PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY MAýRCH 3, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS CAL L.668,611,1 _________ Emporium Ads wilI only be accepted subjeot to the following conditions. MI M V.W. DUNE BUGGY,. excellent mechanficai condition, new front wheei bearinga, new king pins and ink pins, new heavy duty ehocke, steerIng box rebulit, tractor tires on rear. Al rubber very good. Roll bar, tow bar, hood & tael ighte. Neede a motor. Aeking $475. Phono 666-1847. Dec.23,81(B) FRANKLIN, FIREPLACE, zero clearance, brase knobe, grate, ecreen & accossories. Uleed, ln' \ good condition. Asklng 880 or. beat offer. Phone 668-0914. Jon.27,82(K) FOR SALE - le cream cooter. Asking $25. Phonoe653814. Mar.3,82(V) JIOHNSON 40 .P., eiectrlc stant, long shaft, good condition. $425 or-beet offer. Oeil anytime 728- 6700. Dec.9,81(8) FOLD UP'PING PONG TABLE & accessonies wth black boarde on reverse aides $60. Hammered braun-look flire ecreen 820. Sears chiid's typewriter, exo. cond., $15. Oeil 623433 or 266949.3,2C NORESCO RECEIVER, Modal 2360,40 watts, AMIFM plus phono & tape outiots. Taya *turntabte. Both places Ilk. new. S.11 as a package or separate. $180 or beet offer. Phono 66&.2860. Jan.20,82(J) FOR SALE - Reirigerator, froat, free, and 30" stove.'in excellent condition. $625 for pair or wiii seli separateiy. Phono 623-1534. Feb.24,82(S> REFRIGERATOR, white, not froat Ires, $75. Cou 1576-7987. Mar.3,82<'4) SKATE SHARPENING MACHINE, swing arm, floor model. Asklng $400. Cail 839-5944 after 6:30 p.m. Dec.23,81(B) SWING SET $35. Medlum-sized airiine dog konnei $15. Robbit cage $10. Wlnnle The Pooh pool wîth sulds $15. Belge high back chair wth'chrome base 850. Tropi- cal plante $5 each. Phono 868& 7218. Feb.10,82<B> LARGE NAVY matai trunk, ueed once. Aeking $100. Phono 725- 31188alterB6 p.m. Feb.1 7,62(D) ONE UNDERWOOD manual type. writor $75. One Adler lectrlc typewritor $150. For soie at Oshawa Symphony Office. Phono 5794711 for appointment to see. Jan.20,82<O) 5, BATHROOM TUB, Rt. hand, toilet and basin. Ming green. Compiete with tapa. Excellent condition. Ideai for cottage. $75. Phono 668-7971 af ter 6 p.m. Fob.24.82(B) FILTER OUEEN vacuum cleaner, like new, $450 or beet of fer. Coul 576-2844 aller 5 p.m. Feb.24,82<M) ELEGANTE WEDDING GOWN un- cludes loor iength velu plus head- place. Bordered ln delicate chan- tilly lace. Size 10. Al iInclusiv, $230. Phono 668-3064. Feb.10,82(C) SIMPLICITY WRINGERIWASHER, ln good condition. Aeking $60. Phono 668-3885 oveninge. Jan.20,82<M) MOVINO SALE - Kenmore washer $200. Caivinotor dryer 850. Phono 668-5625 aller5 p. Mar3,82(M) WANT ADS WORK WONDERSI Caîl 686111 10t place your ad. PLEASE READ When the advertised Item le soid, disposed of, ar unavaliabie for whatever reason, the Item wlii be deemed to have been soid and a commission wili be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as iiiustroted below, regardiesa If prie s etated with "beat offer." Ithe item le NOT SOLD, or dispoeed of, the ad wili be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINI MUM CHARGE of $600 wIlI appiy payable In advance of publication of the fiirst ad. OthorwIse a 87.50 charge wlii ap- piy If biiiod which muet be paid upon recoIpt of bill. The above minimum chargea wiii be appiied to the final commission due but ln any case the higher amount wiii be charged. Minimum charge: 86.00 pro*pald, $7.50 bIliod. Maximum commission: $100.00. Aul advertIsements must be piaced on an ex- clusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atiest one month If not sold. RATES (If article la soid): '5% of adverilsed prie up tIo84M.00 2% of balance over $40.00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertled for $120.00. Commission due 86.00 (minimum charge la $6.00> PrIvatq advertising onlyl Piesso notify the Whltby Free Prose Immodiateiy whon Item leseoid 50 thot- we may deoete It from the foiiowing Issue. All ada not fitting the Emporium guidelinos wiii be treated and charged per woek as regular ciaesified ada on a pre-paid basiaseuch as: services, holp wanted, ciothIng, rosi ostate, and pereonai message type ada, or ade not quoting price or quantity. Private ciaeaifled ode may appoar ln the Emporium section under appropriate hoadinge. AIL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIEO SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: If In doubt cmii: OR DELIVER TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM 66j611.31 Brook St. N. P.O. Box 206 Whitby, Ont. Whltby, Li N 581 THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS US THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. AVOMOTIVE U REPAIRS/RPARTS 105 PMETEOR CONVERTIBLE, no motor, new tires wlth mag wheeis, $250. Three new tires, 15" on Ford rime, $65. New rad for 1975 Ford $40. 400 motor & transmission neede wonic, $75. 390 motor, 4 barrol, 90,000 miles, $100. Two enow tires for Ford Pick-up, on rime, like new, $65. Cap for 14 ton truck $250. Ail pricos f irm. Phono 655-4448., Dec.30,81<L) START VOUR SPRING CLEANINO now and beat the rush. Thon ad- vortise your goode f or sale ln the Free Press Emporium. Gel immo- diate rosuits. Phonoe668-6111. 1973 18' CRESTLINER, hall & dock oniy, dock needa repaira. Asking $350. 1973 75 H.P. JOHNSON NOTOR, complote with power tilt, lover control & tilt swltch. Asking $1,150. BOAT ACCESSORIES: Sieeper soas $125; tachomneter $25; spoodometer $15; storn light $15; accossory termInai box $45; 18 gai. gos tank with fuel gouge, tank vents & deck plate fittînge $110. Or wili seul completo for $1,5o. Col 728-6700. Feb. 17,82(S> .' HOUSEHOLO WATER *ED, solid Scotch pin., excellent condition, hoater lncIud- ed. Asking 81,050. Phono 666- 9016 anytime. Feb.17,82(M) 48" BED, with mattrese and box epring, nearly new, $200 complote. Wall unit, 5 shoif, 1 cupboard, 4' x 12" x 72", $860. Oval rug, bralded, green, 5' x 9, 845. Slow cocker, new, 830. Phono 668-8593. Jan.20,62(M) MUSICAL INST'RUMENTS FLUTE, Gemeinhardt, open hoied, c-foot, oliver hood, mint condition. $450 firm. Phono 6688762 aftor 5 p.m. Feb.3,82(N) 1981 SONEX Deluxe Gibson 180 oiectrlc gultar with case and cord. Like now, M50. Phono 655-3006. Mar.3,82(R> HAMMOND ORGAN, Romance 123, double keyboardý & many features. $1,695 or beet offer. cail after 4 p.m. 668-5272. Feb. 1 7,82(L) 'aATOMBES' FOR SALE 1974 DODOE MONACO STATION WAGON, V48, rllabie transport-i- lion. $600 or beat offer. Phono 668-827. Jan.6,82MT 1973 DODGE POLARA, reasonabie condition, neede work. Uncerti- fiod. $200 or beet offer. Coul 668- 6218. Jan.20,82(M) 1973 DATSUN 610 WAGON, runn- ing condition, needa work, uncerti- fiod. Aeklng $2W0 or beet of fer. Cail 668-7617 eveninge. Mar.3,82(F) 1972 FORD COMET, can be certi- f lad. MW0 or beet offer. Phono 668-1130 after 5 p.m., ask for Scott. Feb.24,82(<B) BABEEEDS-e BABY FURNISHINGS à ITEMS. Two waikers, $10 eoch. Joiiy Jumpor on a stand $20. Clb & mattrese, orange & white, $75. Two pottie chaire, $7 oach. Baby bock pack $10. Rockîng horse $20. Phono 668-2702. Jan.6,82<L) AID TO MILLIONS CLASSI FI ED ADS CONTINUED'FROM PAGE 17 WOULD ANY PERSONS who have ieft gooda at 305-311 Watson Street remove them qr samne wIii be dispoaed of by March 8. TIMAEIlYaI ,ieinm l mportant whan you ore buying or aeiiing. And à CLA5SIFiED AD le the iow-coet timeiyvmy vtoma quick solutijon. CLASSIFIED AD WHITBY FREE PRESS 11484111 4j MENTSI HAMMOND ORGAN (Piper) with tape dock. Lika now. Aeking $950. <Bench mnci.) Phono 66&7258. Feb.10,82(H) PUREBRED BEAGLE, maie, 19 woeks oid, rogisered, has had ail needios, good breoder. Cage and food inciuded.-- Aeking $200. Phono 668-4740. Jan.13,82<S) SNOGBIBIES EMENTLS 1971 MOTO-SKI SNOWMOBILE in good condition. Asklng $325. Phono 985-9368. Mar.3,82(C> TURN YOUR'ARTICLES INTO CASH. An ad undor the Whiiby Free Press Emporium Section wiii soul aimoat anythlng for you.. cars, boats, TVas, furniture, pianos and pets ... the liat Is ondiesa. Caii 668-6111 now for further detaiis. FOR SALE - 1977 haif ton Chev pick-up with canopy. Top condi- tion. Asking $4,500 or neareet of- fer. Phono 668-7436. Jan.13,82(M) YOU KNOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE... Wheraver yau move the Weicome Wagon hostes$ la the right persan ta help you find a place ln Your new com- munItY. Cali 606-1523 ýor 579-7521 I iii h FORRSA SAELE 1981 BUICiC ELECTRA, GM staff, fuliy ioaded, 13,000 km. Asking $11,900. Phono 579.e7269. 1977 PLYMOUTH VOLVARE, 6 cyi., automatic, bucket seats & console, full Pioneer etereo with power antenne, rédial tires, foc- tory 2-tone paint. Excellent con- dition. $2,500 certified. Phone 839-9659. 1974 SATELLITE, power steering, power brakes, raio, new mutiler, neede body work. UncertIiied. .$M5. Phono 668-6455. Mar.3,82(T 1972 OLOS CUTLASi SUPREME convertible, reasonabie condition, roof works perfectiy. no leake. A clossici Beet offor. Phono 668-' 9193. MORCLE WýLE 1981 VAMAHA XS 40W SPECIAL - excelent condition, mag wheeis, crash bars, iront disc bmake, 2,900 miles, 65 m.p.g. Asking $1,650. Phone 668.1076. 1977 GMC HALF TON, standard, 305 motor, 65,000 km., excellent condition. Asking $3,000 or beat ofior. Phono 668-9820. WFORSASELE] 1927 CONFEDERATION 12s stamp. Usod, perforated. Phono 688-5558. ARICLS UDFOR R'~ENT] TYPEWRITER MENTAL, many makes and modela, by the week- end, week or month. Discounts ivallable. ickson Printing & Of- fice Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Coul us for business machine. ropairs 683-1968. FREE: Drop into the Dceson PrInting & Off ice Supply store ln the Ajax Plaza and pick up a free copy of their 1982 Metric Colon- dar. Printod un two colours, lt makes for handy referÃnce 683- 1968. AOOM with kitchon privieges if possible wanted by -graduating university student working ln nor- th end of Whitby. Cail 668-982. (ZARTENTS/ CODSFOR RIENT ONE BEDROOM in quiet home with kitchen priviieges. Suitabie for professionai or older woman. Apply un wrlting to Apartment For Rent, Box 206, Whitby. FLORDX U VACATION W:WENTLSALS IClearwatr -Take the famlly,I Ithrebedroomtwo bathroomî cutyclub homes, pools, tennis, close 10 major attrac- 683-5503 r AUCIOEER JACKSON AUCTIONEERS Estotes - Forme Hous.hoid - Antiques Murray Jackson 985-2459, Robert Jackson 655.4878 AUjjNS AUCTION SALE' SAT., MAR. 6-11 A.M. At Victoria Square Com- munity Centre, Woodbine Ave.,,4 miles nortti of Hwy. 7.' Sale of antique contents of private Scar- borough home plus other consignments. Sale ln-- Cludes 20» Royal Doulton figurines (CURRENT: compiete Angler, Izaak Walton, Gaoler Bo-Peep, Valerie Ascot, This Little Pig. DISCONTINUED: Clarinda, Romance, Fran- cine,- Grace, The Mask; Lady Pamela, Melonie, Peggy, Lavinia, Fiona, Ivy, Alice & Alexander)., Em- pire sofa, 9pc. wainut dini- ing suite, 4 pc. walnut bedroom suite, roll front music cabinet, Victorian what-not, oak bow front china cabinet, Governor ,Winthorpe secretary, 2 Gingerbread cdocks, magazine rack, oak book case, large games table, dresser, Victorian settee frame, Jacques Hayes chair,' rockîng chairs, wash stands, wicker doîl carniage, china doîl, 3 quilts, qty. of pictu're f rames, 4 Bartlett prints, bamboo tea table, carved oak chair, oil Iamps, old tools, oak biscuit barrel, Carnival pitcher, 3 PC. Chinese tea set, copper, kettîes plus qty. of other glass, china & good furni- ture. Terms cash. JOHN ANNIS AUCTIONEER 655-4663 AUCTION SALE SAT., MAR. 6 -1 P.M. At PEARCE AUCTION CENTRE on Shirley Rd,., 4 miles south of Port Perry. With 1973 Mustang, 24" SUI chain saw, Speed Queen apt.-sized drier. Kenmore twin tub washer, excellent 2-pc. bar complete, double bed, western saddle, chester- field & chair, Lazy-Boy desk unit & many more Items. Consignments welcome. Local pick-up & delivery. Terms cash or known cheque. PEARCE AUCTIONS 985-7492 PUBLIC AUCTION Evory Thursday night buy or seul at 1614 Charles Street, Whitby . Fur- niture, glass, china, tools, jewoiry. coins and so on. Ali consign- mente weicomne. Bill Wan- namnaker, Auctioneer, 666-3731 days, 668-843 evenings. DO IT BY MAIL! Use this handy form t0 mail ln your Emporium Ad. i have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have the following ad- vertisement placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press. (don't forget to include your phone number) El 1 enclose $6.00 to cover the minimum charge. l Charge $6.00 to my Visa account. El Bill me $7.50 after.first publication of my ad. MAIL Card No. Exp. Date TO: Name (pioas print - tiret and iost name> WHT B~~JjY ___ ___ ___ ___ __ FREE PRESS Stret AdrestPO0. BOX 206 131 Brock St. N. City Poatal COde Whitby LIN 551