Whitby Free Press, 27 Jan 1982, p. 21

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY_27,_1982, PAGE 21 1!> CL Aà PRMEUL i ENY'S ;CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS RENOVATIONS & Roc rooms, bathrooms, IM PROVEMENTS drywaii, fenclng, METRO LiC. B-2554 for al you r home Kitchons, Ceramlo Improvoments. Tling, Drywaii, *Roc. Whore quai itypas and Patio Doors. lt desnt.cst. FREE1 ]STIMATES 668«6667 CAL668-4686 E-O A9CGGUffII,& 8INKEEPIIS 8SER VICES BOOKK!EEPING, ACCOUNTING, TAX RETURNS PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 10 BRADLEY DRIVE 888-18Smo REPIRSTRAMAORTRAILER REPAURSTRAINING RENOVTIONS For Ciass A & D License RENOVTIONSCail PARTICIPATION REASONABLE 4116-33U.8031 R.aeutaCdl roi Free 1.800-2669689 r 668-8826 Day, Ev. & Sat, courses PROFESSIONALS FOR PROFESSIONALS Bondled and Insureci ODEVELOPMENT [BUILDING MAINTENANCEl Commercial Clearting Cortractors 101 Ribbeladale Or, Unit Sr= Whitby, Ontario H ICHEST PRICES Paid for Goid and SIlIver coins, old guns, dlocks, Jeweiery, dishes, furni- ture, crocks, o11 paint- ings and sealors. FRIENDLY FLEA M ARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA I REPAIRS & I LIGHTI ELECTRICALI IWORK.I 0 .SERVICES "ORAMmAR FOR PEOPLE wha hsto grammar" ls the Ideal packet reference bock for business peo- pie. $3.95 par copy and avalable at Dlcksan Prlnting & Office Sup- plies ln the Ajax Plaza. Dealer on- qulries invlted 68-1968. OLD TIME FI DDLING? Prof essionai instruc- tion by 1955 Canadian fiddie champion. Other styles offered. Phone% VIC 668'-3741 SERVICES MANWITH TRUCK'wIii do moving jobs. Has axperience. Phone 686- 3781. ADVERTISE YOUR SERVICE ln the Whltby Free Press and get Immedaeorosulta. Phane 668- 6111 t place your acf. PROFSSIOAL UITARIST will give guitar lessons ln your homo. Beginner 10 edvancod. Pop, rock, country, etc. and sang sccompanl- ment. Durham and surroundlng region. Phone 655-3294. i I I I I INSTRUCTION REGISTER NOW FOR NEW TERM Aduit beginners dancercise andf tep classes. Tuesday morn-l Inga, Wednesday evenlngs. $35 for 10 classes. Saturday classes for chlldren, 3 yrs. to 10 yrs. old, ln ballet, tep sndf jazz. <Older students classes week- nlghts.) >GLADYS GALE SOHOOL 0F DANCE Studio, Station Plaza Abovo Ajax Cycle, Ajax Cail 683-1765 PAITING AINTINO TAPINO. TEXTRE SPRAY a STUCCO Cellings & WaIIs FUU.T IXPURIENCED Alto stucco cedllngs palnted.. Frue estlmalea end- low. wlnter rates. Selal payment plan à prIes. for senior citizen@. 576-24011 QjjjICE HELP 18 ON THE WAY for firms whase prînter ha recently gone out cf business. Lau Dlckson has the cast cuttlng Ideas you neec i B a time Ilke thîs 683-1968. SE IN R p is toa- & fica ules 683-1968. 12 ue, an Ahbrn19 . $10 Freed homernstepoice hn CAtomee yarheep a fgh em pea sthmea aduncn gr ateyrcvthrauh an funera directar.. NOTICES *BROOKS, Cheryl Ann Suddeniy as a resuit of a car accident on Nov. 21, 1981 Cheryl Ann Brooks ln her l7th year, of 45 Lawrence Ave., Bowman- ville, Ont. Beloved daughter of Myrtie and WInston Brooks, sister ofJM ff-, Doar granddaughter of Mrs. Joan Mulien, and the late George Muilen of Oshawa, and the late Mr. & Mrs. Seldon Brooks of Weymnouth, Nova Scotia. Do'ar niece of Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Breen and family, Mr. & Mrs. Ken Thlbeau and family, Mr. & Mrs. Soldon Brooks and Mr. Douglas Brooks of Whitby, and -Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Muiso and. Mr. & Mrs. Reg Robicheau of Weymnouth, N.S. Cheryl was educated at the Bow- manville high sohool and a membor of St. Joseph's Roman Cathollo Church ln Bowmanviiie, Ont. Prior t0 her death Cheryl worked as a niur- se's aid ai the Nel-Gor Castie Nursing Home ln New Castie, Ont. Funeral service was heid at the Morris Funerai Chapel ln Bowmanviile. Father Frank Miheiic off I- ciated. Interment at the Bow- manvilie Cemetery. Pail- bearers were: Gary Smith, Tlim Little,- Paul Perneil, Roger Strickiess, Dan Carson and Mike Casth- Iliox ail close frlends of Cheryls. *HENDERSON, Madelono Maroano Suddenly at the Oshawa General Hospital, on Sat- urday, January l6th, 1982, Madelene M. MacNeili (of Whitby), beioved wife of the late Douglas Hender- son, dear mother of Paul and daughter-in-iaw Julla, of London, Ont., and grandmother of Stephen. Dear niece of Mrs. E.W. Fox (lona), of Ajax, Mrs. J. King, (Madelene), of Brownsvilie, Tex., and Mrs. Aberta Ensbach, of Denver, Col., dear cousin of Mrs. J. Richardson (Mildred), of Ciayburne, Tex. Rested at the W.C. Town Funerai Chapel, Whitby, for service ln the chapel on Tuesday, Jan- uary 19, 1:30 p.m. Inter- ment later Groveside Cemetery Whitby. Mini- ster the Rev. W.B. Gee. CLASSIFIED ADS ARTICLES FRSALE 1 FRANKLIN FIREPLACE, zero clearance, bras knabs, grae, ecreen & accessorles. Used, ln gaad condition. Asklng $80 or best affer. Phione 668.0914. Jan.27,82(K) CHROME GLASS-TOP dlnlng room table & chairs wlth metchîng coffee andf twa end tablas. $450. Plhone 668.2986 affer 6 p.m. NORESCO RECEIvER, Modal 2380,40 watts, AMIFM plus phono & tapa auties. Taya turntable. Both places Ilke new. Sali as a package or separate. $180 or boat offer. Phono 668-2860. .> Jan.20,82<J) 2" Stor m Doors rIlple Saaled' *5colorsl69 . 0 ý4 stylas lnstallad & Guéaeted. Also eco- nomîcal ancf energy efficient starm andf replacement thermal wIndows sncf enclosures. FREE ESITIMATES Durham Glass 666-3355 afier hours 668-1847 DRY FIREWOOD. Bosch, mapla, Whlte blrch. Dellveranywhere. $40 face card. Phane (705)>454-8260. C.EDAR POSTS AVAILABLE ln large or amaîl quantîties. 8' length. $3 each. Phone 839-2656.. 48" BED with mattresa ancf box sprlng, nearly new, $200 complote. Wall unît, 5 sheif, 1 cupbaard, 4' x 12" x 72", $60. Oval Rug, bralded, green, 5' x 9', $46. Slow cocker, new, $30. Phono 668-8593.. Jan.20,82M> SIMPLICITY WRINGERIWASHER, ln god candiltian. Askîng $60. Phono 668-3M85evanings. Jan.20,82<M) PUBLIC AUCTION Evary Manday ancf Thursday nlght buy ar salI et 1614 Charles Stroet, Whltby. Furnîture, glass, china, toals, jawalry, cains sncf sa an. All consIgnments welcamo. Bll Wannamaker, Auctaoner, 666- 3731 days, 668-8403 avenings. VISIT OUR used furnituro ware- hauso by appcintmant. Big savînga an deaka, chairs,-f illng cabinets, etc. Ceil Dickson Print- ing & Office Supplies ta arrange an appaintmont la viow 683-1968. FOR SALE - Bostan Rocker, 1870- 1890, $180; oak racker, oarly 1900s, $120; aId pino dosk $150; antique wash stand $165; oak buf- fat $175. Phaneobetwoon il a.m. & 2 p.m. M6-3160. orÏO FOR R1ENT TYPEWRITER RENTAI, many makos end modela, by the week- end, weok ar month. Dscounts avallabie. DIckson Printing & Of- fice Supplies In the Ajax Plaza. Cali us far business machine repaira 683-1968. Buy/NLJ CHECK YOUR ATTICS, garages and basemonts - wIlli buy yaur un- wantod Itema for cash. Phono 576- FREE: Drop Into the Dlckson Prînting & Office Suppiy store In the Ajax, Plaza and pick up a free copy cf thoîr 1982 Metèlc Calon- dar. PrIntad In twc colours, It makes for hand y refarence 683- 1968. JACKSON «AUCTIONEERS Estatos - Faums Hauselhold - Antiques Murray Jackson 985-2459 Robert Jackson 8654878 AUCIOS AUCTION SALE FR1., JAN. 29 - 6:30 P.M. Brookln Communlty Contres 'Complote housohoid con-, lents 10 settie an estate Including antique & modemn furnishinga, glassware, china, jeweiry & tools. Many unique & coilectabie Items. EARL DAVIS AUCTIONEER 728-445 ESTATE SALE SATURDAY, JAN. 30 SALE TIMElI A.M. Auction sale of furniture À& antiques. The property of the late Agnes Byrne, to be auctioned at the Prince Albert Hall In the Village of Prince Albert, 1 mile south of Port Perry. AUCTIONEER, MURRAY JACKSON 985-2459 AUCTION SALE SAT., JAN. 30 -1 P.M. At PEARCE AUCTION CENTRE on'Shirley Rd., 4 miles south 0f Port Perry. With antiques, furniture, coins, appliances, etc. Antique cutter, 1972 Skidoo, brown matching Frigidaire fridge and stove, complete brass bed, hump-back trunk, Roman coins, Centennial & coliectabie col ins, commercial sewing machine, McCuliough chain saw, Skilsaw, 3-pc. bedroomn suite, wooden dînette set, Depression glass, Sentinel security ilight, chrome set with 6 'chairs, box sto.ve, sun iamp, projector, wheei- barrow, stereo and 8 track, dehumidi fier, 5-ft. step iadder, golf clubs, dress form, dishes & many more Items too ~HWLJ * ROOKLIN TOOL CO. LTD.> requiras thrae ratIred perans.. Mechenle ta reasr air tools, jacks sncf comprassors. Brick layer andf cerpenter ta aslist In constructlng office. Phono 883-1753. N EEDLECRAFT LOVERS 'ha Crostiva CIrcla noeds instruc- tors. An excltlng naw way to seil a ltohery. No axporlenca nec- asmery. WIII train. Cali Ruth Hawitsan at 694-4073 coilect. HELP WANTED: Exporîenced tolephona solicitor familiar with prIntîflg and off ica_ supplias. HaurIy rata plus commisaion. Caeil Lau Dickson et 683-1968 to arrange an Interview. BUiESS PP~RTUNITIES EXPANDINO WHOLESALE rotail. business iaoking 'for 8 embitious people Intarastad ln deoloping part-timo Incomae. Na Invostmnent. For Interview appoIntmoent oeil (416)>298-064. SERVIICES LOVING MOTIiER cf one *wIshee ta cae for chlldran, any &go, In my homne.'Wii provîde o t lunches. Very fair rates. Close ta Medo0w- crest Schcol, Brooklin. Oeli ny- time 665-4272. NOTHER 0F TWO wIl babysit ln hor home. $7 par cfay. Have beck- yard and play romr. Serve hot lunches deîly. Phone Michalle Housa at 606-2927. WILL PROVIDE DAY CAtE In my home Monday to Friday. Oelil6- 2352. 2 BEDROOM MOBILE HOME on M~ acre lot. Highway 48 near Balssmn Lake. Good well. Large Insulatecf garage. For more Infcr- mation cali 655-3877. FORORREN1NT CLF-AN MODEfiN OFFICI on graund floor In dawntown Whitby. 400 sq. ft. Cantact AI Klrby 668- 6668. t%3jCTINS AUCTION SALE WED., FEB. 3 -6 P.M. Stoufflle Salss. Barn Househoid furniture, an- tiques, appliances, tools, glassware & dishes. Ter- ms cash. NORM FAULKNIER& EARL GAUSLIN AUCTIONEERS PUBLIC AUCTIrON Evory Monday and Thursday night buy or sal et 1614 Charles Streot, Whltby. Furnîture, glass, china, G ET VOU R M ESSAG E AC ROSS Economicaiiy *Convoniontly *Accurately Classif lods CLI668-61 11 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIEDi ADVERTISERS Please check your advertIsement for errors on the f Irst day of Visa Account and receive the discount on ( the price of your deavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we ac- publication. The Whitby Free Press wiii flot be hiable for ad. Please have your Visa card ready when caliing. cept no iiabiiity regarding loss or damage alieged to arise fallure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors ln publica- through failure or delay ln forwarding such replies. We wili tion beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the first 100 words; 121t each plot be responsibie for box number replies flot calied for a maximum cost of the f irst Insertion. The Whitby Free Press additlonai word. within 30 days. reserves the right 10 ciassify or reject ail advertisements. Ads IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the first 50 DALNS odyno ro opbiaint neto must appear ln the paper one day bef ore they can be changed words; 12s each additionai word. cEaDLncelissiieMAsFrday noon prior to publication to n-o or cancelied. ACINSLS-3cprUe N odasalwd)cne lsiidAs rdyno ro opbiaint n AUCTON ALE - 3e pr ue. (o wrd ds aiowd.)sert or cancel.Emporium Ads. RATES: $4.06 for 20 words If biled; 121c each additionai word. CALL Pre-paid insertion of 20 words $3.50; addltlonai words llic BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are availabie ai an additional' each. You may charge your Ciassified Ad 10 your Chargex or charge of $200. The Whltby Free Press wiil make every en-, 668-6111 m Oale Wannemaker Phan e rmE3EB-3858

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