WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1982, PAGE 17 SPORTS WEEK wlmmamthon:ý elp,ýke IS ep'- > S-C a o aH' fl- at'financi y By ANN GOULDING The Whitby Iroguols Swim ' Club is about ta- launch ts 1982 swim-a- thon drive. This annual event, belng heid inAprl is one,0f the cliub'smain sources of fînancial, support. Swim.mers ranglng In, agefrom 7 ta, 16 wili be attemptlng ta swim 200 lengths, with sponsors pledging, a set amount .for each compieted lap. 0f the 60 WISC -mem- .bers preparing ta can-, vass the Whitby area à In the up-comlng weeks, noestands a'ut as vvdyas 14,year aid Brian MoAlinden. MoAlinden has been the top achi' ever ln the swim- a-thon campaign -for each .seas.on of the f Ive year aid club's hlstory. According,,ta Tom Gouldlng, of this year's swim-a-thon commlttee, BrIan's dedîcatian ta keeping his club finan. clally "afloat" has been a great Incentive far the ather swimmers ta put forth their best efforts as weIl., He really puts his heart- and saul Inta this venture, says Goulding, and his planning and a rganization could teach us ail a lesson in. per- sevmence. MoAlinden and, hIs WISC teammates have represented Whitby well' throughaut Ontarioa'an d In 'Quebec and braught much honor ta their tawn with their swlmming per- formances. Thanks -ta the generosity of the citizens of Whitby, past swim-a-thons 'have always been successful and the club has high hopes of reachlng their goal again this season. Anyone wishing ta sponsor the club may do 50 by callîne 668-9533. The Whitby roquaisSwim Club's brian McAlinden is seen here diving into the water in preparation for the club's upcoming swim-a-th'on. The 14 year aid McAlinden has been the club's top achiever in the swim-a-thon campaign for each season of the club's five-year histary. The 60 members of WISC will be required ta swim 200 lengths of the Iroquais Park Pool in an effort ta help keep the club "Afloat" financially. -Free Press Staff Photo Walsh & Currie m-ake big splash, By ANN GOULDINO When the, waves had settled at Toronto Unlversity's pool on the weekend of March 14 and 15 the resuits were tabulated and ht was found that Whltby Iroquois Swim Club's smali f ry had made a big splash on the com- petitive scene at the Centrai Region Cham- pionships. Promnent swimmers ln the ten and under age group were Brent Walsh and Janice Currie. Walsh captured two gold medals ln 50 meter and 100 meter freestyle events, two silver medals in 50 f ly and 50 breast, and added another silver aiang wlth teammates Jay Lee, Adrian Vargas, and Craig Potsep In the 200 meter freestyle relay. Currie collected three silver medals for her per- formance ln 100 f ree, 50 back and 50 fly, and tagether with Julie Leswlck, Jodl MacPhail, and Anne Marie Scott wan two bronz medals ln bath freestyle and mediey relay events. In the senior section of the Centrai Regian Championshlps held at Etobicake Oiympium, Whitby's senior girls. toalc bronze medals ln both relay events. Bronze medal wlnners were Kim Walker, Kelly Walker, Donna Goulding, Denise Vandoleweerd and Sheri Coîbourne. Kim Walker aisa placed 7th ln -100 placed fifth ln 100 backstroke and s'ixth in 50, free, with, Dave Goulding taking a slxth In 100 free for senior boys. The Whitby team is presently gearing up for the Ontarlo Team Cham- plonshlps ýat Etobîcoke In mid April. Located in the Heart of Durham Region at the ARMSTRONG. AUDITOR IU Mý CORNER of KING and McMILLAN OSHAWA ADMISSION $2.00 Childrehl 14 and under accompanied by an aduit F REE ilt W mm GIRLS SOFTBALL REGISTRATiO.N 7 -l18years Old Registration-at. Iroquois Park Arena Sat., April 3 & Sât., April 10 lOa.m. -2p.m. COME JOIN US'. WhltbyGirls Athletic Ass ' cal A handy new bo ok by Sidney Led. son, author of the best-selling book, 'Teach Your Child ta Read ln 60 Days'. ahould be wi thout, virtually a university course ingram'mer - but presented ln a lively way no university can match. PRINTING & OFFICE SUPPLY 218 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax 638-1968 'fl~LOOKING FOR A CAREER IN LJJ ADVERTISING?) Downtown business requires that person who: *POSSESSES 0000 COMMUNICATtON SKILLS *HAS AMBITION AND SELF CONFIDENCE *IS EAGER TO LEARN *IS CAPABLE 0F EARNING AN ABOVE AVERAGE INCOME *AND IS NOT AFRAIO 1*0 WORK FOR IT. If you possess these qualities drop in and see us. Experience flot neCessary. Start immediately. Corne in to our office anytime Wednesday through Friday. M.B.M. PUBLISHING 131 Brock St. N., Whitby *Now Open * DENNIS CLEANERS Blair Park Plaza4 114 Lupin Dr., Whitby Opening Special4 HALF PRICE Dry cleaning only4 (exciuding suedes & leathers) (Mar. 17 - Mar.31 only) 666-13124 Dennis Cleaners4 iociatio Elli