PAGE 14 WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 24, 92_HITBY FRE PRESS Witby Free Pres s.... ENTR TIN- MNT CLUB .ANIIENE CONCESSION 1 0 WEST, SCUGOG ISLAND SAT, FEBU 27, 1982 8:30 P.M. - 1:00 A.M., DANCE LARRY DEE TO.& DOTTIE Sponsor.d by Canadien Automotive Museum UICENSED UNDER AUSPICES 0F SPECIAI. OCCASION PERMIT COMIN 0 FLOYD LLOYD & THE MRCH 6 TOWN & COU NTRY AIL STARS for furher Information phone Oshawa 576-4098 Recital ends youth m the arts month For the grand finale of "Youth in the Arts Mon- th">, the Oshawa & District Council for the Arts will present their annual "4Youth in the Arts Recital",,Thurs- day, February 25, 1982, at 7:30 p.m., in the Oshawa Library Audi- torium, 65 Bago t Street, Oshawa. Starring Young people from throughout the Durham region, this- year's recital is an eclectic mixture of dan- ce, theatre, and instru- mental and vocal music. Admission is free and refreshments will be served at the interval in order ta allow the audience to meet- the young performers. The Public is welcome to at- tend. Three students from Courtice Secondary TYPE WRITERS ADDING MACHINES.a CALCULATORS SALES s"SERVICE. RENTALS *CINEMASHOWC4SE *"I's' a p<or day wvhcn.we htrv-ent helped a custorner- enticing preview of their upcomning production of -"Camelot", directed by *-Kathy Coverly. Present- izig the first scene from act one, Shelley Kossatz, as "Guinevere"l, Darryl Vaneyk, as "Arthur?', and Tim, Southwell, as "Merlin" will be ac- companied by Tim Boyd on piano. Representing the Gae- tane Ollesch 'Dancers are three soloists. Maylin Chow and Lori Dunphy will set feet tapping in routines choreographed ,by Gaetane Ollessch. Sharon Davis twirls to the strains of "New York, New York", in a routine she has choreo- graphed herself. For those in tune with the classical mode, three pianists and three vocalists, aIl students of O.R.M.T.A. members, will present a selection of classical piano solos and art songs. Accom- panied by Donna Mackey on the piano, Jane Sanderson, Natalie Nelipa and Catherine Simpson demonstrate their musical expertise in compositions by MacNutt, Gibbs and Somerville. Composi- tions by Schubert, Courtstone and Haydn are the choices of pro- mising young pianists, Lisa Jeppefen, Paula Uyenaka and Marilyn Haas. "Musikids" are rep- resented by both a brass ensemble and a wood- wind ensemble. The brass quintet, featuring Teri Ling on tuba, Doug Brown on trumpet, Jo hn Foster on the trombone, and Karen Elliott and« Harold De Vries on French horn, has pre- pared a series of musical surprises for the, audience. "Habanera" is among the melodies chosen by the enthusiastic mem- bers of the woodwind quartet: Heather Camp- Taste of, Honey festival -entry Michelle Farndale, flute, David Free, oboe, Shelley Powell, clarinet. -The Oshawa Little Theatre- is a strong sup- porter of progranis for youth. The auditorium will vibrate with strong rhythms when seven- teen members of the, Oshawa Little Theatre Workshop, directed by Janet Stevenson, pre- sent a. scene fromn "Evita", a rock opera with dialogue, bringing the program toaa resounding conclusion. The emcee for the. evening is Ann Cuth- bertson, a vice-presi- dent of O.D.C.A., and program co-ordinator at Pine Ridge Cable T.V. For furthier information caîl Janet Coates at 728- The lSth annual Durham Region Drama Festival is this week- end and, the Henry Street High School Drama Club is more than ready with two en- tries. Procesinu:$28,700-$34,200 I This is an opportunity with the MINISTRY 0F REVENUE, taxation data centre, ta ensure tlmely processing and dlsbursement of refund dlaims, grants or rebates provided under the varlous tax statutes and benefit program; analyse needs of client branches; develop new or revised systems and procedures; .establish operating systems; manage speclal grant or time-deflned rebate pro- grams; resolve complex disbursement problems; develop and implement manual and automated processing systems; establish program guide- lines and procedural manuals; help senior management prepare section estimates and monitor performance. Location: Currently Toronto, however, this posi- tion will be avallable to those who are willing to work ln Oshawa when the ministry relocates later staff effectively to meet deadlines and resolve problems; responsibie experience ln a processing facility; general knowledge of relevant tax statutes administered by the ministry; some experience and knowledge in systems design; excellent I This year's festival runs from February 25 ta 27 at GL. Roberts High School in Oshawa. The two plays entered are "Taste of Honey" and "Ah!1 Eurydice." "Taste of Honey" stars Abby Zotz, Don Perkins,ý Donna Castle and John Gelatly and will be performed Thur- sday, February 25. 'Ah!1 Eurydice" stars Tim Bates, Kim Gibb, Tracy McNaught and Loni Ford and will be performed Saturday, February 27. Curtain time for the three nights is 7 p.m. Henry Street's entry last year was chosen as one of the two finalists for the Eastern Ontario competition in Peter- borough. Public per- formances of " Taste of, Honey" and " Ah!i Eury- dice" will be March il and 12 at Henry Street High School. Tickets for the festi- val are available from -cast members or at the door for $1 per persan. D'ining TUE GREAT WALL, 116 Dundas Street West, Whitby 668-7021. A favourite eating spot for Chinese food loyers. A large selec- tion f Canadian dishes also served. Prices range from $2.70 and Up for lunch, and $3.80 and up for dinner. open from Il a.nt to 1 a.m. weekdays, Friday and Saturday open till 2:30 a.m. We are now fully licensed. 24 HOUR COU RIER SERVICE Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa, B3owmanvîîîe area. Pelrob Industries LM. Tel 666~34O8 Ple ase s ubmit application quoting file RE-449 by March 5, 1982, to: Ministry of Revenue, Personnel Services Branch, 77 Bloor Street West, 20th Floor, Equality of Opportunity for Employment e Ontario Ir~ .w w~U W ~ Fast courteous service. a mawAffeup %elýu Wsoqw rien SINGLES WORLD DIN.ING, DANCING, CRUISES, TOURS DANCE NIGHTS Mernbers'$2.00 - Non-members $3.00 Wednesdays & FridaYs 8 P.M. 2nd & 4th Sundays 7 P.M. Sunday Buffét 5 P.M. - $5.99 lncludes Dance Admission CAROUSEL INN BALLROOM .Bloor St. & Stevenson Rd. Oshawa Information - (416) 579-6595 1 1 1- m