PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3ý, 1982, WHITBY FRPEE PRESS years. Arranging a first mortgage with a finan- dial institution wasthe traditional way, to finance the purchase of. a new home. The maxi- mum amount of the mortgage was usually 75, per cent of the pro- 601" DUN DAS STREET WES-T, F WHITBY Whitby, 666-1333 Tôronto 686-1979 JUST LISTED - CUSTOM BUILT BUNG. - Impecc-' able 3 bdrm. home on pool-size lot. BIG kit, HUGE rec rm & angeistone f irep lace. Plaster walls. 11/2 detached garage. Asking $78,900. Gord Jackson Coast to Coast Real Estate L Service- *LUCIAN MICHAELS - BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR * A. F. STACHEL - REGISTERED INDUSTRIAL ACCOUNTANT *Wm. STEW-ART - MORTGAGE OFFICER - TORONTO DOMINION BANK CANADA MORTGAGE AND HOUSING CORPORATION PLACE: WHITBY PUBLIC LIBRARY 9 -By JAMES JOHNSTON 1Few people are able to pay ail cash for a house because real estate is a "big ticket item". Fmnancing is always the key ingredient in a real estate transaction, but the nature 0f fînancing has chaniged in recent The Church Speaks By THE REV. KEITH A. ELFORD Pastor 1 Whltby Free Methodiet Church Though the cross is a year long reminder of the way of Christ, Lent which begins this week, is a spe- cial opportunity for ail Christians to prepare their hearts and minds for the approaching celebration of Sthe passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Have you got a focus yet for this year? Here's one. On one occasion Jesus stopped the mob that, was followmng him and chailenged themn with this state- ment. "Anyon&'who does not carry bis cross and follow me cari not be my-disciple. " (Luke 14:27) But where does the Way of the Cross lead us? Reflectîng on Christ's life cani hfelpus wlth that -question. Let me highlight three vantage points of his ministry using three words: Glory, Gethsemene, and Golgotha. The way of the cross for Christ did not begin out- side Plote's Judgement Hall. It started in heaven. St. Paul wrote that though Christ existed as God, "He did hot consider equallty with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a servant" (Phil. 2.,6,7). Power and personal prestige were made unimportant. How big has your ego becomne this last year? Then there's Gethsemene. Christ's agony is real!1 St. Matthew tells us that Jesus took Peter, James and John aside and broke down in front of them. The pain of the cross was getting to him - not just the physical pain that He would endure, but the tearing apart of the friendship that He had enjoyed with these men. His prayer, "Father if it be possible, let this cup pass ... " has a suffering cry to it. Yet He demands a Gethsemnene of us as well as his followers. Following Him involves a wilingness to choose Him before p)ur parents, our spouse, our chlldren - even our lives.ý (Luke 14:26) That's pret- ty demandingi1 But Gethsemnenes always are. Finaliy there's Golgotha, the place of crucifixion. There's nothing beautiful about a cross. It's a place of pain. Those who hang on themn are despised. But worst of ail there is no.escape from the cross. No one cornes off the cross alive. You stay there until you surrender to death. This is where the way of the cross ultimately leads - to full surrender. But it.was' out of death that. Christ was brought the power of the resurrection. If we desire the vibrancy of the resurrection we too must go the way of the cross from Glory to Geth- semene to Golgotha. Jesus said, "Anyone who does not carry bis cross and follow me cani not be my disciple." Rgiment has jobs. perty's appraised value. The recent surge in in- terest rates bas stimu- lated alternate methods ,of financing, and the principal amount of new first mortgages is, ieeangaccordingly. Second mortgage financing once carried a social stigma, but now is becoming widespread as purchasers seek ways to offset steep rates on new first mort- gages. Given'today's high rates of interest, a pur- chaser is weil advised to consider arranging a second mortgage to aug- ment a deficit in the downpayment required, if he or she has been fortunate enough -to find a house with an existing first mortgage at a com- paratively low interest rate. For. example, if a house with a purchase price of $100,000 has an existing first rnortgage of $40,000 at il per cent and the purchaser has only. $25,000 for a down- payment, it would be wiser to assume the existing first and con- sider a $35,000 second mortgage, instead of arranging a new first for $75,0w. The interest rate on the second mort- gage might be slightly higher than on a new .first, but the average rate on the two mort- gages- is less than current rates payable on a $75,00 new first mortgage. When interest rates were lower and more stable, a new first mort- gage of $75,000 would have been the logical method of financing the purchase, but as long as interest rates remain significantly higher than the rates on exist- ing mortgages, second mortgage financing is worth considering. (Author James L. John- ston ie national mana- ger, real estate services for The Permanent Real Estate, Toronto.) diering in the field in- cluding ranges. The remainder of the course will consist of trades qualifications as a rec- connaissance crewman -or tank drive.r on the new AFVGP (Armoured Fighting Vehicle Ge* ner- al Purpose) "Cougar" which has just been in- troduced into the regi- ment's equipment in- ventory. Other trade' courses offered include administrative clerk, cook and medical assist- ant. A limited number of bandsmen vacancies are available on a cour- se to be conducted at Moss Park armoury in Toronto during this period for qualifled ap- plicants. Students profi- cients in a brass/reed instrument should inquire now. The course, which runs from July 5-to -Sep- tember 3, consiste of nine weeks of full timà e employment. Members will receive approxi- mately $190 per week with rations supplied while away from Oshawa. Interested applicants can apply at the recruit- ing office, The Colonel R.S. MeLaughlin Ar- moury, 53 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Ask for Major Dan Matthews or telephone 723-3451. New finance.your home OSHAWA. - Lieutenant Colonel Leo ýMorin, commanding officer of the Ontario Regiment, announced Friday that applicants may now ap- ply for positions in the regiment's summer training program. The training program which has operated at the Oshawa Armoury for over 35 years gives- studenits the opportunity to serve in Canada's armed forces reserve. This summer recruits will train in Oshawa for three weeks, at Cana- dian Forces Base Bor- den for four weeks and then join the regiment to attend annual summer camp at Camp Gray- ling, Michigan, U.S.A. along with other ar-z moured and artillery units from Ontario. The course will con- sist of 10 days recruit, training followed by 15 days of basic training which covers basic sol- PRINCIP0ALS OMIT REAI ESTATI SERVICES »(W. hsIp you seil proporty privatelY> Needs homes for clients who must relocate this sumrmer. Brooklln, Whitby, or 20 miles arounid Oshawa. PHONE 655-4495 SEIUNAR FOR FIRST TIME HOME BUYERS- Guest Speakers: DATE: MON DAY, MARCH 8,1982 TE: 8:15 P.M- 1For more information contact Peter Gillespie, Manager,- 666-1333 EVEIRYONE WELCOME Refreshinents Look For The Semnas, In Your Ares Sooul aie