PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY '20, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS Reg ion -Says no to Port, Whitby ,sewer un less, mayrsigns,,dealwith Kes mark Only if the Town of Whitby, -can get a developerto sign on the dotted line will the Region ofDurhafn pro- ceed with the construc- tion of the long awalited Port Wkhitby diversion sewer this year. If such commitment can not be r eached,' then the projeet will . be deferred for yet another year.. Regional councillors deleted the now $3 million project from the $10.4 million capital works budget at last week's meeting of reglonal council's public works committee. However, the council-, ors sald that if Whitby can convince Kesmark Holdings Limited, to commit itself to the $40 million harbor develop- ment it announced last year, they will support the project. SKesmark announced that it intends to build a hotel Icondominium, project and other ha r- Ixr-related, facilities :at the base of Brock Street South. -The projeet caén- not proceedunless the sewer line ls built. ,Councillors were hesi- tant to okay the project because the region bas built p ipes before because of. pendn development and when it did not materialize, taxpayers.had to pick- up the bill. Regional Counillor Gerry Emrn. (WhitbY),' chairman of .the-'.com- mittee, said last week' that there is a possi- SPECIAL' ALL TV SERVICE CALLS $700O WITijTHIS ADONLY BROOK TV 579-2133 ALL PARTS AND SERVICE GUARANTEED STHE CORPORATION OF. STHE TOWN OF WHIT.BY * PLANNING DEPARTMENT Re: DundaslThici<son Sub*Central Area Study * TUDY ARE^ DATE: Thursday, January 28, 1982 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: Meeting Hall Whitby Municipal Bulding 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario, The Administrative Committee will hold a public meeting for the DundaslThickson Sub-Central Area planning study at the time and place mndi- cated above. This wiii be the third and final public meeting of the study. A final Development Plan report containing. proposed policies for the development cf the Sub-Central Area wiil be presented at the meeting-as weil as a draft pro- posed amendment to Implement the study to the Whitby Offilciai Plan. Ail Interested persons are invited to attend the meeting. Further Information on the above study, may be obtained by cailing the undersigned or Larry Cavanagh of the Town of Whitby Planning Department, (416) 668-5803. ROP-ERT B. SHORT, Director of Planning, Corporation of the Town of Whitby. bility that the commit-' ment could corne forth tlils year. "'There is a possibillty open for Port Whitby to get the Kesmark thinig off the ground this, year," he said. Emm said that the majorcos't inthe projeet was the,$.6. million needed toconstruct a new pumping station. ,However, he is flot pleased with the deci- sion reached by his committee. "I'm nlot happy with the decision because I think iW does nothinig for us to delay. construction of the pipe," he said. 1"Delaying it is- only, increasing the cost next year and every year ît's delayed it also 'means there, is, a real possi- biity that we cannotý get, (grant)- money beyond the end of the province's fiscal year, " he added. If the projeet does not go, the region couldlose a- 15 per cent subsidy fromi the Ministry of the EMM The, region was also offered a $441,OU grant. u nder the ý federal government's Great Lakes B asin renewal prograrn, hew'ever,,' Emmù does not belileve that these revenues will be lost *' "'Our understanding is thati t is a, three-year program and we will continue to'be eligible for it, " he said. Emm also stresses that the Port Whitby projeet was not theonly one being deleted from .Pths year's budge "Many projeets ,are being. eut in the region this year,". he said ad- ding, "dI understand that th fnancial position ,,f the region is flot gr eat." Despite this, Emmn said that, the -region has to, prépare itself. for developmnent. S "To' attract growth, we mrust, because we have theresponsibility for sanit 'ary sewers, have the' place." But he also under- stands why his, colleag- ues on council have taken their position., ."I also understand that beca use. some pre- dAicted growth, did flot happen so1m e .regional councillors'are& reluc- tant to build more ýpipes in the ground Without a 'firm ýcommitment from developers; which would start revenues rolling in to offset. debenture costa." Emm also said that even if the Kesmark project was net located in. Whitby,. he wouid be prepared te support it. "'If' the prospective development was, else- where in the region, I would be prepared te support it there because of, its potential for growth in the region. ", Mayor Bob Attersley is also confident that a deal can- be struck sometime this year. "I wiil endeavour to put the prejeet together." The mayor, is net overly concerned that. the projeet was deleted from the budget. Saylng that a ý budget is only a g'uideline of what council ,intends to spenid, Attersley main- tains'that the sewer can be put back, in once the deal is made. 1 . Atterslèy -said that he has been told by many regional councillors that they are prepared. to supp,<ort the'construction of the sewer on ce Kes- mark signa. SWhen- Whitby coundil puts it together, they can count on the support of al regional 'coun- cilors," he said. "But they won't sup- port it for the number of people that are in Port Whitby, at the present time, " Attersiey added. The mayor. said that negotiations'-are .on- goingand that, he "is., deAAllng diretly with the chairman 0f the board." , If he accomplishes nothing else as mayor, Attersley said hie wants. tosee this projeet go through.1 "If. I do anything as mayor, it will be to put together that deal."1. However, Emm.saîd that another problem is looning on the horizon. - Emm said that the region bas received a letter from, Ontario, Minister of Transporta- tion and Communica- tions James Snow indi- cating that funding for overpass construction, hasbeen eut. 1This mieans that there might ý be, no money available for the, recon- struction of thel old Brock Street South CNR overpass.^ The ,overpass 15 currently number, two on the'regîon's list: of priorities'and many politicians have been. pushing for its recon- struction for many years. "lThere's another' pro- blem we have fac ing us," Emm said. Rent controls, wil gos.oon Ashe says ..It is more than possi- ble that the provincial government will elimi- nate rent controls ever the next five years ac- cerding te Durham West MPP George Ashe. 1 Ashe, who aiso serves as Ontario Minister of Revenue, made the remark at the annual meeting of the Brooklin and District Progress- ive Censervative Asso- ciatien held last week. He toid bis 40-member audience that hie was in agreement with a report issued iast weekby the Ontario Econemic Council. 1In. that report, it was recommended that rent controls be removed in a. fîive-year stà ging pro- gran. The first year of the program would see rent cèontrols raised from the current six per' cent ceiling until they matched and overtook the rate. of inflation, at which point they would be eliminated. "The whole problern with that issue is they're right," Ashe said, ad- ding '"unfortunately, there are some losers in that situation." However, the minister believes that relaxing controls would stimnuý. late construction in the rentai market. He also maintained that the market would be the best renit control possible. "The best control is the marketplace," Ashe said adding that the market weuld bring eut "the true value of cern- petitive rent."' He told his audience that Consumer and Commercial Relations Minister Gordon Walker wasgiving.serieus con- sideration- to the econemnic council's report although ne firmn decisiens have been made. "This is net going to be an easy problem to *suive, " Ashe added. PRI11TI. '218HARVOO AVE S. AJX SH PPIG PA. A j EEH N 683196 -DENTURE, THERAPY CLI.NIC 214 Dundas, St. E., Whitby 668-7797 By Appointment OnIy FISHER R EFRIGERATION & APPLIANCE PARTS NEW STORE OPENING Hwy. 12 - 1 mile N. of ights next to Manchester redit Union -COMPLEEEOF APPLIANCE -'PARTS, NEW & USED, stove elements, washer & dryer parts, etc. WE BUY & SEIL NEW & USED APPLIANCES Open9-9 AMPLE PARKING 655S3233 its the best meal deai going. Our 100% pure beef'singie burger with ' More Burger Than Bun'Nl A amali order of.crispy, golden fries. Your favorite amai drink. And, to top It off, a cool and creamy 5 oz. DAIRY QUEENO Sundae. Ait for onty $1.99. Get a good deal on a fuit meal. 1003 Dundas Street, East, Whitby 1050 Simcoe Street, North, Oshawa 235 Simcoe Street, South, Oshawa DAIRY QUEEN* Anoulr.