fined $290OO Ifor as sault, A local man has been found guilty of*indecent assault and fined $2,000 Jafter a 15-year-old youth was ,molested .last sprlng. County Court Judge Hugb M. O'Cormell im- poed the fine on Larry Phihip Cappe, 34, of 100 last April 27 by the Durham Regional Police Force after a complaint was regist- ered by a youth living in' the same apartment building. The court was told that the youth met Cap- pe and offered'.hlm the use of a power drill to drill hol es, to instaîl a mairror. Atr the job was done ; Cappoffredthelad a drink, wbich was re- fused. lHe then sat down on the couch next to the boy and struck up a con-, versation. The court was al'so jtold that during a lull in the discussion, Cappe reached over, grabbed the boy's crotch and at- tempted'to open his zip- per. After freeing himself, the yýouth fled, the apart-- ment and told a friend what happened. The teenager said that he "ldidn't know what was going on," and broke down several Jtimes during his testi- mony. Cappe had pleaded not guilty to the charge. Ambulance Cal During the week that ended at midnight last' Thursday, the Whitby Ambulance Service responded to 81 calîs for service. According to co-owner Bill Cocker, the service responded to 30 routine cails and to 24 standby calîs for other ambu- lance services in J Oshawa and Ajax. The service also res- ponded to 27 emergency calîs including three motor vehicle acci- dents. The number to caîl for ambulance service is 723-5232. Let us permit nature to have hier way; she understands hier business better than we do.' Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592) In no ti me at ail spring will be with us; today the sun 15 warm, the snow is melting and the birds are' in fine fettle. The promise of spring gives people strength, renews their spirit and uplifts their souL. To have four seasons, all vastly different is a blessing for most of us and something to be thankful for. There is nothing more lovely than a flower nor more essential than a plant; breathing, communi- cating, living things and a part of our lives. Without green plants we would neither breathe nor eat; they devour -carbon dioxide and expel oxygen, the act of photo-synthesis, producing oxy- gen and food for animal and man. Plants are spiritually satisfying to man and have always been used as tokens of friendship and love. Flowers are used for tixnes of celebration and at times of bereavement. In fact, it 18 hard to think of any occasion when green, living things are not pur- poselyin evidence. Do you ever sit in your garden on a warmn summer evening and marvel at the wonders all around you? The magie and mystery of color, scent and texture to be looked at, touched and enjoyed.- Maybe if' we renew some of the thoughts about planting which we have written about before we'il be ableto remeniber this year. Forgetting is my problemn and when'the time cornes to plant, espe- cially. after 'a visit to agarden centre my mind leaves me as my only thought is to plant!1 Now, as in*the past, the Indians and many others planted during certain phases 0'f'the moon. The results are exceptional. The Almanac I think has a chart for this purpose but at any rate the informa- tion is available if you are willing to look for it. We all know that the moon has a tremendous, force whicheffeets the seas and people. For many and most likely ahl poisonous plants ýthere 18 an antidqte growing close by. Did you know by planting certain vegetables by other vegetables you can prevent grubs and such fromn destroying or spoiing your crop? Certain plants repel insects and the marigold is one. Mosquitoes hate marigolds and if planted close to a doorway or patio you may keep the inseets away. Mint oil or sprigs of mint around doorways will repel fleas and files. Put some mint by your dog's bed or on it or a pillow stuffe4 with winter savoury and the fleas should leave. Make a strong tea of chamomile flowers and let it stand until cold. Sponge the exposed part of your body and insects will giv e you a wide berth. We FLORIDA VACATION Club International wiII guarantee you and your famil y, everyyear, for the rest of your life, fun in the Sun at a beautiful reort hotel-with a fully equipped kitchen in each suite. All for a ONE TIME ONLY COST 0F $1,2501 Bank f inancing avai lable. Cali coulect 41 6-482-6447 Club International 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. daily WHITBY FREE, PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 1982, PAGE 5 Plants, picky, about nei ghbours hear that a sponge dlpped in spirits of camphor and hung in a room disposes 0f ail mosquitoesl.1<i .Hundreds of years ago in Europe certain plants were planted for different reasons beside each other. Vegetable beds were bordered by various flowers which were known to improve the health and quality of the vegetables. Companion plants' or plant symbiosis which is the ability 0f certain plants to help each other by their mere presence and.the opposite, plant antagonismn where both do poorly. A. plant which needs plenty of light may make a good companion to one which likes partial shade. Somne plants dislike each other s0 much that they grow away fromn each other, that is lean away fromn the offending plant. Others die when put side. by side. I have been told that carnations, and roses du dreadful things to each other when planted side by side. Melon leaves are extremnely rich in calcium and should be put in the compost heap and the calcium content 0f the compost -will be increased. Lupins also add calcium to top soil especiaily if the latter is poor and sandy. Sweet corn does well with early -potatoes and green beans planted in alternate rows wîth the pota- toes put nitrogen back in the soil which -the corn needs and uses up. Corn provides shade for melons, pumpkin squash and cucumbers and the latter which when planted in rows are- beneficial to corn. Beans like celery if planted in a rati o f one- to six plants, that is one bean plant to six of celery. Beans and strawberries lilke each other while radishes grow weli near pole beans, but beets and kohIrabi do very badly when grown close to pole beans. >Onions like beets and early lettuce is beneficial to onions- and plants of summer savoury. Onions inhibit the growth of beans and peas. Growing pumpkins under corn is good but pota- toes and pumpkins do flot like each other and should be separated. Onions proteet the garden from rab- bits'and can be planted to encirele your garden pat- ch. Garlie, if planted close to roses, enhanced their perfume,' now isn't that odd.?. We could go on and on as the list of likes and dis- likes in the plant world 18 endless just as it 18 iri the people world. Some folk are drawn to others on sight, others are repeiled.'11 So it is with the plants and to have a glorious gar- den and a'productive one it pays to learn what others have known for so long. UP I-N FOIRA so- MARCH BREAK a a k ri ___ i . *4. oil 17.95 Fi iter change WE LUBRICATE VEHICLE, CHANGE OIL, INSTALL NEW QIL FILTER GM CARS, VANS, LIGHTTRUCKS NURS E CHEV OLDS WITSY 668-3304B Hwy. 2 and Thlckson Rd. -ami ImmRAmED MRT EXPIRES 31103182 1 imuuriutiLluil