WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1982, PAGE il Anders on, Henry Street, Denis OConnor f zHIGH SCHOOL NEWS WEE March break a welcome relief for ACYT. students The week that Ander- son students have been j, long awaiting is finally here; the March break. The students endured those trying monthe fom, January to, Marcb, struggling to keep atop te mound of 'hoewok.An improm- relaxation' will be a popular ciiydrn the break, while a few fortunate students ven- ture to warmer climates., or sunny ski siopes. In-ý terestingly, none of the students made mention of homework over the holidays. The spirit and excite- ment regarding the up- coming vacation was displayed at the St. Pat- rick's Day Dance, held on March 12. Hundredi of Anderson "lads" and 'lassies" came out te en- joy the evening and te dnce with their favour- Mtte feerahas r erge'suentsy toe hed uscandh reating Te veloplin Hal t hasves beenn Marouend autilio spn ofring!diyln ch specR l TI(IiPTI in- on the minds of students over the past two weeks during a fundraiser for the, Cancer Society. Studente have organlzed events such as sock- hops, a jelly bean quiz, and bake sales to'raise funds for cancer re- search. 'In this the memory of Terry Fox has, encouraged their full-fledged effort. The success of thecampaîgn agamn demonstrates An- derson's undying enthu- siasm and willing in- volvement in support of a worthy cause. On March 9, grade 8 DO'C science fair no w in fuli swing By LISA JEPPESON Denis O'Connor H.S. Preparation for DO'C's upcoming science fair are in fuli swing. The science fair,. te be held in our gym on April 25,and 26 will have more than 100 entries. In early February, Mr. Hutchinson, the head of science department at Anderson Collegiate, gave the students a talk and a elide presentation on varions aspects of science prejects. Our fair will be open te the public on Sunday, April 25 from 7 te 9 p.m. and on Monday, the, 26th frem 7 te 10 p.m. The tbree categories wiIl be biology, chemistry and physics. Science fair le compulsory for al science students. Each student's mark will count toward his/her final science mark. The judges will be from Durham College, our feeder schools'and from other, science fields such as pharmacy and, engineering. There will be a junior division for grades 9 and 10, and a semeor division for grades il te 13. Last week's Hat Day saw many exotic bats in honeur of St. Patrick. Green, however, was not a popular colour for clothes as students wearing a bat did net have to wear their green umiform. A Rubik's cube contest is now in progress. The Rubik's cube tournament is based on intermural bouses. The cempetitors are earning participation points for their bouses. tfMERCURY APRIL SPECIAL COMPLUTE REFINISH $350.00 Body work extra. Compiete Collsian Repaire & Painting Frame Repairs *Free Estimates *Cars done by Appointment Only ""Net Y.. Av. 8.dy Sbse"l 324 Ash St., Whitby 668-8522 FAMILY HAIR CENTRE 900 BONACORD AVE. (OTTER CREEK) WH ITBY Durham's Flrst True Family Hair Centre A ne cocep lnquaity cusomied amly hir areavaliable at Ear Piercing Perme 2000 - 45001 Braids Manicures No appointment necessary. Colouring Eye Brow Arching Corne together & Save. Streaks- Hair Removal: Senior citizens haif price. Cuts By WxingPlay area for toddiers. By axng Free monthIy draw-.dinner for2. Beard Trlm Mon. - Tues. 9 -6 Wed. -Fri. 9-8 FaNakM*Cm»i Sat. 8 -6w. CHARGIX S666-2254 students from *feeder schools were able te ex- perience- this enthu- siasm of Anderson, fir- sthand, when they visit- ed te get a preview of highschool life. The eager students were escorted on a tour, by seni or students and were allowed te view classes. They were aise, given an introduction to the, numerous, ,clubs, teame and activities witbin the school. After a short lecture, the stu- dents returned to their. scheols talking excited.- ly about finally entering high echol. They u n- dpubtedly enjoyed their visit, as did the present. students.at A.C.V.I. te meet them. Newspaper Staff: Susan Bisseli,'Heather, Pardon and Rob Needham. THE DRAPERY S-HOPPE