WIT1982, PAGE 1l Ho'w to Give Rooms That Couüntry Look Refurbishing this spring and looking for ideas?. Think country, and- you can't go far wrong. The country style-with its back-to-basics simplicity -is an idea that's swept the country, and no won- der: it's affordable, it's easy to do, and-it's one of the most personal ways to decorate., You don't have tolive in a quaint farmhous e o r weather ed saltbqx to have it. You can bring the country look into almost any room anywhere; in fa.t, it'îs made-to-order for today's small spaces. A case, in point is - the dining room in our phot o. It's in a typical early- Fifties suburbani house of no particular character-ý but the young couple. who live there have made it a very special place indeed. For starters, they added one small architectural d'e- tail that makes a world of difference: a simple chair rail. It created not only an old-time look, but also the framework for the room 's basic "dressing"-the in- spired use of two checked patterns on the walls. In- expensive pre-pasted wall- coverings from the Wall- Tex Miniatures, they give the room a wonderful finish that's country but contemporary-and very space-making. Americana When it came to furni- ture, this couple-loyers of Americana-found hand-crafted, hand-' rubb'ed pieces that give the room its mellowness and warmth. The Shaker- like chairs, trestle table and- the rest look like museum pieces, but they're really moderately priced furnishings by Habersham Plantation, a young Georgia-based company. Finally, the finishing touches.A flower. sprigged fabric that coordinates with the checked wall- coverings makes simple, tab-hung curtains at the bay window, and plump seat cushions, a rag rug, and antique quilt over the fireplace, plus the couple's wonderful, collections of tin boxes and enamelware, round- out the picture. Like all true country rooms, it's a complete individual! t A REAL COUNTRY LOOK cornes to life in a suburban dlnlng room. Owners lnstalled a'chairrail, selected inexpensive pre-pasted wallcoverlngs In two coordinating checks: "Shirtstop" 'gidabove, "Ripplng Good Time" below. Wallcoverlrgs and coordinating flower-sprigged fabrlc, all in burgundy with camel, are f rom Wall-Tex Miniatures. Dark checked wallcovering, added to.country cupboard, sets off owners' collection of blue and white'enarnelware. t wéVe4o It447-2493 mmx\ RTBSunim lwoenca Avenu EastB Du "iS, Ontaio ) M3A 189 ID USED PIIGFESSN)NAL & RENTAI MACHINES ALWAYS AVAILABLE FROM $350 UP 447-2493 oETUY 400fo I *L Solar Energy Device ARGONNE SCIENTISTS LOOKINO TO THE SUN FOR ENERGY. A solar power device is being tested at the Argonne National Laboratory near Chicago. An industrial engineer holds concentrators which funnel sunlight into solar celis. The tiny colis convert the sun's rays to electricity. Dozens of the silver concentrators are mounted on this grid and can provide 80 peak watts power. As the concentrators sense the sun, they cause the instrument to rotate and follow the sun. Researchers at Argonne use an IBM computer to design the concentrators.f E DRAPE RY SHOPPE BESI'DRESSED WMT