Whitby Free Press, 10 Feb 1982, p. 25

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WHITBY FREE'PRESS,,WEDNESDAY. FEBRUAÉY 10,' 1982, PAGE 25 ~.z z~ xc~ m~xx~ JPqCËATIONAI SERVICES "GRAMMAR FOR PEOPLE who hete grammar" la the ideel pookel reference book for business pao- pIe. $3.95 par copy and evelable aI Diokson- Printing & Office Sup- plies ln the Ajax Plaza. Dealer en- quiries inited 683-1968. SERVICES MAN WITH TRUCK will do moving jabs. Has oxperience. Phone 668- 3781. W ECRTING AINTINO TAPING eTEXTURE SPRAYs. & STUCCO Celing & WaIs TFULLY EXPERIENCED Also tucco cellîngs paînted. [Free esîlmèeas and low winler rates. Speclal paymeni plan à prîces for senior cllzens. 576-2401 OE E- HELP IS ON THE WAY for firme. whass prînter has recenlly gona out af business. Lau Dikson has the coat cuttlng ideas you nead et a ime lika this 683-1968. COGRTUAIONS nurfr inviais I ourlesue i u & fica ules 683u1968. :0; a 1995 Free ome ervi e do lteati-ns 21 *un SE . * 00.1. Opo it- . . 66-42 i I FOR SALE NATIONAL elaclric cash ragister, sullabla for grocery slors. Must ba sean. $400 or best offar. Cali 66-4308. 2" Storm Doors Triple Seaaid 5 coors .6 9 . . 4 stylas Instalied & Guaranlead. Aiea aco- nomicai and anargy efficient slorm and replacement thermal windows and enclosures. FREE ESTIMATES Durham Glass 666-3355 after hours 666-1847 W14IRLPOOL AUTOMATIC wash- ng machine in excelent condi- tion. Asking $350. Phone 728-8739 anytima. PUBLIC AUCTION Every Manday and Thursday nlghl buy or sali et 1614 Charles Street, Whitby. Furnilura, glass, china, tools, jawairy, coins and sa on. Al consIgnmanls walcame. Bill Wannamaker, Auctionear, 666- 3731 days, 668-8403 aveninga. NEED EXTRA MONEY? Sali your unwanted articles in the Free Press. Cali 6W6-1 il now. VISIT OUR used furilura wara- hous by eppolntmanl. Big savings on desks, chairs, fMing cabinets, etc. Cali Dickeon Print- ing & Office Supplias ta arrange an eppointment ta viaw 683-196. HELP WANTED <Management Systemns Professionals Careers inI Ministry of. Revenue The Management Systems Branch is scheduled to relocate to Oshawa in September, 1982. If your goal is ta enhance your technical knowledge, develop your management skills or Iearn new systems, the following positions afford you the opportunity to meet your -goals: GALL A PMFEUIOIAL CARPET HIGHEST PRICES C LANNPad. for Goid andSIve coins, aid guns, cdocks, Carpets shampooed jewelery, dis'hes, furni- and steam cleaned. ture, cracks, 011 paint- Cleaned twIce for lngs and sealers. onie îow prîce. FRIENDLY Cali: FLEA MARKET SPARKLE 725-9783 CIeaning Services 23 KING ST. W.9, U-88332 OR 6681j79 OSHAWA OLD TIME FIDDLING? RENOIVATIONS Professional instruc- tion by 1955 Canad]a fldde chmpio. Oter- ESOAL styles offered. Phone: VIC -668-3741 668-8826 TRACTOR TRAILER CARPENTRY TRAINING O EREAR For lass A & D LI cenise HO E&EAR Cail .ge IMPROVEMENTS PARTICIPATION METRO LiC. B-2554 416-363-80311 RdaÀh CaTouNpra KItchens, Ceramic 1.800-268.9689 TIling, Drywali, Rec. Day, Eve. & Sat. courses Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doars. RUSCO - Wincows, ciaors, sldlng, FREE ESTIMATES winter warks discount. Free esti- mates. ApproxImately 5o years In CALL 668-4686 business. 683-6323. OF1IIi1KSNKS NACCARATO The Naccarato famiiy wouid iike ta thank the communlty of Kinsale and surrounding areas for the gift ai money and af- fers of heîp to the famiiy after the lire. £LE1 NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ALL dlaims against the Estate of TESSA Mc- PHERSON (MacPherson) iste of the Township of Scugog, Ontario, wha dled an, December 16, 1981 must. be fiied with the underslgned by Mar- ch 15, 1982; thereafter the assets af the estate wiiI be dlstributed having regard aniy to those ciaims then flied. DATED February 10, 1982. Guaranty Trust Company of Canada, Executor, by its Solicitors, MESSRS. BASSEL, SULLI VAN & LEAKE, P.O. Box 351, Suite 1800, Commerce Court West, Toronto, Ontario, M5L 1H4' (File.RE-441) (File RE-442) (File RE-443) (File RE-444), (FileRE-435-D3) (File RE-436-D) (File RE-445) The above positions wiIl onîy be available ta candidates who are willing to work in Oshawa when the Ministry relocates. Please submit application/resume quoting appropriate file number by February 26, 1982 to Ministry of Revenue, Personnel Services Branch, 77 Bloor Street West, 2Oth Floor, Toronto', Ontario. M7A 1 X8 *Salàries currently under review. Equality of Opportunity for Employment. ®OhQtario Public Sérvice. 225Br~ock St. N., WfhIDby 668-6171 or 668-6172 ARE INTERESTED INVYOU! We need a f ew good sales people. If you are Inter- ested in settlng your own achievement goals re- garding income, we now offer you an exclusive audi-visual training pro- gramme, also, we'll en- courage you toward reaching your- goals. You can be inflated with the resuits we can help you attain. You can be happy working in a professional atmosphere which lends itself to efficiency and pleasant working condi- tions. Whether you are qualifiled at present or currentily taking or considering the government pre-licencing course - we want to taik with youi For aconfiden- tiai personal interview caîl: -BILL TURANSKY 1668-6171 BELL SARAH COVENTRY part lime or full tuile. Weekiy commi- ssion cheque. For mare Informa- tion cali Nicole 579"376. N ARTICES 00FOR RENT] TYPEWRITER RENTAL, many makes and modela, by the week- end, week or monlh. Discounts eva ilabla. DIckson Printlng & 0f- lice Supplies in the Ajax Plaza. Cail us for business machine repaire 683-1968. BUVNLJ CHECK YOUR ATTICti, garages and besements - will buy your un- wanled Items for cash. Phone 576- 7645 allter 6 p.m. NOT USING your lent lraiiar July 13 la Augusl 17, 1982? We wauld lika la rent Il. Phone 723-0620. CLASSIFIED ADS CONTINUE ON PAGE 24 HELP WANTED: Experienced telephone solcItar familier wllh printing and office supplies. Haurly rata plus commission. Cal Lau Dicksan aI 683-1968 ta arrange an Interview. BROOiCLIN TOOL dO.- LTD. requires lhree retired persoa. Mechanic 10 repair air 10018, jacks and comprassars. Brick layer and carpenler ta assiat ln conslructIng office. Phone 683-1753. OPPRT2UTIEýS EXPANDING WHOLESALE retail business looking for 8 amnbitiaus people Interested ln develaping part-tîme Income. Na Investment. For Interview appointmenl cali (416)>298-0540. SEVES J LOVING DAY CARE available ln my home. Pisaseial 666-1723. WANT AD5 WORK WONDERSI Cali 668-6111 ta place your ad. AC MOATION for unlversiq> summer atudents required. Planea contact Weeill Culien Nurseries 655-4300. w W VACATION ~I RENTALS lclearwatr -Take the famly,U Ithree bedroom, two bathrooml cutyclub homes, pools, tnicoeta major attrac- tions, only $20000 UJ.S. weekiy. 683-5503 OFFICE SPACE CLEAN MuDERN OFFICE on ground floar In dawntawn Whitby. 400 sq. IL. Contact AI Kirby 66&- 6868. STORES FO R R E N T IEXCELLENT RETAIL STORE FOR RENT IN WHITBY. FuIIy carpetted. Good traffic. For detail1s cal1 BILL PERKINS, 668-5862 ATTENT 'ION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertlsement for errors on the f irst day of Visa Account and receive the discount on the price of your deavour ta forward replies ta box numbers, however, we ac- publication. The Whitby Free Press wili nat be Hable for ad. Please have your Visa card ready when caliing. cept no Iiablllty regarding ioss or damage alleged ta arise failure ta pubiish an ad, or for typographic errors In publica- through failure or, deiay ln forwarding such replies. We wili tion beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to -BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irst 100 words; 12c. each flot be responsibie for box number replies flot caîîed for a maximum cost af the f irst Insertion. The Whitby Free Press additionai word. wuthun 30days. reserves the right ta ciassify or reject ail advertisements. Ads IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the f irst 50 DALN5 odyfo ro apbiaint neto must appear ln the paper one day bef are they can be changed words; 12s each additional word. DALNS odyno ro opbiaint.neto or cancelled. cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior ta publication ta ln- AUCTION SALES -ý32o per uine. (No word ads-aliowed.) sert or cancei Emporium Ads. RATES: $4.06 for 20 words If bilied; 12C each additlonal word. CAL-L Pre-paid Insertion ai 20 wards. $3.50; additional words 1 i; BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are availabie at an additional 668-6111 each. You may charge your Ciassifiled Ad ta your Chargex or charge of $2.00. The WhitbX Free.Press wili make every an- q F I. Systemns Speciaîist Systemns Analyst Analyst, Programmer APL Analyst Programmer Records Analyst Forms Analyst/Designer Business Systems Analyst $30,600 - $37,200 $25,900 - $31 ,200* $23,000 - $26,900* $23,000 - $26,900* $20,500 - $23,40&' $2U,500 - $23,400* $25,900 - $31 ,200* Il, [ 1 ýHm

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