rLJbWEDNESDAY, MARCH 24,1982, WHITBY FREE PRE3SS LTTERS TO THEDITOR, Parliame 'nt has' become a "comedy Of errors"9 Ruon says, Dear Sir: The resuits of the most recent Gallup Poili and events 0f the last two or three weeks have sureiy emphasized the idea that our parlia- ment has become a, "1comedy of errors"f and an embarrass- ment to many serlous - minded people Iooklng for sound, Intelligent government. What respect can the people of this country have for'a group of supposed- ly Intelligent and capableý men and, women, who -have been gîven the- res- ponsibility of rep- resenting us In par-, Ilament, when day after day we see themn on television acting more like a group of spoiled chiidren. + Why Worry - Let+ +FIGURES PLUS' Prepare your personal < ~-INCOMETAX RETURN. +100n +p 686393 15 Barr Road Ajax Hours 8 -5 The antics and posturing of our eiected represent- atîves woulId be amuslng, perhaps, If it were not *for the seriousness of the Issues. The tragedy ..f the unemployed, dIspossessed hom- eowners, faiiig smali businesses, and -underfunded social programs ln- creases while the ,credibiiity of parlia- ment dlinishes.' Parliamen t asý it exlsts now Is . a sham. What Is hap- pening now 18 a cover up for the ln- competence of the Liberai and Conser- vatîve .parti-es. These parties stand,' for the, Status Quo. Can anybody ac-, cept the Status Quo of March, 1982? ]K&M CLEANERS SAME DAY SERVICE ALTERATIlONS AND REPAIRS Tussah: Wild 811k Not ail siik is thIn, fine and shiney. S11k made from the co- coons of silkworms that grew ln the wild, instead of cultivated on farms, is cailed Tussah. Tussah fibers are ribbon- shaped, instead of round like cultlvated silk, and three tîmes as thlck. Tussah is naturally tan, and can neyer be dyed abso- luteiy white. The two fabrics made from Tussah are pongee and shan- tung. Bath have a course, nubby ap- pearance, since the yarns are so irregular. Shang-tung (named for a province in China) is the coarser of the two. These lightweight, textured fabrlcs are the newest fashion for spring suits, sometimes combined with other fibers. K&M cleaners warns that although Tussah i5 sturdier than culti- vated siik, ALI slik and silk blonds should be ciassified as fragile, and dry- cleaned oniy. Dry- cleaning is a caref ully controiled process that wilI not chafe silks. If silk is rub- bed, especilly when wet, the surface fibers break and cause the area to refiect iight different- ly. This creates the impression that the area has faded. It is clear that parliament, as we have experienced it for the last decade does not function democraticaiiy. Un- doubtediy, the fact that the Lîberais have been ln power so long has caused nothing to be done to change this state of affaîrs and mhake parliament function better. if they keep getting eiected, why change? Yet,, cleariy, changes must come. Both Liberais and Conservatives must be shown by the electorate that we are 'f ed Up wlth the style of recent Liberai and Tory governments. What' has hap- pened to integrity in politics? Parties who make promises such as the Conser- vatives did in the eleotion which led to them forming the government, must be shown by the electorate that we expect them to keep their promis- es, or they wili be kicked out. Parties who run with prac- tically no platform as the Liberais did ln the last election must know that they,have not been granted "carte blanche" by the electorate, whereby they can Impose energy price ln- crease, tax chang- es, and monetary policies that have. littie or no support ln any sect or of the economy. Fallure to act with politIcal .Inte- grity and'sensitivity to the needs'0f the majority of people In this country must be deait with harsh- iy by the voters and, the guilty polItIcal parties rejected ýat the polils. The time for politicai games, and trickery Is past. Change is needed not oniy in the attitudes of pur politicai party poli- cy makers but in the, role of parliamnent Itself. An urgent need for pari lament- ary reform must be satisfied soon or the whoie structure may f alil apart. The British and American exper- ience ln poiitics is one of frequent change and seems to be heaithier than ours. Changes of party and politicai philosophies ln government lead to more house clean-. ing and acco 'unta- biiity ln govern- ment. The thought.0f another party ,hav- lng a close look at the books probabiy sends fear into the hearts.of the Feder- ai Liberals and the Ontario Conserva- tives but It would be reassuring for many of us te know that other interested people have had an inside look at the actions of the gov- ernments of these parties over the years. Hopefuily both the Liberais- and Tories wiil be given a strong negative signal. in the next federai election so that they both ýrea- lîze that they dan- not play plolltical.. games wlth parlia-. ment and. the Ilves of the people of this country 'wlthout being accountable. The parliament- aryprocess ln this* country must once again command the trust and respect. of the people and the polîticai parties must regain a sense 0f trust ln each other. Geoff Rison, President, Ontario Ridlng, N.D.P. Association. EDITOR'S NOTE:ý Mr. Rison was the N.D.P.'s candIdate ln- the last two fed-. oral elections In whlch ho suffered diefeat. at the hands of our current, Pro- gressive Conserva. tUve, M.P. Scott Fennell. Tha nk-yo u Dear Sir: We, the Whlitby Tulip Trampers, Carnaval Club, ex- tend herewith Our sincere thanks for the kind-coopera- tion we have re- ceived from you, and the amount of, advertising you have contributed towards Our club activity in the past season. Hopefuily we can counit on your kind cooperation in our next season which wilbegin on Octo- ber 30, 1982 and which will mark our five-year anniver- sary of club exist- ance. In the meantime i shahl remain in al sincerity yours. C.JI. Qerlemans, Dovedale Drive, Whitby. LA CONTESSA HAIR SALON *SALES* MON DAYS ½ 2PRICE PERMS FOR ALL THE FAMILY TUESDAYS & WEDNESDAYS INTRODUCING SUSAN BOLDUC OUR NEW HAIRSTYLIST 1/2 PRICEON EVERY HAîR SERVICE AVAl LABLE INCLUDING PERMS 119 GREEN ST, WIIITBY 668'm9262 * **It ~ wETR ALITLE (OUIlUN H A (UP OF COfuR Have your H & R Block Office prepare your income tax retum and relax. Our people are specially trained to make sure you get ail deductions and credits you're entitled to. And if the tax retum we prepare is ever questioned, we'li represent you to the District Taxation Office any time and at no extra cost. So drop in soon for a nice hot cup of coffee and a littie peace of mind. HRBLC THE INOOME TAX SPECIAUSTS OSHAWA WHITBY 15 Bond St. E.- 122 Dundas St. W. 1343 King St. E. Pickerinlg 799 Park Rd. S. 82 Kngston Rd. W. Open 9 A. M. - 9 P. M. Weekdays; 9.-5 Sat. OPEN TONIGHT - NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY 7232217 .Alio In thoe locations durIng thoir rugular hours E AT NYs OSHAWA CENTRE %% C ain ui fat tL& ntêtE 9amiL y"p. 112 COLBORNE ST. W., WH ITBY 668-2831 DEFORE YOU SPEND MORE SEE WHY CFNTURY COSTS LESS