PAGE 6e WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS Fiecused -$5 7'5,7ý50 Odamage iin 198 1 In 1981, fire caused Monday. mght. ded* fought by the Whitby ber 4 when an electric new car for Crouch, air During,1981, the fire- e75,750 damage in the According to Crouch, Damnage to residential, Fîre Department last iron started'a blaze* in a masks, air compressor, fighters responded to Eown of Whitby accord- fire did $176,650 more properties has*been yearoéccrred on May 29 basement that caused 500 feet of fire hose and 10bidn ie,4 ,ng to Fire Chief Ed damage ini 1981 than it estimated at $207,650 at ý300 Dunds Stre'et 1300 amg.arsucttr gasabrushn fires, 4 :rouch. r did i n 1980 and the aver- while industrial proper- East when a propane Crouch also reporte& The department now rubbish fires, 8ë5 vehicle This was just one of age fire loss over the ties suffered $66,900, in torch caused a repair that in 1981 the depart- has atotà l fuli nd part fires. rîany statistics subý- last fiv'e years i s damage last year. garage to suffer a fire ment, answered 1,116 t'une complement of 2 ritted bv Crniich in his iqag oer 1y..hie,.k. p- no mit. - - -..- - - ---- ý annual report that w*as accepted by Whitby Town Council's opera- tions committee on Commercial buildings were -the most suscep- tible to fire in 1981 with $302,800 damage recor- ed, for $62,150, of the damage suffered last year. The biggest blaze causing $300,000 damage. The, biggest residen- tial fire occurred at 226 Lee Avenue-on Decemn- responses, an increase of 70 over 1980. The, department'also acquired new eq-uip- ment in 1981 including a time complement of 100, comprised of 21 officers, 77 firefighters and a secretary. Ed Crouch r 0W Freezer Beef No. 1 Red Brand Steer Beef Ail store cut à . wrapped to your requlrem.nts. Hindi; ................... 4.16 kgJl1.89 Ili. Sides.............372 kgJl.69 lb. Chucks............. ...... 3.59 kgJl1.63 IL Pork .....................2.62kg.ti.l9 lb. While tbey Iast. prirri effetive iintil ,'ining Saturtlay. Fehruary 20, 1982. Wer rewrve the right ici limit quantities Suppied and i wrvwe. l hy Natio.nal ;romien. <:o. Lttii. DELIVERY AT NOMINAL CHARGE Pop People Pop CASE 0F 12-30 OZ. BOTTLES $4.99 pluis deposit CASE 0F 24-10 OZ. BOTTLES $4.49 plus deposit11 BROWN'S FOO.DMASTER BROOKLTN 655m4521 'e 'w, ~' 1V e e.. 8:30, amn to 6:00 pm Except Thur@. & Fri. Nights tl 9-Pm The department also responded to four, calîs under the mutual aid' program with other munic 'ipalities in' Durham Region. The department al so conducted 43 rescues of various types during the year. There were also 24 needless (or false) alarms, during 1981, ýa substantial increase over 19B's 11. Move« bridge signs: Drum Weight limit signsfor the Br ock Street South CNR overpass should be moved farther away from the bridge accord- ing to East Ward Coun-. >cillor Joe Drumm. According toDbrumm, the signs. are too close t o the bridge. "A trucker will have already committed hlm- self to go over the ,bridge before hie sees the signs," Drumm said at last week's meeting of Whitby Town Council. Currently, the bridge's weight limit is 10 tons. This' is not enough to support the weight of -modern trucks. In fact, Whitby Fire Department vehicles will not cross the bridge. Instead, they detour over to Henry Street to go across its overpass should they have to res- pond to a cali the Port Whitby area. Regional Councillor Gerry Emm said, tongue-in-cheek,-.that "If a trucker went through it, we'd. get a bridge sooner. " He was referring at the town's efforts at the regional level to get funds for a newbrdge. "That's what .we need," Drumm res- ponded, "someone to get killed."' "Sometimes it seems that's- the only way- things get done." 'J i ( il Il 0 THF. pop PEOP LE