PA G E 1,WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1982, WHTBY FR.EEPRESS -Open Septem ber, 1983.... $3 illon fr -newDO' STbe"' provincial goverment has, aloatd$323 million for the construction of a. new Denis O'Connor High School., 'ý Tbat'news simply de- ligbted senior officiais of the Durham Regiopal Roman',Catbolic Separ- ate Scbool Boardwhen it came down last week.- According to Durbam West MPP a nd'Ontario Minister, of ]Revenue George Ashe, the, board wil receive the money for its next fiscal year. Ashe said that -the allocation will bring a, sense of "renewal" to' Denis O'Connor. The school's- princi- pal,,. Sister Mary, Goulet,, said sbe was 6abolutely delighted with the news. " She pointed out that while enrolment at Dbot was ,increasing,- facilities haven't been. SAccordlng 'to board chairman Trustee, James - Brady, it is hoped« that the new' sehool will be open by September, 1983, >When completqd, the, sehool will bouse a stu- dent' population twice the size of the current, 512. 1However, tbe funding, from -tbe' provincial government,.will' only, provide money fo faiiisto accomnmo-,, date students In grade .9 and 10. DO'C's priva te board will bave to corne up witbi the money to pro- vide facilities for students, in grades il, 12 and 13. Under provin- cial law, Catholic school boards only receive- public money for pro-- grams up to grade 10. >After that, the separate system is a private 9 ne. The newhigh school will not only provide space for, 460 grade '9 and ,10 students but will include' classrooms: for i ndustrial arts- 'and family studies, pro- grams, tbree science labs, two special educa- tion rooma, an artý room, and two music rooms, as well as a-double, gym. The -current 'Giffard Streetý facillty bas none of these fadilities. When completed, the ne w scbool will also hold some 460 stiîdents in grades 11, 12 and 13. According to Bishop Robert Clune, some funding could be forth-, coming' from the, Diocese, of Toronto's, high'school commission. Over, the years, overcrowuling at DQ'C had beconie a mtdJor -issue in front of the separate ,school' lboaï'd and e arllerthis> year, they gave a new hlgh school for thé. last two western part of- the reglon top priorlty. <The board bas only one other hlÈb school - Paul Diwyer Hlgh Sebool ln Oshawa. Brady said that wbile a new site bas yett»olie found, he expects a deci- sion to be made shortly. The current facility will then be used to relieve overcrowding pres sure at St. John the Evangellst Separae Sehool-wblch la located nextdoor.- Seen here is the new executive committee of the Volunteer Association of the Durham Centre for the Developmentally Handicapped. In the centre is president CarolStock. Lef t is vice-president Helene FoIk and on the right is« treasurer Betty Thomas.< Absent from the photograph is secretary Pat Patters'on. -Free Press Staff Photo THE REBATES CONT>INUE...B BUY NO~W FOR SPRINGBElVR Choose from- .CHEVETTES ~5100REBATE CELEBRITY & CIERA CAVALIERS & FIRENZA ý$75O REBATE, msl CITATION& OMEGA . ~75O REBATE CADILLAC SEVILLE $29000O REBATE The,,Rebates'are available on cars1 stock or ordered prior, to April purchasedIf rom 301,19820" "We Lese, Everything We el 686-1311 14,0 Bond St'. West- O0s-hawa, Ontarlo. 72,5m6501 e mm.:- ONTRIOMOTR SALE Ctievrolet-Oldsmobile-Cadillac Sales & Service Since 1923