WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1982, PAGE 3 JCL Telcom Corporation.... nterconneetPioneer cornes to town A member company of Canada's fastest growing industry of the future has opened its first district office in the Town of Whitby1 Last week, JCL Tel- phone systems. The firm got its start when the Canada Radio, Television and Tele- commuhications Com- missiop (CRTC) ruled that user-owned equip- installation for the communications giant. JCL Telcorn is the sales vehicle for JCL Teleconnect Limited, both of which are 100 per cent Canadian owned lyst. LeBlanc said that for many companies the telephone is the "life blood of their business." "Without a telephone system they can't do J.C. LeBlanc, president of JCL Telcom Corporation, Ross Batten, manager of its Whitby office and Durham Regional Chairman Gary Herrema are seen here as Mayor Bob Attersley dials the first telephone call to officially open the company's local office. JCL is a leader in the field of interconnecting telephone systems and is the newest member of Whitby's business community. - Free Press Staff Photo com Corporation start- ed operations out of its office at 1380 Hopkins Street. Although the com- pany only came into being in 1977, JCL is already acknowledged as a leader in the field of interconnecting tele- ment could behooked up to Bell Canada's tele- phone lines throughout Ontario and Quebec. The company was started by J.C. LeBlanc, himself a former Bell employee. In fact, his first contract was cable Subdivision o.k. Whitby Town Council has given its seal of ap- proval to the construc- tion of a new subdivision north of CPR tracks on the west side of Garden Street. Council approved.the plan without debate at its meeting last week. Two weeks ago, area residents crowded the council chambers to voice their opposition to .the panel. Originally, a total of 139 units was to be con- structed including single-family homes, semi-detached dwell- ings as well as town- houses and link houses. The new plan, sub- mitted last year when the property changed hands, calls for the con- struction of 75 single family homes. Accord- ing to administrative committee chairman, East Ward Councillor Joe Drumm, this is an improvement. Glenway Builders is the owner of the pro- perty. * ANNOUNCEMENTS * RECEPTION CARDS * INVITATIONS * THANK YOU CARDS PRINTING AND OFFICE SUPPLIES 218 HARWOOD AVE S.. AJAX SHOPPING PLAZA TELEPHONE:m 83-198 You arncordaiy 8Inviteurto attend Hot Buffet ail eveing Barnard (Barney) Lewis Retiring Executive Director Family and Childrens Services of the Durham Region at The Oshawa Golf Club, Alexandra St., Oshawa Saturday, March 27th, 1982 f rom 8 to 11 p.m. Presentations: 8:30 p.m. Hot* Buffet all evening For Tickets contact: Mrs. Betty Cincurak (416-655-3187) Mrs. Barbara Clai 'e (416-433-1551) companies whose sole business is the design and provision of tele- phone comrnunications systems. The .Whitby office is managed by Ross Bat- ten who is familiar to many local residents as the north ward rep- resentative on Whitby Town Council. LeBlanc said that one of the major reasons that JCL located in Whitby was Ross Bat- ten. "We're here for the long term," JCL's presi- dent said. "We're here to save a guy dollars." For many businesses using a large number of telephones, money can be saved through the purchasing of its equip- ment, according to a leading financial ana- business," he adds. "We're a full service company," LeBlanc claimed adding that his company will, sell, design, install and maintain practically any telephone system. In fact, JCL is so proud of its service record that they will pay a $50 per hour penalty if their service technician does not appear to repair a customer's system at the agreed time. JCL also claims that they will have a techni- cian on the customer's premises within two hours of receiving a call should he experience a total system failure. While JCL provides all these services, LeBlanc maintains that he is not in competition GOT TAX REFUND PLANS? 85 per cent of your calculated tax refund paid - fast. Return compared at no extra cost. BENEFICIAL TAX REFUND BUYING CENTRE 39 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa 433-4771 WHITBY HOME BAKERY & COFFEE SHOP WE SPECIALIZE IN WEDDING CAKES Anniversary & Birthday Cakes CAKES FOR ALL OCCASIONS VISIT OUR COFFEE SHOP For a fine cup of coffee with a fresh donut. WE SERVE HOT SOUP & LIGHT LUNCHES 141 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY 668-3586 STORE HOURS: Tues.-Sat. 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Closed Sunday & Monday with Bell Canada despite the fact that 20 of his 40 employees (in- cluding himself) used to work for "ol' Ma Bell." He also boasts that JCL hired the very best people it could find away from Bell which has been known to offer promotions and salary hikes to these people to get them back into the fold. "Bell isn't really our competitor," LeBlanc said. "We're just in the same market." However, this doesn't mean he is without criti- cism of Bell. "They haven't been providing the best of service," LeBlanc claims. "They haven't really responded." But he is also careful to point out. that "they have always been there and they always will be there." Since JCL's formation th~ey have installed an estimated 5,000 tele- phones and 17 systems for such organizations as the Kidney Founda- tion of Canada, the man- power and immigration department of the federal government, the Construction Safety Association and Cent- ennial College. The firm also bid on the installation of the telephone system for the new Ontario Ministry of Revenue building in Oshawa and although ti Oshawa and although it appears they are the low bidder the contract has not been formally awarded. The Whitby office has started off with a staff of four people and LeBlanc is confident that within the next six months the staff will grow to in- clude more sales repre- sentatives and four to six technicians. The office, to be headed by Ross Batten, will service Durham Region and the outlying areas as far east as Cobourg and north to Peterborough. TH E CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WHITBY NOTICE OF INTENTION NOTICE is hereby given that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to pass a by-law to change the name of part of the high- way known as Chestnut Street to Regency Crescent. The change in street name will apply to all of that portion of Chestnut Street, east of Hickory Street, as shown hereunder. The change in street name ls necessitated as a result of the approval of a plan of subdivision, east of Chestnut Street, which in- corporates a new street named "Regency Crescent". In order for Regency Crescent to con- form to the criteria established for a crescent, i.e., a street with both ends terminating on the same street, and to provide clarity in determining its location, it la necessary to ehange the^ name of that portion of Chestnut Street, east of Hickory Street, to Regency Crescent. TO BE4 -A A P/OVED -» 94 R iVISON AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE, that the Admini- strative Committee of Council ill, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. on the 15th day of March, 1982, in Com- mittee Room One of the Whitby Municipal Build- ing, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario, hear in person or by his counsel, solicitor, or agent any person who claims that he will be adversely affected by the by-law, and who applies to be heard. DATED at Whitby, Ontario, this 17th day of February, A.D., 1982. Donald G. McKay, B.A., A.M.C.T., Clerk, The Corporation of the Town of Whitby, 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario L1N 2M8 Phone: 668-5803 fi t' j NAMMOND INTERNATIONAL CANADA LTD. s pleased to1W > M announce the opening ofLU as its Exclusive Dealer For Oshawa & Area GLYNPAUL GLYN GRECCO WALTERS President PreidntMusic Drector l'el 12 years of worldwide 7 years ln the music ln- experience in the organk uad era industry and with Ham-of the Glenn Miller Or- mond Organs. cÀetr PAUL INTRODUCTORY SPECIAL! HAMMOND ROMANCE u26sTheatre Featuring the Incomparable Hammond sound with cabinetry and quality that can't be matched. There's neyer been a better year to buy a Hammond. Corne & see the rane of Hammond organs at the Lessons Mail Music Service Midtown Mall, Oshawa 576-2414