PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, Block I Parent exec By HEATHER BRAY Block Parent The Whitby-Brooklin Block Parent Central Committee is pleased to announce the appoint- ment of Gail Jenkins as new executive chair- man. Jenkins formerly ser- ved as the committee's public relations officer and takes over for Joan Carr who has devoted much time and energy to ensure that the pro- gram remains suc- cessful. Margaret Fannon was elected co-chairman; Ginny Neving, secre- tary, Rae Bailie, treasurer; Heather Bray and Alleyne McIn- nes, public relations of- ficers; and,.Fran Bick- nell, educational aids. CARRIER WANTED To deliver the Whitby Free Press to homes in the Rossland Rd. W. area. Contact the Circulation Manager at 668-6111 FEBRUARY 24, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS EDITOR'S NOTE: For the past several weeks, the Whitby Free Press has been conducting its "Salute to Whitby Community Organizations." This week, we wouid like to bring to our readers' attention the One Parent FamillesAsso- ciation of Canada. While this group does not have a Whitby chapter, it is active throughout the Region of Durham. However, our readers' may like to know that the association's lgal counsel is Barry Evans, a Whitby solicitor and local touncillor. The One Parent Families Association provides a forum through which the ever-increasing num- ber of single parents in our community can meet, discuss their problems as well as provide a recreational and social outlet for themselves and their children. Thispublication is pleased to give the associa- tion this opportunity to introduce itself to our readers. By BARBARA M. HICKS Durham District President One Parent Families Association of Canada is a charitable all-Cà nadian association of families with one parent for reason of separation, divor- ced, widowed, or never married, who have joined together for the mutual benefit of both parent and child. Our association operates under a federal char- ter granted by the Government of Canada and is run by members who volunteer their time with- out remuneration. Theire are chapters in British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario and Quebec, serving their community. Our head office is located in Toronto. Our Durham District Office is located at 29½ Simcoe Street South, Suites 5 and 7, Oshawa, telephone number 723-0286. Our association opened chapters about nine years ago in Toronto and in Oshawa seven years ago. We wanted to be an all-Canadian associa- tion. We now have expanded further into British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario and Quebec. Our membership is over 4,500 members, and growing. Our basic aim is to encourage families with only one parent to take their rightful place in a society based on a traditional two-parent home. We do this by providing a comprehensive program of family and adult activities, both edu- cational and social. Through this, we create a feeling of belonging, thereby enabling members to handle the experiences which they may face. You can benefit, for in our association you will meet people who have been through the exper- ience and discouragement that accompames the Salute to ,JVhitby Commu nity Organization.. es One Parènt F armbes absence of a partner. You will find people who are sympathetic and understanding, with whom you can share your experience. You will gain new confidence when you dis- cover others who have established a new way of life. Both you and your children will benefit: "a happy parent creates a happy family." We provide a board programming of educa- tiQnal, recreational and social, aimed at improv- ing communications between member parents and their children and between one .parent families and their community. Meetings Ajax-Pickering Chapter meet at Ajax High School on Bailey Street in Ajax, in the library, every Wednesday night at 8:30 p.m. North Oshawa Chapter rpeet at Christ Memor- ial Church, corner of Hillcroft and Mary Streets, Oshawa, downstairs, every Wednesday night at 8 p.m. Oshawà Chapter meet at Lake Vista Club House, corner of Cedar and Emerald Streets, Oshawa, every Tuesday night at 8:30 p.m. Each chapter holds regular meetings where programs of the chapter*and the association are discussed and planned. The exact program of meetings and activities varies from chapter to chapter and is limited only by the energy and imagiriation of the members. Each chapter holds a brief business meeting and invites guest speakers. Some chapters hold discussion nights and coffee, cards and conver- sation nights. Family activities could include bowling, hiking, skating, picnics, baseball, camping, skiing, etc. Special events may include a Child- ren's Christmas Party or a trip to Canada's Wonderland or Ontario Place. Where funds permit, family activities are subsidized by the chapter. Adult activities include discussion groups, monthly socials, pot-luck suppers or card nights. A chapter may hold an "Amigo" dinner where new and prospective members can meet esta- blished members and learn all about the associa- tion. The district council sponsors two district con- ferences to discuss and plan improved assist- ance for one parent families within the com- munity. They also provide a forum to assist in training executive and committee members to guide their chapters more effectively. The policy and.direction of the association is determined by the membership at our annual general meeting. The National Board of Direc- tors are also elected at this time. An important facet of our convention is personal development sessions where leading experts in various fields share their expertise to help each member become a more understanding person. How Do You Join? To be eligible for membership you must be a parent and be without a marriage partner by reason of death, divorce, separation, or un- married parenthood. The _custody of your children is not a requirement. There is a chapter of One Parent Families Association of Canada in your community. Your active membership will be most Welcome. Sim- ply call, write, or drop into the local Chapter. If you do not know where a chapter is located, con- tact the Durham District Office, Suites 5 and 7, 29½ Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, L1H 4G1. Telephone (416) 723-0286. All further information would be given to you. THE CONSTITUTION OF ONE PARENT FAMILIES ASSOCIATION OF CANADA (a) To develop and provide a broad compre- hensive program for the enlightenment and guid- ance of single parents and their children on the special problems they encounter and for assist- ance on the various readjustments involved. (b) To develop and provide board and compre- hensive programs of group activities and recrea- tional activities in which participation by single parents and their children will be a satisfying experience through companionable association with other parents, and to provide children with the sense of shared experiences. (c) To encourage and develop the interchange among members of experience and knowledge relating to their special problems and to make the benefit of that experience available at all times to any parent in need of guidance, the wel- fare of the children being the primary consider- ation.