyone interested is welcome to attend. Remember 6:30 p.m. -PAPER DRIVE Last week it appears that persons living on Hop- kins 'Street were not reieved of their bundles of papers. It was a very cold Saturday, and apparent- ly snow banks marred visibility. Let's hope for bet- ter weather before the next paper drive. CORRIDOR CAPERS BALL Heydenshore Pavilion will be the setting for the semi-annual Capers Baîl on Saturday, February 20 beginning at 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $10 a couple,, so cail your neighbour and make up a party to attend. There wilI be prizes, lunch and refreshments. Cali 723-1680 or 725-8967 or any executive memfber and reserve your table. WHITBY WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The next meeting of the Whitby Women's Institute will take place at the home of Mrs. Bessie Acton, 215 Reedoir Court, on Januarv 27. 1982 at 1: 30 p-m- Topie lfor the meeting will be Resolution and Current Events. Motto: Today's news wiil be the history of the future. The convenor will be Mrs. Grace Carr. Visitors and new members wiil be warmly welcomed. CONGRATULATIONS TO SIGNET SIGNS Our congratulations to Signet Signs on Thickson Road South who celebrated their fifth year of operation at their Thickson Road, Whitby location. Signet Sigus is à Whitby Corridor business, owned and operated by Corridor Area residents. Best of luck for future business and expansion. Your building, and business is a credit to the com- munity. We preparing for your lOth juIU- versary, Party 1