Whitby Free Press, 14 Apr 1982, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS CALL A PROFESSIGIAL I JOHN F0 RSYTH CONTRACTING Custom Renovatlons i AddItions Roc Rooma e Deoke Saunas & Hot Tubs Skyllghts Ouaranteed Workmanshlp 668-4045 afler 7:00 p.m. CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS' IMPROVEM ENTS METRO LIC. B-2554 LIVE -MUSlC IS BEST. ' "CONTIMENTALS'o MUSIC for weddings, dances, banquets, anniversaries, etc. We play requests. Phone - 668-3741, HIGHEST PRICES Peid for'Gold and Slver coins; old guns, dlocks, jewelery, dishes, furni- ture, cracks, ail peint- Ings and sealers.' 1 ing, Drywall, .Rec. FRIENDLY aoms, Ceder Decks FLEA MARKET end Patio Doars. FREE ESTIMATES 72509783 23 KING ST. W., CALL 668-4686 'OSHAWA COMPETITIVE INSURAINCE F RATES FORI AUTO HOME MARINE *COMMERCIAL *TRAVEL *BUSINESS LIABILITY I (416).668-5544 SERVI CES 1'GRAMMAR FOR PEOPLE who hate grammar- la the Ides) pocket rsference book for business peo- pie. $3.95 per copy and avalieabie et Dickson Printing & Office sup- pilies ln tho Ajax Plaza. Dealer on- quiries Invted 683-1968. SEVES CONGRATULATIONS on your for- thcÃ"ming marriage. Pleaseo viw Our samples of engraved wedding Invitations et your leisure ln our Ajax Plaza store. Dickson Printing & Office Supplies 6831968. HELP IS ON THE WAY for firme whose prinlor has recently gone oui of business. Lou DIckson has the cost culting Idoas you need et a lime like-th18 683-1968. SHISKO INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED 117 KING ST. P-0. BOX 253 WH ITBY, ONT. LIÏN, S1 TRACTOR TRAILER TRAINING For Ciass A & D License Cali PARTICIPATION 416-363-8031 Ontuo ReaW ou oa 71Fm 1-800-268-9689 Day, Eve. & Sat. courses DEMTING FOR PROFESSONAL RESULTS, DIAL A PRO. PAINTING & WALLPAPER A PROFESSION - NOT A SIDELINE.] 122 yosrs experlenco. Also- dry- Wall taplng à texture spray (atucco). Free estîmatos. Budget prices. Cal) anytimo: 576-2401 NOTICES NOTICE TO' CREDITORS AND OTHERS Ali ldaims against the Estate of JEAN McLENN- AN, late of. the Town of Whitby, ln the Regional' Municipaiity af Durham, who died on.the llth day of September, 1981, must be filied with the under- signed Executor on or before the 3rd day of May, 1982, after which date the estate wiII bedIstributed, havlng regard oniy to the claims ofwhich the Exe- cutor shail then have notice. DATED at Toronto this 31lst day of March, 1982. ROYAL TRUST CORPORATION 0F CANADA, -Box 7500. Station A. Toronto, Ontario, >M5W 1P9 Executor, By Lang, Michener, Cranston, Farquharson & Wright, its Solicitors herein. ,ARICLS FOIR SALE TREÉES - SHRU BS PLANTS FOR SALE By hobby gardenor. Spruce, ash, pine, meple, cedar, larch, locus, dwarf apple, pear., Plants - peonles, Iris, Illac, forsythia, lily of the valloy, wintsr onion, asparagus, rhubarb, horseradish, strawbsrry, raspberry, etc. Limited supply. Al very reasonably priced. Phone 655-4525 for further infor- mation. DEKOKER' MEAT PACKERS LTD. SIDESOFBEEF 3.71 kg. (1.69 lb.) 725-4245 1.(705)277-2324 2" Stormn Doors Triple Sealed 5 coors$793 0' 4 styles lnstalled & Guaranteed. Also eco- nomicai and energy efficient storm and replacement thermal windows and enclosures. FREE ESTIMATES DuramGlass 666-3355 after hours 666-1847 WANNAMAKER AUCTION SERVICES 1614 Charles St., Whitby WANTED - Estates, household items, furni-, ture, glass, tools & equîp- .. .. ... .. . .. . ARICLES FOR SALE VISIT OUR used furnIture ware- houes by appoinîment. Blg savings on'deeka, chairs,fIling cabinets, etc. Cal Dickson Print- Ing & Office Supplies to arrange an appoînîment to view 683-1968. LARGE office desk $50. Chest of drawers $30. childrens table & chair set $20. Cross-country ekIls, one adulte and one childe, $75. Wooden lawn chaire, $15 each. 5 foot wooden coffse table. Glrl's clothlng, large assortment, sîzes 10-12. Caîl668-7614. KIRBY VACUUM CLEANER com- piete wlth attachmente. Very reasonabie. Cal) 668-0748. A RTICLES FOR RENTI TYPEWRITER RENTAL, msny makes and modoIs, by tho woek- end, week or month. Discounts avallablo. Dlckson Printing & 0f- f Ico Supplies ln the Aax Plaza. Caeil us for business machine. repaire 683-1968. AU3TONS ARTICLES FOR SALE FOUR MAC WHEELS with new radial tires, f it Ford truck or van, $500. Rosse hitch.coulplete wlth elsctronlc brake, fit Ford truck or van, $250. Double skldoo trelIer $250. Caîl 668-8564. OUVREN LARGE DOG CRATE. Phone 579- 3582. ANTIQUES, collectables,1 china, glass & furnturs wanted. WII pay cash. 576-7645. ~Z!FREE FREE: Drop into the Dlckson Printing & Office Supply store, ln ths Ajax Plaza and pick up e free ,copy of their 1982 Metrlc calon- dar. Prlnted In two colours, il makes for handy reference 683- 1968. AUONS AUCTION SALES East Centrai 'Ontario Simmental Assoc. 3rd Annual SelectSale. SATURDAY, APRIL 17,7 P.M. Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge Purebred & percentage females bred & open. Many excellent 4-H caif prospects. Several good bu ils. For information or cataiog contact: BRYCE HAN DLEY at 1-418-797-2306 or GERALD DORIS at 1-705-295-6517 WANNA 'MAKER AUCTION SERVICES 1614 Charles St., Whitby WANTED. Estates, household items, furni- ture, glass, tools & equip- ment. The place to buy or seil. We will pick up. 666-3731 668-8403 <DAYS) (EVGS.) JACKSON AUCTION EERS Esieles - Ferme Household - Antiques Murray Jackson 985-2459 Robert Jackson 655-4878 ~AïNTE AUCTIONEERS "REAL ESTAT" SPECIALISTI WE ARE NOW OFFERING A TOTALLY SPECIALIZED ALTERNATIVE IN SELLING, "BY AUCTION" - VOUR HOME, VACANT LAND OR COMMERCIAL PROPERTY. WIIY REAI. ESTIATE BY AtIICTION? IT SELLS VOUR PROPERTY, IN A QUICK EFFICIENT MANNER! IT SELLS YOUR PROPERTY, TO THÉÏH1GHEST BIDDER, IN COMPETITIVE'BIDDING! IT OFFERS VOUR PROPERTY, TO BE SEEN BY MANVI I)ON'T I)ELAY CALL TO-I)AY - HENRY KAHN - 985-8161 or (iEOR(;E SULLI VAN - 668-8826 mmi [a HELP WANTED I Senior Communcallons Olilcor $484.00 - $576.00 per woek (undor rovlew), This is an opportunity with the MINISTRY 0F >REVENUE, communications adviser, communica- tions services, fôr 'a skilled communications, generaiist ta join an- expandjng*team of public- relat Ions. prof essionals In a challenging and fast'1- moving work environment. Duties include: provid- ing communications advice and technical support to the min:ister, deputy minister and senior management; assuming independent contrai of projeots invaiving publications, media advertislng, audio-visuel production, media relations Inciuding releases and conferences, speeches and the for- mulation and Impiementation of comffunloatidnsi strategies; the design, maintenance, staff ing and utilizatian of ministry exhibits; other dutiesý as assigned. Location:* Currently Toronta,'hawever, this, posi- tion wili be availabl 'e only ta those who are willing; ta work In Oshawa- when the ministry relacates' later this year. Qualifications: Extensive, experience ln the com- munications field with appiied knowiedge 0f.al, major public relations tools;-strong writing, analy- tical and interper.sonai abilities; sensitivIty ta deadiines and an appreciation 0f working Inde-, pendentîy; practical knowledge of ail aspects of publication production. Pl'ease submit application quoting file RE-546 by April,26, 1982, ta: Ministry of Revenue, Personnel Services Branch, 77 Bloor Street West, 2Oth Floor, Toronto, Ontario, M7A 1X8. Equaiity of Opportunity for Empioyment ~ Ontarlo Ontario Public. Service COMMERCIAL .~'PROPERTYI Ci FOR SALE/RENT DISTRESS SALE, Super financ- Ing. Two commercial buildings 19 miles north of Whitby. 85 foot on Highwsy 12. $79900. 1.364-4662 or 1-449-7010. FLOIDA VACATION W: RENTSALS Cloarwater - Taestho famlly, trebedroom, two bathroom Icountry club homes, pools,I tennis, close to major attrac- tions, only $20000 U.S. week]ly. 683-5503 wlien you are buylng or c.lling And c CLASSIFIED timoly way toca quick solution. CLASSIFIED AD WHITBY FREE PRESS- w-) MATURE, RELIABLE PERSON wented (o cars for two chiidren April 19 to June 30, 7:30 a.m. 10 6 p.m. Monday 10 Fridsy. West Lyn- de ares. Caîl 668-6998. LOVE NEEDLECRAFT?,- ENJOY TEACHING? Teach basic neediecraft skille and' lurni your hobby lnto$$$'s. Peri: time or fuil-timýe. Cal)lod6cayl Peri* ny - 686-2542. *BOYS & GIRLS* Work only e few hours each wsskl The Whitby Free Prose needâ carriers to delilver our paper once a wesk. Starl nowl Oel Oircuistion et 668-6111. VALABLE MOTHERS SUMMER HELPERSý, live-in girls from Quebec. heip- with children and housswork, succose or refund guarantssd.. Caeil 282-2478. HIGlI SCIIOOL GRADUATE aval)- able to tutor math up 10 grade 8. $5.00 per hour. Oaîî 668-7614. I ATTENTION DIISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your edvertisemnent for errors on the f irst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press MI not ýbe hiable for failure to publlsh an ad, or for typogrephic errors in publica- tion beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up ta a maximum cost of the f irst insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right ta classify or reject ail edvertisements. Ads must appeer in fhe paper one day before they cen be changed or cenceil1ed. RATES: $4.06 for 20 words If biled; 12o each additionaî word. Pre-paid Insertion of 20 words $3.50; eddltional words lic each. You may charge your Classifled Ad ta, your Chargex or Visa Account and receive the discount on the price of your ad. Please have your Visa cerd ready when calling. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irst 100 words; 12e each additional word. N MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the f irst 5 words; l2ceach additional word. AUCTION SALES -32c per Une. (No word eds allowed.) BOX N *UMBERS: Box numbers are available et an additional charge of $ZO.- The Whitby Free Press wili meke every en- deavour to forward replies t0 box numbers, however, we ec- cept no iiability regarding loss or damage alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding such replies. We wilI flot be responsible for box number replies not celled for within 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior ta publication ta insert or cancel Ciassified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication ta ln- sert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-61,11 ~Danuîi.641.01W AUTO - FIRE - LIFE - DISABILITY GIVE YOUR BUSINESS A LIFT! Advertlse your business under "cal) A Professlonal" and get lm- imediate resulte. The Whltby Free Presse le rad each week by over 70,000 potentlal4ustomers. iThlnk about what we cen do for you............... then cal) us. 668-6111 1 1

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