Whitby Free Press, 7 Apr 1982, p. 15

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WHITBY'FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7,. 1982, PAGE.151 0 w MOECOMIN«G EVENTS w w - LOGO CONTEST The Whitby -Publicý Library is holding a con- test to select. a logo for, the library. Entries will be judged by a, panel appointed by the llbrary board and a prize of $100 will .be given to the entry chosen as the new Whit- by Public *Library logo. The contest is, opn to everyone -except prof essional artists - regardless.of residency. Participants can submit as many, entries as wished providing they are'suitable for a letterhead and, incor- porate some concept applicable,. to the library. Logos must.,be ,sub- mitdin final "let- terhead". proportions. Ail entries - which must be reveived no later than May 3, 1 982 - must have the entrant's name, 'address -and telephone nu mber clearly marked on, the back and should be sent or delivered to -the library, 400',,Dundas 1, Street West, Whitby. For more info r- mation,. cail the library at 668-6531. SPRING FLING The Whitby Good Co mpa n i ons Se nio r Citizens Club will hold it annual " Spring Fling Sale" 'from 10 a.m. to 3 p.mn.,at Fairview Lodge on April 17. Ten fine prizes will be drawn at 3p.m. -Featured will be -fan- cy goods, home baking, j hardware, plants and- other items. Refreshments will be. avallable. SANDRA BEECH Sandra Beech Will be. in concert at the East- dale Collegiate, Harl- mony, Road North, Oshawa, on April 18 at 3 p.m. Tickets are $2.50 each and -available .from Middleton's Stationary <Limited,, Dundas St. West, Whitby.. MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER' The next "World Wide Marriage En counter 1 weekend- to be held, on Durham Region will take- place at 'the < Holiday Inn, Oshawa,on April 2,24 and 25. For more information cali 'Ralph . or, Therese Luke at 728-348. STUDENT ART- The students and visual arts teachers of the Durham Board of Education will hold -their fifth biennial exhibition of student art from April 6 to 20 at the Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa. Students from kmn- dergarten to, grade 13 will be represented. -A wide variety of art cMations, live demon- strations, live and taped music from high school bands and choirs will be featured. JUST IMAGINE "Just Imagine" is a special one-day drama workshop for child ren in grades four to six Ithat will be held on April 14 from 4 to 5 p.m. in the auditorium of the Whit- by Public Library.. Pre-registration is required. For more in- formation cali 668-6541. music The Whitby Public Libraàry will, present Erie Nagel and "Mak- ing Music Together" on April 15 from 7:30 to 8: 15 p. m. in 'the auditorium. No tickets or registra- tion is needed and al are welcome., STO-P SMIOKING- Haeyou tried to stop smoking but falled? Are you afrald you wliI gain4 weight If- you stop smoking? Are cigar- ettes bothering you? Do you get pains4 i your chest or stomach f rom smoki ng4 When you decide to quit smoking 4 when you know in-your heart that you must quit - send for: "My Guide f0 Butts Ouf" 4 hFor the price of $6.95, shipping charges încluded. (NO CASH PLEASE.) Send your cheque or money order to: The Robins Nest Co. P.O. Box 146 Whitby, Ontarlo, Canada Li N 5R7 AIIow 4 weeks for delivery. NAME ADDRESS AT___ CITY __________PROV.- POSTALCODE. ___PHONE NO.___ "Food as an Invest- ment" will be'.the themeý of a special program to be presented by the Whitby Public Library on April 21 from 7:301to 9 p.m. The guest speaker will be Rick ,and, Nancy. Hird', the proprietors of "Hird's Health Pro- ducts." Theê evening will focus on 1food' storage during times ofincreasing un- employment, inflation and shortages.1 Nhile there is1 no ad- mission charge, pre- registration is required. For more information cal the li brary at 668- 6541. ONLY A HOBBY "OnIy a Hobby" will be April's theme lat the Whitby Public Library. An exhibition of a wide variety.0f hobbies - stained glass, geneo- logy, quilting, pressed flowers, carving, bunka ernbroidery and photo- graphy - wyill be fea- tured'. The artists partici- pating in the program will also give demon- strations in their hobby on the following dates: April 17 - stained glass with, Jan Kent from 2to 3p.m.'; April 20 - Bunka- art with, Mary Wilton from 10tol11a.m.; April 22 - quilting with Sheila Cormack froin 10 YORK( CHAMPION HEAT PUMP Replacing your prasertt forced air fumace, a York~ Champion Hlast Pump can cut your heating cos over 50%* If you now hast wlth 011 or electrlty.. . 25%. or more* If you're a gas user. And If you convert f rom oli to a York Hast Purnp. you could qualtfy for a Faderai Govam- mantgrant 0f $«0. YORK MAXIMIZER ADD.ON HEAT PUMP You can add a Yoflc MaxiMiser Hast Pump bo your prasarti forcad-atr sysiarn. It rtains your existing fuel source for aupplemental hast and the savings wlIi be close f0 those avalabla wth the Champion Hast Pump. And th govern- ment grant f001oi usersfOI appites. toll1a.m.; April 27 - carving with Pat Wilson, fr'om 3 to 4:30 p.rn and from 7 to 8 p.m.; and, April 29 - geneology with Robert .Laviolette fromi7 to 8p. m. For more information cali the library at .668- 6541. > APRIL DANCE The Whitby Senior- Citizen's Activity Cen- tre will hold its monthly dance on April 17 at 7:30 p.m. at the centre, 801, Brock Street South. The dance will have a western theme and a -prize will be given for the best western outfit. The evening Will also feature a meal of Chili con carne and beans. Admission $2. For, more information cali the centre at 668-1424. ONE PARENT MEETING The next meeting of YORK'S DEMAND DEFROST unitice othar nast pumpa whlcfl dafrost on a tlmed cycle, ait York Heast Pumpa dafrost onty when raqutrad, fharaby 'ustng tees anergy and savlng you aven more money. the Oshawa Chapter of the, One Parent' Fami- lies Association of' Canada will be held on April 13 at 8:30 p.mn. in thé Lake Vista Club- house, Emerald Ave., Oshawa, The-guest speaker will be Leonard Teems' of Reid's Florists. The next meeting of the associati n's North Oshawa Chapter wilI be held on April 14 at 8 p.m. at Christ Memorial Church, Mary and Hill- croft Streets, Oshawa. 1This meeting will fea- ture a -"Tupperware" party. For more information cail t he association's Durham District Office at 728-7205. < AGLOW MEETING The next meeting of the' Women's Aglow Fellowship will be held tomorrow (April 8) at 8 p.m. at Evangel Chur- ch, 374 Farewell Ave., YORK." -teating and Air Conditioning <MMazMlPw JICA4 .~~'a" B(. AWNF 4 P M Superior Plumbing& Hetng Co, Ltd.' 251 Simcoe St. 'S., Oshawa, Ont. (416) 723-3407 Oshawa. >Ail are welcome. For moire information- cal 668-0115. SAIL PROGRAM The ^Whitby Yacht Club will continue its Wednesday night Win- ter Sail Prfogram in the, month of'April beginn- ing at 8 p.m. 1Topfics includes "Tal Ships" (April 7), pre- paring your. boat for the water (April 14) 'and a skipper's night (April 21). The. club is located on the west side,0f Whitby, Harbor. Access is gained from Gordon Street, south of Victoria .-Street.' RUMMAGE SALE The Durham Regional Police Ladies' Auxiliary will hold a rummage sale on April, 22 from .12 noon to 2 p.m. at Sin coe Hall,' 387 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa,. Anyone wishing. to donate items for the sale or wishing- more infor- mation. should cal Marlene Hall at .668- Ail proceedswîll be donated to charity.. AFTER FOUR >FILMS' Walt Disney cartoons will' be featured throughout the month of April' in the Wîb Public Library 's "After. Four Films",program, The films are shown in the auditorium every Tuesday at 4 p.m. in the auditorium for children in grades two to six. For more information eall the-library, at M6- 6541. 2A handy new book by Sidney Led. <son, author of the best-sellIng book, 'Teach Your ChiId to Read ln 60 Days'. Heres a book no stenographer should be without; virtually a unlverslty course in grammer - but presented in aliIvely way no university can atch. 39 o PRINTING & OFFICE SUPPLY 218, Harwood Ave. S., Ajax 638-1968-

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