WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1982, PAGE 9 COMING EVÉNTS CALENDAR COMPUTER The Durham Region Personal Computer Club will hold a "Games Night for the Disabled" on March 18 at 7 p.m. in the auditorium of the Whitby Public Library. Club members extend a welcome to all dis- abled persons to learn about video ganes and other computer uses. For more information call Garry Clellan at 839-4561 or the com- munity information ser- vice at 668-6531. QUILT SHOW The U.C.W. of St. Mark's United Church will hold a quilt show on March 18 from 2 to 9 p.m. at the church, 201 Centre Street South. Tea and coffee will be served between 2 and 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Admission is a volun- tary donation to the U.C.W. ANNIVERSARY The Brooklin Junior Farmers were formed in 1937, the first club of its kind in the area. To mark the 35th anni- versary, the Brooklin Junior Farmers will hold a banquet and dan- ce on April 3 at the Ux- bridge Arena. The evening's guest speaker will be Carm Haiilton. Tickets, costing $10 each, are available until March 25 by calling Neil Guthrie at 668-3855. EGG DECORATING Mary Salmers will demonstrate the fine art of Ukranian egg decor- ating in the main lobby of the Whitby Public Library on Saturday, March 27 frorn 2 to 4 p.m. REGISTRATION The spring sessions of the Whitby )Public Lib- rary's pre-school story hour will begin on April 13 and 15, running for eight weeks. Registration will be held during the week of March 29 and to be eli- gible, children must be between the ages of 3 and 5 and not at- tènding school. "Just Imagine" - a drama workshop for children in kindergarten to grade 6 will be offered by the library on April 7 and14from4 to 5p.m. Registration for this program is being held now in the children's department. For more information call the library at 668- 6541. AFTER FOUR FILMS The Whitby Public Library will be holding its "After Four Films" prograin for children in grades 2 to 6 each Tues- day afternoon at 4 p.m. On March 30, "The Hoosegow" will be shown. SMORGASBORD The Ladies Auxiliary of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 112 will hold a smorgasbord at the Legion Hall, Byron Street South on March 20 beginning at 6 p.m. Tickets are $15 per couple. There will be door and spot prizes. For tickets or more information call Alice Bradley at 668-2963. EUCHRE The Ladies Auxiliary of Branch 112, Royal Canadian Legion will hold a euchre at the Byron Street South hall on March 18at8 p.m. Admission is $1.50. Tea and prizes. For more information. call668-2963. INFO NIGHT Ruth Banks, a noted lecturer and educator will outline her plans for the establishment of a private school for bright children at a seminar being held on March 29 at.8 p.m. in the audi- torium of the Whitby Public Library. Banks intends to locate her school in the Region of Durham if there is enough interest and need shown. For more information call Jan Pierson at 655- 4832. LENT LUNCH The Whitby Minister- ial Association will con- tinue their "Wednesday Noons in Lent" program on March 24 at 12 noon at Al Saints' Anglican Church, 300 Dundas Street West. The guest speaker will be the Rev. Arnold Main, whose topic is "Thrift/Generosity." Lunch, costing $1.25, will be served at 12:30 p.m. Mary said last week that a sure sign of spring was seeing the children out with their bicycles. Well another harbinger of spring is that the McEachern's take off for a short vacation, and I have the oppor- tunity of doing the column for Mary. Get well wishes and a speedy recovery are wished for John Johnston of Holly Crescsent and Banu Doc- tor of Manning Avenue, both of whom are in the hospital. With these lovely days coming I hope you are soon able to enjoy being home. WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH Young people and adults interested in becoming members of the church on Profession of Faith and Confirmation are asked to meet Monday from 6:30 to 7:30 in the vestry room at the front of the church. Anyone who would wish to become a member of the congregation by transfer at the Palm Sunday Communion Service on April 4 is asked to contact the minister. Help for the Cub Pack - We are in need of help for our newly formed cub pack. Anyone interested in helping with the group, which meets Tuesday nights from 6:30 to 8:00, is asked to contact the Cub Master Dave Wright at 668-0526 or the minister. ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR Whitby Chapter No. 248 is having a card party Wednesday, April 14, 1982, at 8 p.m. in the Masonic Temple on Cochrane Street, Whitby. Tickets are $1.75. There will be prizes and refreshments. For tickets call Bev Rogers at 725-5008. Happy St. Pat's day everyone, and to the five stu- dents from Anderson who are off to France - Bon Voyage. Anyone with information for this column please cal Marion Buchanan 579-0878. home baking sale, always a delight. The membership drive is now on. Mem- bership entitles one to receive a newsletter each month, compete in flower shows "and take out books from the, ex- tensive horticultural library. For member- ships call Freda Kofalvi at 655-4031 or visit the Emporium in Brooklin. The society is running another flower arrang- ing course in April. Courses taught will be vertical design, cor- sages and boutennieres, water design and table centres. Cost of the course is $15 for non- members and $12 for members. The course will be held each Tues- day in April at the Community Concept Centre in Brooklin. To enroll phone Valerie at the Emporium in Brook- lin. Cost will include flower material. in the church hall, Coch- rane Street. There will be Irish en- tertainment and refreshments. No admission charge but a collection will be taken. For more informa- tion, call 666-1732., ONE PARENTS MEETING The next meeting of the Oshawa Chapter of the One Parent Fami- lies Association of Canada will be held on March 23 at 8:30 p.m. in the Lake Vista Club- house, Emerald Avenue, Oshawa. Patri- cia and Wayne Wood will speak on juvenile insurance. The next meeting of the association's Oshawa Chapter will be held on March 24 at 8 p.m. at Christ Memorial Church, Mary and Hill- croft Streets, Oshawa. This will be a family games night. For more information call the association's Durham District Office at 723-0286. BHS MEETING The Brooklin Horti- cultural Society will hold its regular monthly meeting on March 24 at 8 p.m. in the C.E. Build- ing, Brooklin United Church. The speaker will be William Bradbury of Oshawa who will speak on "Wildflowers." There will also be a held on consecutive Monday and Wednesday nights (concluding Wednesday, April 28). Registration for the series is $5. Speakers, drawn from the area are physicians and other medical personnel. They will cover topics which include proper use of medication, effec- ts of the environment and some psyehological aspects of asthma. For more information on this~ Christmas -Seal service, call Durham Region Lung Associa- tion at 723-3151. + + CANADIAN CLUB R.L. Harrop, senior vice-president, Corpor- ate Development Sul- petro Limited, will be the speaker at the Mar- ch 23 meeting of the Canadian Club to be held at the Genosha Hotel, Oshawa with din- ner at 6:30 p.m. His topic will be "Prospects and Reali- ties of the Petroleum Industry in Canada." Visitors are invited and reservations may be made by calling Hugh Harris at728-7015. Why Worry - Let FIGURES PLUS Prepare your personal INCOME TAX RETURN. $1200 and up 686-3930 15 Barr Road Ajax Hours 8-5 l [-MMER[lRL PRinTin1G 218HARVOO AE. . JXSOPN Corridor Cap ers By MARY MCEACHERN Cali 725-8967 with items for this column. ASTHMA INFO Does someone in your family have asthma? Then you will be inter- ested in the Asthma In- formation Series con- ducted by Durham Region Lung Associa- tion. The series consists of four evening sessions and will begin on Mon- day, April 19 at 7:15 p.m. in the McLaughlin Gallery, Civic Centre, Oshawa. The meetings will be f >Mm UUI>ý