Whitby Free Press, 20 Jan 1982, p. 21

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* , i 'i. j, WHITBY FREE PRESS>,-WEDNESDAYe JANUARY 20, 1982, PAGE 21 DEYS CARP 'ENTRY HOME REPAIRS [RENOVATIONS & Roc rooms, bathrooms, I!MPROVEMENTS drywall, fonclng, METRO LIC. B-2554 for al your home Kitchons, Ceramiec improvements. Tiing, Drywali, Roc. Rooms, Cedar Docks Whero quality pays, and Patio Doors. it doosn't cost. FE SIAE 668-6667 CALL 668.4686 E-O IACOOUITIBiGI IGKKEEPIO SER VICES BOOKKEEPING, ACCOUNTING, TAX RETURNSJ PROFESSIONAL SERVICE .8 REPAIRS TRACTOR TRAILER TRAINING RENOVTUONS For Class A & D Lîconse Cael PARTICIPATION REASONABLE 418-36â-8031 <668-8826 Day, &e.& Set. courses' REACH MOUE POTENTIAL 1;0TOERS5 ADVIfl'SE TOUR SERVIE UNDER V "CALI A PROFESSIONAL The Whtby Free Prose le t'ho. ost wIdeiy read publication ln the> Town 6i Whitby. The Whltby Free Prose le aIeo circulatsd i.n Ajax, 1Pckering, Brook- lin, Myrie, Ashburn and Port Porry. Your advertIsement 'wiil b. read by ovor 70,000 potentIl customers. Our advortleing rates. are highly competîtive ln bath prIce and audience. For more inform atIn on placlng your ad under "Cali A Profees- lonal"' cali the classlflod Advertlslng Manager now at: 668-6111 NIGHEST PRICES' Paid for Gold and Silver coin s, old guns, dlocks, Jewelory, dishos, furni- ture, crocks, 'oll painti lngs and sealers. FRIENDLY- FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWAj TEXTURE SPRAY 4 STUCCO CeliIngs &Wall$ FULLY EXPERIENCED Also stuccocsilînge palntsd.ale Frse estîmtes end low wntsr rites. SpecIai payment plan à prices for, senior citizens. 576-2401 GUITAR LESSONS AVAILAB3LE BY PROFESSIONALI INSTRUCTOR. ýPHONE 668-3741 SERVICES A HANDY REFERENCE BOOK, "Grammar for people Who hale Grammer". Ideel gift for students or office workers. $3,95aecopy at Dickson Printing, 218, Herwood Ave. S., Ajax, 683-1968. O3ERVCES MAN WITH TRUCKC wlil do moving jobs. Hes experionco. Phono 666- 3781. BANKRUPTCIES are kililng emai bueinesses. If your printor has gono out of business wo have a bonus for you. Cali Lou OIckson et 683-1968 for dotails. WESERVIC i aEsn moelsaityr tors. lko Pritlg, 18HaTuon e. 5. Ajeax, 319.9 Freh e vice 668482 eHTB REGISTER NOW FOR NEW TERM Aduit boginners dencorciso and tap classes. Tuosday morn- Ings, Wednosdey evenlngs. $35 for .10 classes. Saturdey classes for chlldron, 3 yrs. ta 10 yrs. aid, In baill'et, tap and jazz. <Oldor studonts classes woek- nights.)' GLADYS.GALE SCHOOL OF DANCE Studio, Station Plaza Above Ajax Cycle, Ajax Cal683-1765 P FESONAL GUITARIST wiI give guitar lassons ln your homo. BegInnor 10 advanced. Pop, rock, country, etc. end song accompani- ment. Durham and surrounding reglon. Phono 655-3294. ~1 S.UI1ES PEEROISONAUS GOT TAX REFUND PLANS? 85% af your calcuieted rofund paid fast. Roturns prepaed et nç extra cost. BkENEFICIAL TAX REFUND, BUYING CENTRE., 39 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, 433-4771. E VENTS WATCH FOR the Dlckson Printlng' Monthly Maier. Ful of humour, -and Information. Celi 683-1968 for costs on advoertIsing space. DURHAM REGION LUNO ASSO- CIATION needa your heip 10 fIght emphysema, asthme and ung can- cer. 'Bequosts or memoriel gifle gratofuily roceived through any funerai director. ARTICLES FOR, SALE CEDAR P05TS AVAILABLE ln large or'smal quantitios. 8'iength. $3 each. Phions 839-2655. DRY FIREWOOD.ý Beoch, mapie, white birch. Deliver anywhore. $40 face cord. Phono <705)454-8260. 2"Storm Doors Triploeleld 5Scolore $ ,950 4tyles Instailed & Guaranteed. Aiso eco- nomical and' onergy efficient storm and replacement thermal windows and enclosures. FREE ESTIMATES Durhiam Glass 666-3355 after hours 6686-1847 NEW à USED Office Fumniture at' big savlngs. We have a warehouso full In Ajax. DIcksoni Printing,'218 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax, 683-1968. PUBLIC AUCTION Every Monday and Thursday nlght buy or soit ai' 1614 Charles Street, Whitby.- Furnituire, giss, china, t0018, jowelry, coins and so on. ýAil consIgnmente weicomo.. Bill. Wannamaker, 1Auctloneer, 666- 3731 days, 668-840 eveninge. 8"BED with maitress and box spring, neariy new,-$200 complote. Wall unit,,5 shoif, 1 cupboard, 4' x 12" x 72", $60. Ovai Rug, braidod, green, 5' x 9', $45. Slow Cookor, new, $30. Phoneo 6688593. Jan.20,82(M) NORESCO RECEIVE R, Model 2360,40 watts, AMIFM plus phono & tape outiets. Taya turntablo. Bothipieces like new. Sel as .a package or separato. $180 or beet offer., Phono 668-2860. Jan.20,82(J) SIMPLICITY WAINQERIWASHER, ln good conditlion. Asklng $60. Phone 668-3885 evenings. Jan.20,82(M) 111RSAI.IE, 1978 PONTIAC CATALINA WAGON, V8, 45,000.mi.,' rareiy driven, pis, pi'b, 8 track stereo. Cor-, tifiled. $4,000. Phono6888-0926. SUPPES4 OFFICE IN ONEI Combination desk and filing cabinet, new but scratch and dent In manufacture. Lese than $100. Dlckson Prlnting, 218 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax, 683-. TYEWITR for rent, manuai and eloctric, by the wekend, month or woek. Dlckson Printlng, 218 Harwood Ave, S., Ajax,,683- 1968. CHECK VOUA ATTICS, 'garagesý andi basements - wili buy your un- wanted Items for cash. Phono 576. 7645 after 6 p.m. WANTED - used portable calor TV sots to' prico paid. Phono 579- 2133. -AUTIORES JAC<KSON < ýAUCTION EERS> Estates - Farrns- ,Hausehold -Antlis, Murray Jackson 985-2459 Robert-Jackson 655.4878l AUCTINS PUBLIC AUCTION Every- Manday and Thursday night buy or Oeil et 1614 Charles Street, Whitby. Furnîture, glass, chIna , 10018, jewelry, coins and so0 on. AIl consignmhents welcome. Bill Wannamaker, Auctioneer, 68&. 3731 days, 668-8403 ovonîngs. WFORAISALE 1975 HORNET, as ls, $225 uncerti- f led. PhoneO8689714. UNRERVED AUCTION SALE SAT, JAN. 23,'F'1982 - 1:00 PM "WHEEL-RENT-IT" is termlnating business. The foîlowing is a partial llstof vehicles which -will be offered for sale. (Most vehicies will be certif led. These will be Indlcated at tîme 0f sale.) VEAR 1973 1976 1976 1976 1975 1975 1976 1975 1975 1977 1975 1976 1975 1976 1976 MAKE Chevrolet Belair Mercury Montego Plymouth Volaro Chevrolet Chevelie Ford Torino Pontiac Catalina Ford Grenada Pontiac Parisienne Chevroiet Chovolle Pontiac Laurentian Plymouth Grand Fury Chovrolet Nova Dodge Monaco Plymouth Grand Fury 4 Plymouth Vailants Plymouth Grand Fury YEAR 1977 1978 1975 1978 1975 1976 1978 1976 1977 1976 1975 1978 1976 1976 1970 MAKE' 4 Plymouth Grand Furys 4 Plymouth Furys 2 Pontiac Laurentians 3 Dodgo Monacos Chovelie Vailant 4 Door Pontiac Parisienne Dodge Ford 1 Ton (Tow Truck) Chovroiet -4 Ton Van Chevrolot 34 Ton Van Chevroiet Van Chevroiet Van Dodgo Sportman 1 5-Passengor Chrysier.Now Yorker A quantlty of travel trailers and vohicie repair equipment wiil aiso be offered for sale. This1 lest la subJect to additions and delof Ions. Some additions may have resorves. LOCATION 25 RITSON RD. N. AT BOND ST. E., OSHAWA Terms: Cash or Certif led Choque. AUCTION SALE SAT., JAN. 23 -1 P.M. At PEARCE AUCTION. CENTRE, on Shirley Rd.," 4 miles south of Port Perry., Conslgnment sale with, coppertone gas, stove, Franklin fireplace, Mof- fatt dryer, RCA organ, gun showcase, GSW refrigora- tor, box stove, bell1 speakers, snowmobile drive beits wlth now par- ts. books & manuals, gateleg table, carpettlng, .22,rifle, baby crib, bods, drossers, night tabl'es,ý color TV, typewrIter,ý chrome sot with 4 chairs, easy chair, downhill skis, encyclopedia, strollor, .78 RPM records,. radios, tool,' dishes, lamps & many, more Items. PEARCE AUCTIONS 985-7492 AUCTIONiSALE THURS., JAN. 24 AT 6:30 P'.*M. 1614 Charles St., Whitby Antiques, collectables, glass, china, diningroom suite, storeo, Chesterfield suite, dlshwashor, spin dryor & washer, RCA dryer, diningroomn table, Nordmed German- radio, pictures,, docks, crocks, Egshmantel cdock, chairs, dressers, lamps. Many items not men- tionod. AIl consig-nmonts welcomod: --Open 'dally -Monday to Friday 10 to 5. Saturday il to 3. WANNAMAKER AUCTION SERVICES 666-3731 668-843 (DAYS» (EVOS.) ANTIQU'E AUCTION SUN., JAN. 31 AT 1 P.M. SHARP 1614 Charles St., Whltby AIl Conslgnments wel- comed., Inquiries please Caîl: WANNAMAKER, AUCTION SERVICES 666-373i 668-8403 'DAY5)(EG) ACOODATION 3 BEDROOM HOUSE TO 5MARE., $175 per month plus utilities. Byron Street North, Whitby. Phone 666-2032. LARGE 3 BEDROON MODERN HOME, on 2 acres of land juot nor- th of Whitby. Unfurnished. Aveul- able February 1. $B50lmonth. Phono 655-3127. OFFICESPCE FORFO REN1 NT CLEAN MODERN OFFICE, on ground f loor ln downtown Whitby. 400 sq. ft. Contact AI Kirby 668- ~jTHEL NEED EXTRAMNET to supplo- ment the famiiy Income? .Join a brand niew company in Canada. We need Individuale ta demon- sa<trate a -now eloe casmetic' and' skîn care Ilino.Training le provided by s trslned consultant. It's (un 10 leam, but botter.ta earni For more in1formation oeil 725-1062 or 5 <76- 836 after 5 p.m. ln Oshawa WANTEDà: Rollabie part-tlmo heip ta work ln Pickering ares, ail day Mondaye & Tuesday ovonlngs. Miïst be'abie 10 1dit furnituro. Idoal for heaithy, retired orso'ml-retirod persamn. ForiInformation phone 416-985"161. PERBON REOWRED to dean of- fice In Whitby twice a woek, even- Inge. Cali 668-171. BROOKLIN TOOL CO. LTD.,, requires throe retlrod persoa. Mechanic ta repair air tools, jacks end comprossors Brick layer and cerpentor to assiat ln constructing -office. Phono 683-753. NEEDLECRAFT- LOVERS The CroatIvo Circlo noode lnstruc- tors. An oxcing new way ta 8011 stitchory. No oxporionco ne c- esssry. Wiii train. Cel Ruth Howitson et 694-4073 colleot. INSIDE SALES, porion wlth know- ledga af printlng and forma, largo ares f irm, salary. P.O. 'Box 561, Whltby, Onterlo. EXPERIENCED CABINET MAKER roequIred for cues'terriwaod working shap In South Pickering. Contact Mr. Epp at Ambiant Woodwork 831-3011. WANTED- BABYSITTER for lghts and Saturdays ln West Lyndo ares. Phone 668-832 or 668-7357. S~ERVCE.' MOTHER 0F 1 WILL BABYSIT In my home Mondey 10 Friday. Any ago woicome. Good hot lunches. Very fair rates. Oniy 'h block from Florence M. Hoard School. If ln- terested ploase ceil Mre. Bingley et168-8666. WILL BABYSIT pro-e choaler or echooler, Monday to Frlday. St. John's Cathoiic School ares, Cochrane" Street. Cali 666-3197, Lorraine. MOTHER 0F TWO wili babysIt In her'homne. $7 per day. Have back- yard and play room. Servo hot lunches daily. Phono Michelle Hauso at 668-2927. CASHII rTurn unwantod storages. mb cash with a Classlfled Ad. CALL.668-111 WHITBY F REE PRESS (ARMENTS/ CODSFOR RENTI LAR GE ONE BEDROOM base- ment apartment, partly furnished, With bar. $200 per month plus utilitles' or roomn for.ront-negotia- bie. Share facilitlos and ontrance. Roforonces. Phono 668-4725 before 5 p.m. ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your-advertisement for errors on the f irst day of Visa Account and receive thé discount on the pi ice of your deavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we ac- publication. The Whltby Free Press wili not be hiable for ad. Please have your Visa card ready when calling. cept'no liabillty regarding Ioss or damage aîleged to arise failure to pubilsh an ad, or for typographlc errors in publica- through failure or delay in forwardlng such replies. We wil tion beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the first 100 words; 120 each not be responsible for box number replies not called for a maximum cost of the flIrst Insertion. The Whtby Free Press additional word. >wîthin 30 days. reserves the right to classlfy or rojoot ail advertisements. Ads IN-MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F' THANKS -1 $8.00 for the flrst 50 DALNS odyno ro opbiaint neto must appear In the paper one-day before they can be changed words; 12c each additionaî word. DALNS odyno ro opbiaint neto o r cancelied. cancel Ciassified Ads. Friday noon prior to publ ication to In-, AUCTION SALES - 32s per lino. (No word ads aîlowed.) sert or cancel Emporium Ads. RATES: $4.06 for 20 w ords If biîîod; 12o each addltlonal word. CALL Pro-paid Insertion of 20 words $3.50; addltlonai words l;s BOX NUMBERS: Box numbors are availabte at an.addltional- each. You may charge your Cîassified Ad to your Chargex or charge of $2.00. The Whltby Free Press wili make every on- 6861 ý51 0 IIRDLEY ýDRIVE 6811

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