Whitby Free Press, 17 Feb 1982, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS Teachers, board ratify -new one-year pact DETECTORS Higli sehool teachers employed by the SALES, Durham Board of Edu- INSPETION cation voted to accept INSPETION salary hMes of il per & RECHARGE. cent in a new one-year contract. In a vote eonducted Oshawa îast Wednesday, teach- Fire & Safety ers accepteci by a nr 477 gin of 56.8 percent. 47Taunton The settiement with Rd. E. the 1,000 teachers is Oshawa estîmated to cost the 571.0088 board approximately $3 571-0088 million. Accorcling to a spokes- A COMPLETE SERVICE ON TRANSMISSION, DIFFERENTIAL & DRIVE LINES ~ ED CERANOWICZ PHONE 668-0737 132 BROCK ST. NORTH, WHITBY, ONTARIO LiN 4H,4 THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY , OF DURHAM DDDDD NOTICE 0F DURHAM PUBLIC MEETING Take notice that the Regional Planning Committee wiII consîderat a meeting to be heîd on: February 23, 1982 AT 10:00 A.M. PLANNING DEPARTMENT BOARDROOM 105 CONSU MERS DRIVE, WHITBY AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AND THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE FORMER PLANNING AREA 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY The amendment appîièation as proposed byý the Council of the ToWn of Whitby, with respect to.the Port Whîtby Communîty, wouîd 'provide policies for Residential, Harbour Deveîopment, Harboùr Industrîal, Commercial, Park and Schooî uses withln the area indicated on the map beîow. Subsequently, the Regional Council will consider the recommendation of the Planning Committee at a meeidng to be held on: March 3, AT 10:00 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS BUILDING 605 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST, WHITBY Information reîated to the amendment application is available for inspection In the offices of the Planning Department, 105 Consumers-Drive, Whitby, or by calling Mr. L. Kotseff, M.C.I.P. Plan- ning Department, (416) 668-7731. Requests to appear before the Planning Commit- tee as a deputation concerning the amendment application must be forwarded to Dr. M. Michael, M.C.I.P. Commissioner of Planning, 105 Con- sumers Drive, Whitby, Ontarlo LiN 6A3, and must be received by the Friday preceding the meeting. Requests to appear before Regional Council as a deputation concerning the amendment applica- tion must be forwarded to the Regional Cîerk, Regional Headquarters Building, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario Li N 6A3, and must be received 48 hours prior to the Regional Council meeting. Gary Hýrrema Regional Chairman C.W. L undy, A.M.C.T. Regional CIerR man for the Ontario Secondary Sehool Teachers' Federation (OSSTF>, the teachers are "4obviously pretty annoyed" at the new pact. "It's certainly not a victory we're going to be rushing out to cele- brate,"I OSSTF chief negotiator Don Curran remarked after the vote. The agreement provides for a salary in- crease of 9.8 per cent retroactive to Septem- ber 1, 1981 and an addi- tional 1.54 per cent ef- fective January 1. Also included is a $100 cash payout with the retroactive pay hike. Under the old agree- ment which expir.ed prior to the start of the current academîc year, teachers earned bet- ween $16,150 and $33,411. The new contract pro- vides for' salary in- creases 0f.9.16 per cent for principals who will also get a larger cash payout to bring the in- crease Up to, the teachers' level. Curran said that "reasonably good" im- proveme nts were made to staff ing levels although lie added that Durham is stili above the provincial average. Under the new agrée- ment the pupil-teacher ratio (PTR) will go down to 17.23 from last yearps 17.50. However, Curran said the provin- cial average is 16.44., Curran added that despite the decrease in the PTR, some classes will still have more than 35 students. Aithougli the bargain- ing committee had recommended, accept- ance 0f the agreement, ithad been feared that it would have been rejec- ted. "The only alternative would have been a strike, " Curran said ad- ding that this action could not be justified. "I don't think there is anything there that any- body is overly happy about," he added. The Durham Board of Education ratified the contract at a special meeting last week without dissent. The Durham Region ,Separate School Board has also reached a new contract with its 460 high school teachers . These teachers voted 75 per cent in favor of accepting a 12.5 per cent salary increas 'e retro- 'active to September 1 and 13.34 per cent retro- active to the beginning of February. Longer Christmas break.... Sehool to open September i Schools throughout' the jurisdiction of the Durham Board of Edu- cation are expected to re-oôpen on September 1 for the 1982-83 academic year. This is six days earlier than the tradi- tional Tuesday after Labor Day school open- ing. The board's trustees have also decided that the Christmnas vacation will begin on December 17. This is five dayp earlier than the usual practice. The decision to have an earlier scliool're- opening and start to the Christmas break was made because trustees iFloor Model aebd From 5249.00 Many more models to chùose from. Also sauna tubs, acrylc shower tubs, pîumbIng supplies. For,' complete kitchen & bathroom remodeîlIng cai ~The Watershed, 244 Brock St. S., Whîtby 666-1303 Open Thurs. & Fr1. 1MI19 p.m. We atH&R Block wish you a Happy New Vear and wouîd liRe to remind you to visit us early for the preparation of your 1981 income tax return. By getting ready now for 1981 (taxation year) you will have a more relaxed and happy 1982 calendar year>. H&R BLOOE THE INCOME TAX SPECIAUSTS ChiId tax credit only? Ask about the special price THE INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS OSHAWA WHITBY 15 Bond St. E. 122 Dundas St. W. 1343 King St. E. Pickering 799 Park Rd. S. 82 Kingston Rd. W. Open 9 A. M. - 9 P. M. Weekdays; 9 -5 Sat. OPEN TONIGHT - No APPOINTrMENT NECESSARY 723-2217 Aloln tho. locations durlng theirroguler hours the eay 1 ea felt that a longer Christ- mas break was' better.,, than a few more days being tacked on to the summe r vacation which is already- two montlis long. However, the decision will not be final until the board lias heard com- ments from parents, students, teacliers and other board staff mem- bers. The board will also seek the advice of . the Durham Region Roman Catholic Separa-te Scliool Board before the. decision is'madefinal. According to Trustee Larry Corrigan (Oshawa), who made the suggestion, many people feel the summer vacation is mucli too long. Another Oshawa trustee, Ruth Lafarga, .said' that liaving a longer Christmas holi- day would allow parents more time to take their families away. She also pointed out that the Ministry of Education is currently re-examining the school year and that this would be an opportune time to seek public input on tbe matter. Ahortions inluded 'in new health coumeilstudy The Durham Region District Health Coun-. cil's health promotion committee is to study the number of abortions performed in the region over the last six years. According to the health counicil's admini- strative assistant, Cathy'Ferti'le, thera- peutic abortions are just one- of the many liealth subjeets the committee is studying before it submits a list of priori- ties for health educa- tion. Statistics made avail- able to the committee show that 284 therapeu- tic abortions were per- formed in 1975. In 1980, that figure jumped to 469 for an average increase of 37 a year. Abortions performed on girls under 16 years of age went fromn 26 in 1975 to 38 five years. later. In the 16 to 19 age bracket, 191 abortions were performed in 1975 while. 278 were ,per- formed in 1980. 1In 1980, ý 153 abortions were performed on women in the 20 to 24 age group, up from 67 in 1975. According to the sta- tistics, these increases were ail graduai in. nature. Fertile said that the healtli council will de- cide what healtli pro- blems need the greatest consideration in- Dur- ham later this month. W. con gle .quick museri n auppWyng custom mode nabkv Uiamp...at b,,dguf pnoes. Drop in and leui us ieluudyuu I. 11 If abortions were named a priority mat- ter, she1 said, one recommendation could be to increase sex edu- cation in schools. The health promotion committee was esta- blished last year in an effort' to identify pro- ,blem areas and recom- mend possible solutions as well as to prom ote healthy lifestyles. Ambulance Catis1 During the week that ended at- midnight last Thursday, the Whitby Ambulance Service res- ponded to 100 calîs for service. According to co-owner Bill Cocker, the service responded to 35 routine calîs and to 24 standbyý calîs for other ambu- lance services in Oshawa and Ajax. The service also res- ponded to 41 emergency calîs, including three motor vehicle acci- dents. The number to caîl for ambulance service is 723-5232. VlCIRIA I!iAND GREY im TRUST Since 1844 Mcvnthcr Canada 1 i ir't In,namtnCtv U.pratttin Whitby: 308 Dundas St. W. 668-9324 Toronto Line 683-7189 SAsk about our Tax Preparation Service E T cN SHERIDAN MALL Talke one for a healthier financial LL futùreo ÀÀÀ Li à M-

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