WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 1982e PAGE 3 Stifi waiting for comments.... No. decision on hearing for Bro oklin TORONTO- - It wiii be two or three weeks be- fore Ontario Minister 0f Municipal Affairs, and Housing Claude Bennett will decide whether or flot to send the pans for the expansion of Brook- lin to the Ontario Muni- cipal Board. Accordîng to David McHugh, director, of the ministry's community, planning department, iast Friday they were still awaiting the comm- ents '0f. various agencies to whom the plan proposai was cir- culated. Durham Regional Council gave its bless- ing to the proposai last year. Dutch tet Posing them for the camera was a difficuit task but it proved- well worth the effort. These two cbarming and pretty young girls are Amanda Knegje, aged 2 and ber 5-year-old sister Racheal 0f Whitby. They are dressed in the tradi- tionai style of the Netheriands. They were the centre of attraction at the Whitby, Public Library last Thursday as members of the Dutcb Canadian Club of'Durbam Region were featured in the library's "Around the World in Five Days" program. A crowd of youngsters were treated to Dýutch singing, dancing and games as led by club président John Henriks and his wife, Neli. -Free Pro.ýs Staff Photo Suspect i-court Frtiday The man accused with committing Durham Region's first murder of 1982 will appear in' Wbitby Provincial Court on Friday.. Tbis will be the second court appearance for Michael Mattbew Davis, 19, of Cambridge Court, Oshawa wbo was charged witb first degree murder 10 days ago. Davis was charged af- ter tbe body of James Duncan Newlands, 20,0of Agnes Street,., Oshawa was found ini a home at the base of Thickson Road South near Lalke Ontario. According to police, Newlands had been shot twice witb a 12'gauge sbotgun - once in tbe front and once in the back. The'body was found on March 19, tbree days after police believe he was killed. This is 1982's first homicide for the region and is\the first in the Town of Whitby since the July, 1979 slaying of, Kathleen Wells. Under the- terms and. conditions set down by regionai council, First City Development Com-, pany Limited and its partners will be aiiowed to build some 2,100 sin- gle family dwelllngs in the bamiet providing they pay the full cost of bringing trunk, water supply and sanitary sewer pipes to the hamlet. The developer will also be obliged to haveý the pipes installed to-the lot- lines, of existing homes and businesses in the hamlet. - This project- wiil cost an estimfated $8 million. If the' projeet is suc- cessful, the hamlet will grow into a town with a population of 10,500 over its ten year life span. The village's'current population is 1,600. *McHugh said that bis department. is - tili waiting for responses' to the plan from many agencies încluding the Ministry 0f the Envir- onment and the Minis- try of Agriculture and Food. Once these comments are received, he said that it wili take two ,to three weeks before -a report can be submitted to the minister. "I'd say that's the minimum period," McHugh said. He also said that the plan has been circulated to the region's mnember municipalities, liow- ever, none have as yet objected to the plan. "An amendment to the regionai officiai plan, that in our view af- fects the entire region, we circulate to ail muni- cipalities," McHugh said. "To my knowledge, we have not received an objection from the area municipalities at this time, " he added. However, McHugh stated that the ministry 'has yet.to hear the reac- tion of the City of' Oshawa. And, two Oshawa poli- ticians have filed ob- jections to the plan. Regional Councillor Ed Koiodzie and Oshawa Public Utilities Commissioner Gora Burnett have filed ob- jections to the plan. Their objections to the plan are based on the reports submnitted by both the.region's and the Town of Whitby's plan- ning staff . Both. planning staffs said that the projectwas premature, and the region's staff main- tained that the project could end up costing the region $5.6 million.. However,, the pro- ject's supporters have claimed that the project represents a,$6.8 million shot in the arm for'the region and that the tax- payers wili get needed water and sewer ser- vices without cost. -' - Koiodzie has also said that the development à greement that was signed with First City by the region is illegal because amencunents to the officiai plan cannot be granted with cost provisions. A similar opinion bas been offered by the region's solicitor. It is almost entireiy up to the minister as to whetber the plan should go to tbe Ontario Muni- cipal Board for 1a hearing. If he believes the objections are frivo- ious or are submitted to delay tbe projeet he is, noôt obliged to send it to the board. .However, the board does, bave the power to prevent the project from proceeding. Why Worry - ýLet FIGURES PLUS Prepare your personal UNCOME TAX RETU RN. $120,0 and up 686-3930 15 Barr Road Ajax. Hours 8- 5 4' il + + + + TYPE WR ITE RS ADDING MACHINES e CALCULATORS SA LES *SERVICE,@ RENTALS 1tsipoor day when.we haven't helped a customer- Y?