Whitby Free Press, 24 Feb 1982, p. 16

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PAGEA 6, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1982, WHITB FREE PRESS CALL-6'68*6l1'l Emporium Ads wIII oônly.b. accepted subjeot to the f ollowing conditions. ARTICLES FOR SALE V.W. DUNE BUGGY, excellent mechanicai condition, new front, wheel bearinge, new kIng pins and llnk Pins, new heavy duty shocka, teering box rebulIt, tractor tires on rear. Ail rubber vary good. Roll bar, tow bar, head & lait ights. Neada a motor. Asklng $475. Phone 666&1847. Dec.23,81(B) FRANKLIN FIREPLACE, _zero clearance, brase knobs, grate, acrean & accessories. Used, ln good condition. Aaking $60 or boat offer. Phions668-09114. Jan.27,82(K) JOHNSON 40 H.P., lectrIc start, long shaft, good condition. $425 or boat offar. Caii anytime 728- 6700. Dec.9.81(S) FOLD UP PING PONG TABLE& accessorles with back boards on reverse aides $60. Hammered brass-iook ftira acreen $20.- Soars chIid's typewrIter, exc. cond., $15. Cmi 623-633 or 266-9494. Jan.1 3,82(C) NORESCO RECEIVER, Model 2360, 40 watts, AMIFM plus phono & tape outiets. Taya turntabie. 801h places lik new. Saias a package or separato. $180 or beat offer. Phono 668-2860. Jan.20,82(J) SKATE SHARPENINO MACHINE, swing arm, f loor model. Asking $40. Caii18395944 after 8:30 p.m. 1Doc.23,81(B) NEW FOLDING FLIONT sulcasa on wheels - coat $95 - seilI$50. FIrepiaceamren, 28" x 36", $25. T.V. stand $10. Phono 668-9116. Doc.2,81 (T LARGE NAVY mtai trunk, usod once. Asking $100. Phone 725- 318 afor 6p.m. Fab.17,82<) ONE UNDERWOOD manuel typa. miter $75. One Adiar eecîrIc typowriter $150. For saleaia Oshawa Symphony Office. Phone 579"711 for appointment 10800e. Jan.20,82(O) ELEGANTE WEDDING GOWN In- cludos f loor lengili veil plus hoad- plae. Bordered ln dlicata chan- tilly lace. Siza 10. Al iInclusive, $230. Phono 668-3064. Feb.10,82(C) SIMPLICITY WRINGERIWASHER, ln good condition. Asklng $60. Phono 666&3885 evaninga. Jan.20,82(M) CHAIN SAW, Clinton 24", $125. White, 34 x 80, baked aiuminum storm door (trilito). $25. Rogular aIum. storm door, 34 X,80, $20. Modemn white bathtub $50. Whita basin $7.50. PInk basin $7.50. Goid fibragiasa vanity basiri $7. Elactrlo snowbiowor $80. ElectrIc %/ h.p. motor $15. Woodon haad- board (single) $5. Polo type record stand $10. Smail antique dosk $125. Black & white fur jacket, siza 10. $125. Calii 687404. Nov.25.81(T) SWING SET $35. Madlum-eized aIrline dog kennai $15. Rabbit caga $10. Winnie The Pooh pool -1t4aid $15 .8-egahigh bc PLEASE READ When the advertlsed Item la sold dilsposed of, or unavaliable for whatever reason, the Item wlll be deemed to have been sold and ix commission wlii be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Illiuatrated bolow, ragardless If price la stated with "beal of fer." If the Item la NOT SOLD, or dIsposad of, the ad wlil be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $600 wIii apply payable ln advance of publication of the f irat ad. Otherwise a $750 charge wIll ap. ply If blled whIch muet be pald upon recelpt of bill. The aboya minimum charges wiii be appiied to the final commission due but In any case the highar amount wlii be chargod. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre-pald, $7.50 bliied. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail advartlsements muet be placed on an ex- clusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run alleast one month If not sold. RATES (If article la eold): 6S% of advertiaed price up to $M0.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: SoId Item advortised for $120.00. Commission due $8.00 (minimum charge lea$86.00) Privale advortising onlyl Piesse notlfy the Whtby free Press lmmedlately when Item la sold so that we may doiete It from the foliowing Issue. Ail adaefot f itlIng the Emporium guidelines wiil be treated and chargod per waek as regular ciasslffiod ada on a pre.pald basis auch as: services, heip wanted, clothIng, reai asiate, and personal message type ada, or ada not quotIng price or quantity. Private classlfled ada may appear ln the Emporlumn section under appropriate headinga. AU. ADS WILi. GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWîSE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: If In doubt cmii: OR DELîVER TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM 668-6111 131 Brock St. N. P.O. Box 206 WhItby, Ont. Whltby, LIN 551 THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUÙM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. AUTOMOBIES 1974 DODGE MONACO STATION WAGON, V8, rolabie transporta- lion. $600 or beat offer. Phone 668-8227. Jan.6,82<T) 1973 DODGE POLARA, reasonable condition, neoda work. Uncertl- flaed. $200 or beat offer. Cmii 668- 6218. Jan.20,82(M) 1972 FORD COMET, can be corti- flaed. $500 or beat of fer. Phone 868-1130 altor 5 p.m., ask for Scott. Feb.24,82(B) NEED EXTRA MONEY? Soul your unwanted articles In the Free Press. Cmli 668-6111 now. v 'w 0 0 e.Ur~ 0* ~ ie e e. ê~-U I.. - I. IUICK 1971 goodq $950., AVUNOMOTVE U~EARPASIR/PARTS 1965 METEOR CONVERTIBLE, no motor, new tires with mag wiheeis, $250. Tiras now tires, 15" on Ford rima, $65. New rad for 1975 Ford $40. 400 mnotor& transmission needa work, $75. 390 molor, 4 barrel, 90,000 miles, $100. Two snow tires for Ford Pick-up, on rima, Ilikonow, $65. Cap for ½h ton truck $250. Ail pricos f irm. Phone 655-4448. Dec.30,81(L) TUAN VOUR ARTICLES INTO CASH. Vour dvertlaemont In lie Wiitby Free Press Emporium Sec- tion wiil sai almoat nytiing for you ... akidoos, boata. TV's, furni- tura, pianos and pets ..lie list la endloss. Cali 668-6111 now for furtiar dtaila. BAEYEEDS TWO STROLLERS- One Gondron with swivel wheis, a trmy, basket and hood, $30. One Dorai with iood, $25. Boti radilne and In very good condition. Please caii 68-. 8178. Feb.3,82(H) BABY FURNISHINGS & ITEMS. Two walkers, $10 esci. Joiiy Jumnpar on a stand $20. Crib & mattrasa, orange & white, $75. Two pottie chairs, $7 eaci. Baby back pack $10. Rocking h ores $20. Phone 668-2702. Jan.6,82(L) GET RESULTS. Sali your car under Our new section, "Flnd il Moere."l Cail 668-6111 for furtier Infor- mation. FIND 1IN ERE CARS & TRUCKST FOR SALE BUICK SKYLARK, condition, will certlfy. Cail 579-5987. "v e. e. e. e. e. e. 'j e.e. e.e. e.e. MAZDA 1978 MAZDA GLC, auto- matIc, ln excellent condi- tion. Asklng $3,000. Phone 683-2289. Use 1h15 form to place yoùr advertisementlin the "Flnd It Haro" section. Please print. Use one square per latter, laavlng one blank square belwean words. Each printed lino equais approximatoiy ona ina of type. Pleane note that a minimum of two uines applias. Privais advertisars onlyl Rates: $1.00 par Une pre-paid; minimum of two uines. No recipt wili be Issued unlass plcked up aI the Whitby Free Press office. Ragular ciassifled rates appiy If biled. - -.-I-1 1- - - - 1 NAME(flratend leit) ADORESS CiTY MAIL OR BRING TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS 131 Brock St. N. P.O. Box 206 POSTAL CODE Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 1973 18' CRESTLINER, hall & dock only, dock neoda repaira. Asklng $350. 1973 75 H.P. JOHNSON MOTOR, complota wilh power tilt, laver control & tilt switch. Aaking $1,150. BOAT ACCESSORIES: Sheeper semIs $125; lachomoter $25; speedomatar $15; slern ight $15; accassory terminai box $45; 18 gai. gas tank wilh fuel gauge, tank venta & deck plate fIltinga $110. Or wIllosali complote for $1.500. Cmii 728-6700. Feb.17,82<S) PINE BED, twin, 4 poster, wili fancy head and foot board. Newly constructad from top quaiity white pins. WiII, finish 10 suit. Asking $195. Cail 985-2795. Nov.25,81<(M) WATER BED, soild Scotch pin., excellant condition, hoater Inciud- ed. Asking $1,050. Phono 668- 9016 anytimo. Feb.17,82<M) 48" BED, with mattrosa and box spring, noariy new, $200 complote. Wall unit, 5 shoif, 1 cupboard, 4' x 12' x 72", $60. Ovai rug, braided, green, 5',x 9', $45. Slow cooker, now, $30. Phono 668-8593. Jan.20,82(M) CONTEMPOAARY STYLE buffet hutch, 54" wide, $275. Bronza gold chosterfleid & chair $175. Odd modemn chair $35. Two tabla lampa & malchIng tri-ilgil $75. BeautifuiIy refinished antique oak drosser & mirror $350. Office desk with wood top, 60" xl MI", $100. Ail Itams ln excellent condi- tion. Phone 579-8915. Dec.2,81(W) AN EXCELLENT antique hutch In pin. and oak. Upper cabinet doora I ioadad glass. matching wood mouidlng motif, lwo adjustabie ahaivas. Lowor cabinet doors have Insot panai and raied roloef carving. RefInishod insido and out, brasa hardware and cabinet looka. A bosutiful pieca. $680 f irm. Phone 666-3096. Nov.25,81(C) CHROME DINING ROOM SET, srnoked glass top, 4 c hroma groen cuahion chairs, In excellent condi- lion. Asking $475. Phono afler 4:30 p.m. 668-9169. Dec.2,81(S) MUSIAL INSTRUMENTS FLUTE, Gemeinhardl, open hoied, c-foot, silvor homd, minI condition. $450,f irm. Phono 668-8762 sitar 5 p.m. Feb.3,82<N) HAMMOND ORGAN <Piper) with tapa dock. Like new. Asking $950. <BnchI mci.) Phono 668-7258. Feb.10,82(H) HAMMOND ORGAN, Romance 123, double keyboard & mmny features. $1,695 or best offer. Cmli atter 4 p.m. 668-5272. Feb.17,82(t.) PETS& SUPPLIES PUREBRED BEAGLE, maie, 19- weeka old, regiatered, has had li AID TO MILLIONS 'CLSSFIED A DS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 17 JACKSON' AUCTIONEERS Etatas - Ferme Houaaiold - Antiques Murray Jackson 985-2459 Robert Jackson 655-4878 AUCTION SALE FEB. 26 - 6:30 P.M. Brooklin Communlty Centre For the Estate of the late' Miss' Emma-Ltyshe.' Superb selection of an-. tique funishings, glass-, ware, china, paintings& guns. EARL DAVIS 728-4455 LARGE ANTIQUE AU CTION 1614 Charles St., Whltby SUNDAY, FEB. 28 1 P.M. SHARP Lreelect Ion of'fine fUrnittjre, lamps, coliect- able giass, jewelry, star- ling sîlver, goid, oak, pine & much, much more. Vlewlng Saturday, Feb. 27. from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Open 10 am. Sunday tili sale tîme. Very expensive prîvate collection golng on 'the auction block. Good furniture weicome. Conslgn now. WANNAMAKER AUCTION SERVICES 666-3731 668-8403 (DAYS) (EVOS.) PUBLIC AUCTION Every Thursday igil buy or se11 ai 1614 Charles Street, Whiiby. Fur- nituro, glass, china, toola, jewoîry, coins and so on. AIl conaign- monte welcome. B111 Wan- namaker, Auctlonoor,'666-3731 daye, 668-8403 evaninds. AUDIOS AUCTION SALE SAT., FEB. 27 -1 P.M. At PEARCE AUCTION CENTRE on Shirley Rd., 4 miles soUth of Port Perry. With 1973 certIf led' CougarXR7, Electrohomne Orcana organ, 1972 Oiym-' pic Skidoo, qty. of an- tique furnîture inClUding- drop-leaf table, 4 chairs& buffet, QUeen Anne chair,' Bowrnanville chalr, smaii' cash regîster, smalil Ib-. rary desk, dressers, china cUpboard, press-back chairs &. old coins.. Modern teak wail unît,. wainut Coffee table, good Colonial chesterf laid,ý, Frlgldairebdryer, eiéctric, water heater, dlshes,' used tools & many more, Items. Terms of sale:. cash or known cheque. PEARCE AUCTIONS 985-7492 ~ACCOMMTIONI W-WA1IEDED, ROOM wili kitchen prîvilagas If, posible. Naar Denis O'Connor High Sohool, Whitby, for woman loacher. Cali 668-400 aflar 4 p.m. WwVA CATIONI W: RENTSALS FLRDA Cloarwater - Take the a famiîy, trebedroom, lwo batiroom cutyclub homes, pools, tniclose 10 major attra c- tions, only $200.00 U.S. weakly. 683-5503' OFFICESPACE CLEÂN MODEAN O FFICE on ground floor In downtown Whilby. 400 sq. fil. Contact AI Kirby 668- THE CLASSIF1EDS HAVE SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE. The fasteat way to find thinga you're iooklng for la tirougi the ciassifieda. You can com- para prIcas ai a giance. No need 10 waste lime and gas runnlng ail over toWn. The classi- f lads are a great way.to sai things 1001 You can cash ln on unwantod gooda or Items you don'l uso by placing an ad ln the ciasslfied column of lie Whlby Free Press. I wlill be saan by more than 70,000 potentiel buyersi It's easy teuse tie cassifieda. WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111 OPayment ln full encIosed. Bill1 me tia regular rates- r

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