PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 1982,-WHITBY FREE PREýS -- - Averagepropert y tax»llover.$1,O The average home- owner in the Town of Whitby will pay over $1,000 in property tax this year. In Whitby, the aver- a ge home has an assess- ed value of $5,000. This will mean a tax bill of $l,084.55 this year. Last year, that same bill was $998.37 for an increase of $86.18. As usual, the biggest chunk of this year's neighourhproperty taxes will go to n bou hbodthe Durham Board of Ectucation. If their bud- get is approved as pre- sented later this month, the average taxpayer r ~will forkç out $535-06 of S pecial.piece-ofthe total $86,18 increase. The board ac- counts for $628à 4 of that figure. 0f the $1,084.55, the. Town of Whitby. will receive $369 or $16 more, 'STAR TUBLERS' d las e E PItSThe smallest portion <of Durham. This year, the region will get MIE $180.49, an increase of $7.34 over 1981. Those residents of the Town of Whitby who live in rural areas (gener- ally defined as being north of Rossland Road) will get a slightly better deal on their tax bill. *In 1982, rural resi- dents will pay $1,050-05 in property taxes, an in- crease 0f ,$68.68,over Rural residents. pay. the same tax levy for regional and 'school 'Star Tumblers' are your board purposes but pay' participating eghorho lower local taxes. TeTheir town tax bill Txaco Retailer's way of will be $334.50, an in- saying 'Thanks', for your past and crase of $8.50 oe fuuetsln uies n Sa Rural residents pay gasoinebusnes. Ad 'tarless in local taxes Tumblers' are so easy to collect. Just because they do flot ask im à r our'tarTumlerreceive some town ser- ask hm fo you 'Str Tublervices such as municipal Collector Card' and have your gas garbage collection or purchases recorded on your card. When thé tanstsrvice. yurah10litresa'tr u be yors ownership is constantly yoru2c r eh 120 artyo'Star Tubleieyusgoing up and it looks as f fo 29 or ess Stat yur 'tarTumber'though the local levels colletiontoday Ifsan aded vlue rom yur (specalyth sholf honor of the Easter holiday. He said that there will be no letter carrier, wicket, street letter box collection or rural route services. However, the box lob- by will romain open. Another good reasn to vist your neighbourhood Texaco Retailer.SMPE The. simple solution to cl.enlig storsgs in t"i. ttic and gg*anseaà .. dLASSIFIED AD CALI 668111 WHITBY FREE PRESS